Community chat:
Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 1 month, 4 weeks ago
HH-Rest & Recharge For Inner Peace
We’ll be away for the next week taking some very needed rest & recharge healing time, for inner peace and a needed #digitaldetox
Please scroll up and check out years of valuable resources & share our content far and wide.
See you in a week or so! #digitaldetox #selfcare #healing #familytime
*Take what resonates; leave the rest!
We ALL have inner work to do to contribute to our outward collective healing progression & restoration.
Re-connection to ourselves, our families, our communities.
Re-connection to nature, natural medicines, on and on.
Stay open, stay heart centred, take one moment at a time. We truly came here for this.
Would love to hear some of the ways you are making healing progress and supporting/inspiring others around you to reconnect & remember this truth. Share below. -M
*Take what resonates; leave the rest!
**Resonance & Vibration
Healing Reminder: Be a healing magnet for others, infuse JOY, LOVE, SMILES & POSITIVITY** EVERYWHERE! Your resonance will heal & shift all around. -M
This is BEING the change! Your resonance of joy is needed, now more than ever!
@humanshealing (Join Us! ??)
HH-Daily Essentials For Health & Connection You May Want To Try
Our daily habits drastically shape our lives and profoundly impact our quality of life. Self-love, self-care, and mindful intake are needed for us all to thrive, giving and receiving in balance with life around us. We do this in balance by nurturing ourselves first. Our habits matter for our health and also create a ripple effect of inspiration and positivity for our children and those around us.
Before getting out of bed, thoughts of gratitude & conscious intentions are set for the day.
A few minutes of hands-on heart, conscious breathing becoming present in the body.
Hugs, snuggles & moments of deep connection with partner, family & loved ones and/or pets
Am sunlight or vit D lamp if in northern hemisphere certain times of year
Drinking Water with salt & electrolytes, if possible, before anything else is consumed.
5 Mins Of ‘The Big 6’ Lymphatic opening on body.
10-15 mins Movement exercises of your desire —movement is life.
Walking — 2 times daily, try for 8000 steps daily (If not able, work up low & slow with a goal of 5000 min or focus on further safe movements for disabilities or injury)
Spend time in nature—in your yard or near a park, gardening, with your children or animals, and with some plants/trees.
Quiet time — intuitive check-in, presence connecting with self/god/source/creator
Family & Friend Contact/Connection making play & relationships a loving priority.
Spend time away from devices, offline, without a phone or computer, not answering to anything but the moment as much as possible.
What are your daily non-negotiables? Share to inspire others to try out below. -M
Join us ??
*Take what resonates; leave the rest!
A SUBCONSCIOUS REPROGRAMMING—SLEEP PRAYER**(Say to yourself slowly with purpose, and lovingly with conviction)
I love sleep. Sleep is my time for deep healing & connection with my higher self and god/source/creator. As all of my mind relaxes and all of my body relaxes, I wrap myself in a blanket of sacred love. As a great stillness slowly washes over me, relaxing my heart, my brain, my eyes, my chest, my legs…I connect with the divine presence within me. I know and trust healing is always happening for my highest good as I rest and sleep. I am at peace within, I am at peace without, I am peace. I sleep in peace, I heal in peace. And so it is. -M
@humanshealing (??Join Us!)
Healing doesn’t finish once you get to some level of understanding. It’s always happening. Even if you are directly antagonizing it with all forms of medicine, treatments, supplements, herbs, medications and therapies. All of them.
Every symptom is a loaded message. Every injury is a new book. Every response is your next true podcast to listen to. As you start to pull apart the message and see what the body wanted you to know and see and change, it will immediately start working differently. Just the first step in a direction that makes sense to both you and it and all of you. And the new level of trust and understanding then gets applied to the next days life events, the people, the places, the words, the things, nothing random, everything accounted for.
Something to ask yourself is do you know more about other things in your life more than you know the responses and processes of your own body? If so why? And are you okay with that? The only reason we get to grow, deliver and watch kids grow up is because of our body’s ability to heal itself. The only reason we can even dive into a profession like farming, ranching, military, teaching or music is because of our body’s ability to heal itself. The only reason we get to receive the love from a trusted other, or rescue a pet or observe and engage with doves is because of our body’s ability to heal itself. Master of a craft but not your own body is a lopsided way of life and your body will rise up to hug you in the form of feelings, sensations, symptoms, injuries and realizations. This is not a threat. They’re hugs and loving words after all. Coming from a place of total commitment and unconditional support. Always.
#youhealyou #truehealing #rulesofhealing #strength #health #healing #injuries #physicaltherapy #rehab #training #sunlight #nourishment #medicine #naturalhealing #orthopedic #trainforlife #spinalhygiene #spinehealth #lymph #movement #nature #housecalls
**Healing Prompt:
PAUSE.** Unclench your jaw, relax your shoulders and breathe deeply & slowly for 5,4,3,2,1. :)
You GOT this!
Repeat. 3x min or until feel an energetic & physical shift. We are #HUMANSHEALINGTOGETHER
@humanshealing (Join Us!??)
Healing Reminder:
Remember the simple and core basics to health & healing—#beginwithin
-Eat like you cherish yourself.
-Move like you honour yourself.
-Think like you love yourself.
-Speak with kindness & compassion.
-Breathe with peace and empowerment.
-Sleep long & restful.
-Wake with vigour and purpose.
-Take care of yourself & others with the gentleness you’d give a small child.
-and Always FEEL to HEAL. (Move that energy!)
We are #humanshealingtogether
Join us ??
*Take what resonates, leave the rest!
Community chat:
Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
🆘 Help: @BlumSupport
ℹ️ Chat: @BlumCrypto_Chat
Last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot
Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 1 month, 4 weeks ago