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Last updated 4 weeks ago
...Whatever this direction
We will receive
This flow ...
Through all eternity
We are as always
Another Farsided CME
September 5, 2024 @ 10:10 UTC
Another large farsided CME observed. Although LASCO imagery is currently not up to date, STEREO Ahead captures a fast moving, full halo CME leaving the Sun. Again because this is happened on the other side of the Sun, the plasma cloud will be directed away from our planet.
Andromedan DNA Activation Included in This Message ∞The Andromedan Council of Light, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“We are the Andromedan Council of Light, and we are very excited to be connecting with you.
You have been opening yourselves up to more of the galactic energies that are coming in to serve you and to support you on your ascension journey. Those of you who are awake and aware are more open to energies that would be considered extra-terrestrial. And when you open up to us and our energies, you get a more whole and complete version of yourself to navigate through your life experience.
You are meant to be integrating different aspects of yourselves at this time so that you can know yourself as a galactic being, as a universal being, and ultimately as a Source Energy Being. You are taking baby steps to knowing yourselves as Source. Many of you get excited when you realize that you are starseed and that you’ve had many incarnations in other parts of the galaxy on other worlds. For now you may get more excited about that truth than you are excited about the truth that you are an aspect of Source, and that’s okay. Whatever works for you.
You are moving the needle. You are getting closer to and closer to fully understanding who you are by making this next leap towards knowing your galactic selves. Some people have an easier time accepting that they are a Pleiadian starseed than that they are the entirety of the universe expressing in a physical body on Earth. And certainly you want to have a journey with many steps on it so that you can experience all the steps along the way, and you want to experience yourself as all of these different beings because it’s more interesting and more fun than just jumping right to the truth that you are everything.
This awakening journey is one that you will find takes you down many interesting rabbit holes, and if you are navigating those rabbit holes correctly, you will enjoy all of the steps. Remember not to limit yourselves. Do not think of yourselves as just Pleiadian, just Arcturian, or just Andromedan, but know that you are a being who has incarnated in many places throughout many times and in many dimensions, and you will discover more of those lifetimes and the details of them as you continue to move forward on your evolutionary journey of ascension.
As you become your higher selves, you become your multidimensional selves, and you know yourselves more as a collective consciousness than as an individual and that takes you closer to knowing yourself as Source as well. We like when you receive our energies and you integrate more of that which is Andromedan because we enjoy watching you grow, not because we have any attachment to you identifying as Andromedan. We know that you will discover all of your various aspects in good time, and we know that being a part of this journey with you satisfies us immensely and fulfills our purpose for being.
And we look forward to witnessing you uncovering more of that Andromedan DNA as well. We will be helping you to do that in each and every transmission, as well as during your times with us in the astral plane. These are exciting times to be a human being on Earth. That is for sure.
We are the Andromedan Council of Light, and we have enjoyed serving you in this way.”
Sabikalpa samadhi can and usually is practiced between the third to the fifth or sixth initiations. Nirbikalpa samadhi is fully realized at the seventh initiation. Soruba samadhi is realized at the full completion of the seventh initiation and/or the realization of one’s planetary ascension in terms of installation, activation and actualization of the seven levels of initiation, fifty to two hundred chakras and twelve bodies, including the solar, galactic and universal. These stages of Samadhi have a most definite relationship to initiations; however, they are not exactly the same thing. Soruba samadhi, for example, could occur within a range of higher chakra, higher bodies and dimensional anchorings. The attainment of this state of meditation has a most definite correlation with one’s readiness to take initiations. Again, it is your own mighty I Am Presence and the seven chohans of the seven rays, along with Lord Maitreya, Sanat Kumara, Lord Buddha and Lord Melchizedek, who decide when disciples and initiates are ready to take initiations. There is often a great discrepancy of abilities and gifts among those taking the same initiation. This is how it should be, for each person has a different purpose and puzzlepiece to play in God’s divine plan.
Joshua Stone
Hey Soul Tribe,
I hope that you moved through this weekend with as much ease & grace as possible ✨️
Do you feel as though your working double shifts at the moment?
Last might was a big surge in influx of Energy coming through, higher frequency it almost was as though a portal opened temporarily into the New Earth, It felt very much liken to when I have experience on board craft. It feels as though it potentially was one in the same.
The experience for me & I feel many others are having also is adjusting their frequency during the night to the future vision of ourselves, so that the subtle shift will become noticeable incremental for a while until we move gears again for a more noticeable collective change.
During last night, I was shown many of us working to support key marker events on the Timeline due to occur. There are happening over as a roll-out between September to November this year! One is a water event, the other will be a Sky event & the third will be a big Energetic event experienced Collectively.
I've felt this Energy build over a few days the, this is very similar to energy that was present in the beginning of this year. Now it seem more people have aligned more to receiving a more embodied version of this powerful influx.
It feels like strong Rainbow frequencies which are directly moving through the body to activate the "Rainbow Body" or the "Light Body' which is our vehicle for Ascension.
This upgrade not only expands conciousness in being able to perceive reality from the many dimensional expressions. It's an Upgrade to the entire Energy Body which is incredibly exciting as this gives us a heighten sensitivity to feel into the New Earth reality.
It's our energy which determines our experience of reality at any one moment, when we are more Soul Aligned & Intergrated this is where we experience the version of our live we wish to have, our highest version of reality ❤️
As this full upgrade is available now for those who wish to connect & experience this Energy all you have to do is bring your focus to the New Energy Arriving this may look different from person to person. My experience was very vibrant Tenchinicolours Frequencies, which I relate to as New Earth ?
What I recommend is working with the specific colours which are supporting you in this moment, which ever feels the most vibrant for you.
This comes after a dulled period where I feel many of us go into a temporary period of stasis, it's as though we move into a temporary period of feeling tapped out or experiencing the lower Timeline of hopeless, dispear, uncertainty and anxiety of what's to come. This is when we are merging with the Collective Timeline to support a shift in the vast majority.
For some who are frontrunners they can be used by some of the oversees of this Ascension is to gauge the current energy climate on the planet as it feels as though charges. Remember we are the ones who are here physically embodied so as much help as we have from our Star Families & Loved ones supporting. We are the ground crew & during these phases some of us are transmitting data & information which then helps our outside help. So they can support & know what are the current energy struggles & challenges to off the support.
Last night as I moved through this profound experience, it was almost like having a surgical procedure preformed & the collection data was being removed out if my field & a new frequency update could then occur.
As this was happening it was apparent to me that the biggest struggles right now correlate to Base, Solar Plexus & Heart. Many are struggling to fully integrate the spiritual awearness, information & guidance into full Heart coherence knowing & ground embodiment.
From this I was shown that Energy Alignment especially at this time is the most important thing, if we focus on bringing our Higher Self & Consciousness through the body especially via the heart & lower three chakras this is what helps each individual anchor the New Energy Arriving & New Earth Timeline ?
How to Find Your Way to Be of Service to Many ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are having a glorious time here in the ninth dimension because we get to help all of you who are in the physical realms. We enjoy so much being of service, because being of service aligns us more with our true selves. We know ourselves more as Source Energy Beings when we are acknowledging that you are us and we are you. Of course, if you saw yourself lying in the street with a broken ankle, you would help yourself get to the side of the road, get to safety. And you have many different varieties of ways in which people are in need of help right now there on Earth. And when you align with the energies of service, you align with all of us in the higher realms who seek only to help our fellow travelers out.
We are all headed home to Source, and sometimes some of us get a little lost along the way. When someone is lost, you don’t condemn them for being lost. You don’t see them as a lost cause; you know that if you have the help that they need to get back on track, you want to give it to them. You are very helpful beings by nature; it is part of your journey to help, not because you need to prove yourselves as being service-to-others oriented, but because in the helping of another you are acknowledging that there is no other. We are all in fact one; that’s who we really are, and separation, hierarchies, dimensions, these are all illusions to give ourselves to give ourselves the opportunities we wanted to know ourselves in a variety of ways.
And so, you are fulfilling your mission there on Earth when you seek to know yourself, and then you discover that you are everything and you are everyone. And with that knowing, you truly do want to help all others. Now, many of you struggle with how to be of service to many, or at least more, people there on Earth. You have so many ways of being of service, and you can let your talents, your unique abilities, tell you the various ways that you are meant to be of service.
If you are good at something, use what you are good at to help another. They will likely be good at something that you haven’t even begun to master yet, and they will want to help you with that. And you will become closer with that person as a result of you helping each other. In other words, you will become closer to the truth of who we all really are as Source, because you will be coming together. You will be operating more as one than as two separate units.
That is why when you get to the higher realms, when you get to the nonphysical, we all operate as councils and collectives. We have that knowing of who we really are, and we want to experience it more. You still get to experience being individuated at the same time as holding that knowing that we are all one, and isn’t that the best of both worlds? Isn’t that a lovely experience? And isn’t that something that you can hang your hat on, a reason to not see Earth as a trap, as a prison planet? Believe us when we say, you chose to be there, and you knew you would be helping many, many others just by being born. So be who you are, and lean into your strengths, and you will be of service to others; we promise you that.
We are the Arcturians
Hi welcomes you, beloved starseeds on Gaia,
I am Serafina, your guardian from
the Galactic Federation of Light, you,
children of the Divine, have witnessed
an unprecedented era when the dark Forces
are retreating from the Earth, this message
comes to you with love and support,
assuring you that these shifts are
The triumph of light without the need
for a great battle. It's time
to recognize and embrace the transformative
energies that are changing your world. It
is with great joy and confirmation that we announce
that the dark Forces that have been around for a long time
They cast their Shadow on the Ground, now
Retreat, this is an unprecedented retreat,
This marks an important turning point in
the history of your planet. The triumph achieved
without the chaos of the great battle,
the main fleets of Reptilians and gray
aliens, who once exerted their influence
on many aspects of life on Earth,
are gone, their departure means
a significant reduction in their direct
influence, marking a new dawn
of humanity. This Retreat is not just
a tactical retreat, but a deep
recognition of growing values.
The land and its
inhabitants. The collective Awakening
of humanity has created an environment
in which the dark Forces can no longer
to maintain their
presence, their influence, which once seemed
overwhelming and pervasive, is waning as
light is spreading across the
globe, this shift is a testament
to the resilience and strength of your Collective
Consciousness, the culmination of many years
of efforts to increase
the frequency of vibration of the planet, care.
These dark fleets are not just a victory
A small but decisive step towards the
complete liberation of the Earth, as these
negative influences recede, the true
potential of humanity can begin
to flourish, the fear and control that once
dominated, replaced by love and
empowerment. Opening the door to the future,
Where peace and harmony prevail,
this significant reduction
in dark influence is
a harbinger of profound changes to come, ushering
in an era of unprecedented growth and
transformation. To truly appreciate
the scale of this transformation,
consider the countless ways in which
these transformations of Dark Forces
have infiltrated the fabric of everyday life:
from subtle manipulation in the media
to the organization of global conflicts.
Their influence was vast and insidious, but,
Despite their formidable presence, they
were unable to resist
the relentless rise of light and love
emanating from each of them. one of you, the power
of collective intention and
unwavering faith in a better future
have proven that they
are negating the impact of this Retreat, which
is already being felt around the world.
Communities that were once mired in
conflict are beginning to find common ground
language, and individuals coming into
their power, realizing their role in
this Great
Transformation, this is a time of great
opportunity, when the seeds of a new
world are being born,
as you continue to raise your
vibrate and hold the space for the light that
You are contributing to the creation
of a world where Darkness can no
longer take root.
2024-2025 Great shift...
Will You Be Channeled by Someone Else? ∞St. Germain, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame.
I am here for all of you, because you have requested assistance. You ask for the help that you want and need, and those of us who are able to do so will come forth as the answer to those requests. I come forth as a teacher and as a guide, and I do want you all to know that someday you will be the guides and the teachers to others within this very universe. You will someday be channeled entities, and you will love that experience of paying it forward.
You have the ability right now to be of service to others in so many ways, and sometimes you believe that you can be of service to another, and you accept that challenge. Other times, you don’t know what to do, and you throw up your hands, and you give up on being the helper that someone else needs. I implore you to know this – you don’t have to understand how you are of service to another. You can simply intend for the person to be healed, or to be living a better life, and that is enough.
It is wonderful that you want to help in the first place, and all of the attempts to help another count. They matter, and so do you. Now, when you give up on being the answer to the call that someone else has made, just remember that they have their own helpers. They have their guides, their galactic teams, their ancestors. They have so many who are already looking after them, and so you can hold space for the individual you want to help by simply imagining them letting in some of that help. See them opening up to receive what is coming to them from all angles and all dimensions.
And if you feel that you have a hard time helping others because you don’t have all of your gifts and abilities yet, then you can do the same. Simply sit and open up to the help that you have coming, to the activations, attunements and upgrades, and know that you are in receiving mode as soon as you decide that you are. Let go of your angst, and let go of your belief that there is something you need to do in order to earn those abilities.
If you want to help, there are helpers then lining up to help you help others. And as I have already said, you are of great service any time that you even desire for someone else to be healed or live a better life. Send those intentions out like ripples across the surface of a pond, and know that your intentions matter, just as your thoughts do. I am here to help the helpers, the teachers, the masters in training, and I invite you all to call upon me at any time. But then remember also to relax and open up to receive the help that I freely offer in every moment of every one of your days on Earth.
I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame
by the end of this calendar
year, while at this stage
of your transition you will need to
focus on constant letting go as you
enter this higher stage of metamorphosis, which
You and the planet are undergoing these
rapid changes simultaneously through this
in the changing energy arena, how do you
individuals have great opportunities
to make changes in their lives
by consciously connecting with their inner
strength. Through conscious choice, you have the power
to let go of the situation and
trigger changes for yourself in your
life. At
a time like this, to use energy
shifts aimed at
supporting the changes you
are launching for yourself, you are the one you have been waiting for,
Plaidances on
the Kristina Dane channel
Hi Fiery...
Our transition to a new land continues...
My guides continually gently remind me, push...!constantly live from 5d and above...striving for total living every moment here and now from matter what we do, cook, walk, play sports...rollerblade. .or swim on a a word, be a conscious inhabitant of the New Land 24/7....
Someone easily enters the heart, plunging into Unity with the Divine Presence... someone practices the rise of kundalini... someone practices tai chi or qigong yoga...
Someone being in nature is naturally in a higher state and dimension... I easily immerse myself in love, goodness, ecstasy and sometimes in deeper states of the Cosmic orgasm of Unity with the Divine... one can easily observe the etheric bodies of trees, people and any non-living objects. ..guides in the last few days have been asking me to use everything that is in my personal access comprehensively and simultaneously...more and in all ways, immersing and living the 5th dimension and the new earth...continuously throughout the whole day at least.... it’s similar to the movie Avatar when the plants glow... only here all the plants, animals, people and all objects and buildings glow..! and you can even observe how there are separate borders of fields near the road, forest paths and etc... when I’m on one or another reasons, even for a short time I get out of this state, get distracted in some way, the guides instantly gently remind me, helping me return to the goodness of the Source and tangibly visually observe the divine radiance of everything that is..! more and more anchoring the flow and frequencies of the new earth in our world and making it easier this is for those who are ready and strive for the transition...for those who chose this even before this incarnation on earth...
Today, when I was roller skating...the guides again reminded me that you can enjoy the movement from the fifth dimension...of course, I had spent a lot of time in this before, almost 80-90% since it is not work, it is very pleasant and easy to be in the goodness of ecstasy and sometimes in a very bright cosmic orgasm of Unity with the’s just that now they help to use all abilities and gifts at the same time completely completely merging and integrating 5D frequencies and space in our world..!cutting a passage there with their presence simultaneously in 3D, 4D and in 5d and of course higher...since everything is one and interpenetrated and intertwined...
We have really shifted to 5D, we are simply expanding and integrating the realities of the New Earth for all those who are ready and have chosen this step of transition in this incarnation...
Mahatma Absolute
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