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Can You Catch A Cold?

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2 years, 3 months ago

**Free Live Webinar!

Metabolic Disease: The Hidden Hand of Toxicity

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Join me next Wednesday, the 16th of November at 6 PM for a free live webinar.

Metabolic diseases (obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease) are rapidly becoming one of the most significant burdens of disease, not only in Australia, but the Western world. In fact, the incidence of these diseases has increased almost 10-fold in the last 5 decades. A number of factors have been wrongfully implicated in the development and progression of metabolic disease in recent times including saturated fat, cholesterol and sugar. Consequently, our focus on these relatively benign factors has overshadowed the potentially true cause, toxicity.

This webinar aims to;

  1. Dispel the common misconceptions that saturated fat, cholesterol and sugar are the cause of metabolic disease
  2. Review the current scientific evidence implicating toxins such as persistent organic pollutants in the pathogenesis of metabolic disease
  3. Highlight the major sources of environmental and dietary toxin exposure
  4. Provide practical suggestions around how to reduce exposure to toxins and explore various detoxification strategies

Hope to see you there!


Metabolic Disease: The Hidden Hand of Toxicity

Metabolic diseases (obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease) are rapidly becoming one of the most significant burdens of disease in the Western world. This webinar aims to dispel the common misconceptions that saturated fat, cholesterol and sugar are…

**Free Live Webinar!
2 years, 3 months ago
Yesterday the petrol warning light came …

Yesterday the petrol warning light came on in my car. Did the warning light cause the fuel tank to become empty? Of course not. The tank ran empty first, then the light came on. In other words, the warning light is the symptom or consequence of the empty tank.

Symptoms do not cause disease, they are the body's signal that something is wrong. The tissue becomes diseased first, then the symptoms arise. The symptoms are the answer to the problem and indicate the body is in an active state of healing.

Elevated blood sugar doesn't cause diabetes, it is the symptom / consequence.

High cholesterol doesn't cause heart disease, it is the symptom / consequence.

Neurochemical imbalance doesn't cause depression, it is the symptom / consequence.

Dysbiosis doesn't cause gastrointestinal disease, it is the symptom / consequence.

Germs don't cause disease, they are the symptom / consequence.

Time to stop blaming the body's warning & healing response as the cause of disease.

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2 years, 3 months ago
People used to (and still do) …

People used to (and still do) put their babies outside to nap, on freezing cold days. Apparently this is done to reduce the number of colds and flu's a child gets by 'strengthening the immune system'1.

Is this really strengthening the immune system, or is it simply building up the child's tolerance to cold temperatures?

Many experiments have been done showing that exposure to cold temperatures induces the common cold.

During World War I, Gahwyler conducted two experiments involving 8000 soldiers. In the first, 2700 were sent out in to the cold, wet trenches for three days whilst 5300 remained in the barracks. In the second experiment 4500 soldiers were sent out for three days and 3500 remained in their quarters. In both experiments, the incidence of colds among those exposed to cold conditions, were four times that of those who remained inside2.

Have you ever caught a cold after being in cold, windy conditions? Makes you really think twice about why we call it a "cold".

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2 years, 3 months ago
Contrary to popular belief, universities are …

Contrary to popular belief, universities are not places for free thinkers who challenge the status quo. The word "university" is the antithesis of "diversity". Such institutions encourage "one" way of thinking, "one" perspective.

Students spend considerable time & money to be taught, old, redundant & outdated concepts. Ethically, I could no longer continue teaching a curriculum which I do not believe in.

Whilst the majority of the students that I taught were appreciative, a small handful were obviously not & made complaints. Heaven forbid a teacher would want to challenge their students with novel ideas.

I finally had enough when the information being put forward by doctors & scientists appearing on my podcast was put under the microscope by my employer.

Everyone is entitled to freedom of speech without limitation or ridicule. I will continue educating those willing to learn on this platform.

Thank you to everyone who has supported me over the years. Onwards and upwards!

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2 years, 3 months ago

Episode 65: Dr. Nadia Hamade-Saad - Do Viruses Facilitate Healing?

Dr. Nadia Hamade-Saad MD, PhD is an Integral Medicine Doctor who specializes in detoxification, acute and chronic disease management, and energy medicine. With over 20 years experience in conventional medicine, Dr. Hamade-Saad has expanded her knowledge in the realm of holistic healing to bridge the gap between mainstream disease management and quantum healing.

Dr. Hamade-Saad recently completed her PhD dissertation titled "Viruses May Be Endogenously Generated Adaptive Messenger Particles That Facilitate Healing". In this episode of the Humanley podcast, Dr. Hamade-Saad joins me to discuss her dissertation, why viruses are not the cause of disease and might actually be a part of the healing response, the lack of scientific evidence supporting germ theory, her journey of discovery in to terrain theory and much more.

Visit the Dr. Hamade-Saad's Website:

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The Humanley Podcast Episode 65

Dr. Nadia Hamade-Saad MD, PhD is an Integral Medicine Doctor who specializes in detoxification, acute and chronic disease management, and energy medicine.

**Episode 65: Dr. Nadia Hamade-Saad - Do Viruses Facilitate Healing?**
2 years, 4 months ago

After coming to the realisation that there is insufficient evidence to show viruses cause disease, I began looking in to other so called pathogens including bacteria, parasites and mould. What I found, was that there was a lack of evidence proving any of these things actually cause disease. Several months ago, I was approached by the Exposing Mould podcast to put forward my ideas around why mould may actually be the answer to the problem and not the cause.


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Episode 91 - Does Mold Cause Disease with Daniel Roytas - Exposing Mold

Daniel Roytas, MHSc, BHSc is a Naturopath, Nutritionist and Remedial Massage Therapist with over 10 years clinical and educational experience. Daniel is founder and creator of Humanley, a podcast and a continuing professional education platform for allied…

After coming to the realisation that there is insufficient evidence to show viruses cause disease, I began looking in to …
2 years, 4 months ago
This [paper]( published in JAMA highlights …

This paper published in JAMA highlights the reason why so many doctors, scientists and members of the general public are questioning the field of virology.

Virology has not sufficiently proven the existence of viruses and transmission through scientific means. Rather they have propped up the idea with observations, assumptions and unproven theories.

Where are the papers that contain the experiments strictly adhering to the scientific method that validate virology?

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2 years, 4 months ago
In 1891, Dr. John P. Wall …

In 1891, Dr. John P. Wall published a paper in the Atlanta Medical Journal suggesting that Yellow Fever was caused by a toxin, not a germ.

He said "Where micro-organisms are found in diseases, the question naturally arises as to whether they are the cause or the result of the disease in question."

"Germ theory is probably as fallacious as many other theories which have sprung up in medicine, been accepted and flourished for awhile, to be finally forgotten or only remembered as curiosities of medical literature."

People often ask why I post such old papers. The simple answer, is because this was a time when medical doctors could publish their theories and ideas, without censorship or fear of reprisal. No such paper would ever be published today.

You can download the full text PDF here.

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2 years, 4 months ago
**"World's dirtiest man dies at age …

"World's dirtiest man dies at age 94 after taking his first shower in 67 years".The article says "Apart from an aversion to soap & water, the Iranian was otherwise healthy, despite only eating uncooked porcupine roadkill & drinking dirty water from puddles out of a rusty oil can."

The article continues "Scientists were surprised to find he hadn’t suffered from any bacteria or parasites apart from Trichinosis, a bacteria that comes from eating raw meat and causes a common infection. Tests including for HIV and hepatitis all came up negative as well."

How is it possible to be completely healthy at 94, without any personal hygiene & not become sick from a 'germ'. Some might argue it's because he had a 'strong immune system'. How can anyone have a 'strong immune system' living in squalor, eating roadkill & drinking puddle water?

Can anyone from the mainstream please explain how this is possible, according to germ theory?

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