Berlin Demos English

This channel belongs to the Demo Ticker Collective Berlin

Only announcements of demonstrations and rallies in and around Berlin.

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Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago

12,975,749 @developer

Sharing my thoughts, discussing my projects, and traveling the world.

Contact: @borz

Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago

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Last updated 7 months, 1 week ago

5 months, 4 weeks ago

**automatic translation

?Announcement! Monday 09.09.2024?**

*?No anti-fascism without queer feminism?*

Monday, 09.09.2024 | 07:00 pm | MaHalle Waldemarstraße 110 10997 Berlin

Arrival: U1, U3 Görlitzer Bahnhof | Bus 140 Waldemarstraße / Manteuffelstraße**

? Call: - @perspektive_sv

#b0909 #nofundis!

Summer 2024 - young neo-Nazis are travelling to various CSDs across Germany to protest against, threaten and attack them.

Anti-queer mobilisations reach a new high, but do not come out of nowhere. They are part of anti-queer and anti-feminist campaigns and actions, such as the ‘March for Life’, which takes place every year with thousands of people walking through Berlin Mitte and propagating anti-choice demands.

Queerophobia and anti-feminism are taking over the rights of evangelicals, the AfD and 14-year-old neo-Nazis.

This is about the right to freely decide in favour of abortion, about reproductive rights, but also about ideas of bodies, sexuality, gender and family.

The AfD and others paint the ideal picture of a white, heteronormative family, and all deviations from this are pathologised and devalued.

If we want to counter the ‘shift to the right’, we have to criticise and fight it from a queer-feminist perspective.

We want to discuss what this means, who the key players in the fundi scene in Berlin are and how we can organise ourselves against the ‘March for Life’ on 21 September at 19:00 with @nofundis .

5 months, 4 weeks ago
Berlin Demos English
5 months, 4 weeks ago

**automatic translation

?Announcement! Monday 09.09.2024?

?Solidarity keeps us safe - against racist migration politics!?

Monday, 09.09.2024 | 06:00 pm | Lausitzer Platz 10997 Berlin

Arrival: U1, U3, M29 Görlitzer Bahnhof | Bus 140 Waldemarstraße/Audre-Lorde-Straße**

? Call: @besetzunggegenbesatzung

#b0909 #NoBorder

**Protest against the new racist "Security Package" and deportation offensive.

Join us this Monday, 9th September 2024, at 6pm at Lausitzer Platz.**

Politicians are weaponizing the attack in Solingen to call for measures that further criminalize and target refugees and migrants.

These proposals are not coming from the AFD, — they are coming from the CDU, FDP, SPD, Greens.

After already deciding on the end of monetary Support of many refugees and the use of facial recognition by for persecution, the CDU is now even demanding the government shut Germany's borders and immediately push back everyone seeking asylum.
This will be discussed in a meeting in the beginning of next week.

This fascist agenda doesn't make anyone safer — it tries to divides us and strips people of their dignity and rights.

The political leaders pushing these measures are aligning with the far-right ideology of the AfD, promoting xenophobia and discrimination.

**We fight for freedom of movement for all and the right to safety, dignity, and justice for all parts of society. And we know it's possible!

We stand together! Solidarity will win!**

6 months ago

**automatic translation

?Announcement! Friday 06.09.2024?

?Antifas in the sights?

Friday, 06.09.2024 | 07:00 pm | In the Horte Straußberg Peter-Göring-Straße 25 15344 Straußberg

Arrival: Arrival: S5 Straußberg Stadt + bus 923, 926, 927, 929, 931, 937, 947, 966 Philipp-Müller-Straße or 10 minutes on foot**

? Call: - @antifa_info_mol

#b0609 #mol0609 #redhelp

Society is drifting further and further to the right. This also increases the pressure against #antifascists. Again and again, anti-fascist resistance is being criminalised with long prison sentences, even though the AfD is not even in power yet.

A look at #Hungary gives a foretaste of what could still come. Viktor Orbán and his right-wing Fidesz party have been in power there for 14 years. Nazis can move around freely, while anti-fascists who take action against them are harshly persecuted.

In January, anti-fascist Ilaria Salis was led into the courtroom in #budapest in chains - pictures that went around the world.

Human rights activists warn that no fair trials can be expected for the other defendants in Hungary.

What can we learn from this? Together with the Budapest Solidarity Group from Berlin and the journalist Matthias Monroy, we want to shed light on the persecution of antifascists in Hungary, analyse how this has changed across Europe with the shift to the right, and how German authorities are also directing their repression at antifascists shortly before the AfD's possible claim to power.

Drinks available at the bar and food for a donation!

6 months ago

**automatic translation

?Announcement! Thursday 05.09.2024?**

*?Reminder for sale? - Kai Wegner must go!?*

Thursday, 05.09.2024 | 05:00 pm | Neptunbrunnen, Rathausstraße 1, 10178 Berlin

Arrival: U5, Bus 200, 300 Rotes Rathaus | Tram M4, M5, M6, Bus 100 Spandauer Straße/Marienkirche | U2, U8, RB23, RE1, RE2, RE7, RE8, S3, S5, S7, S9 Alexanderplatz | Bus 248 Jüdenstraße**

? Call: - @ostasien.antikolonial

#b0509 #PeaceStatueRemains

**Our culture of remembrance and memorials must not be sold to the Japanese government.

For the preservation of the Statue of Peace Ari and for democracy!**

On August 3, 2024, rbb* reported that Kai Wegner (CDU), the Governing Mayor of Berlin, had exerted influence on the Berlin Project Fund for Cultural Education to stop the Korea Verband's educational project “Sit next to me”. This project, which deals with the topic of sexualized violence, was approved by a jury of experts, but the Japanese government disliked it.

Wegner then put pressure on his state secretaries to vote against the project. He also urged the district mayor of Berlin-Mitte, Stefanie Remlinger (Alliance 90/The Greens), to remove the Statue of Peace Ari, apparently in exchange for Mitsubishi's investment in the Smart City project on the former Tegel airport site.

Our demands:

1. Preservation of the Statue of Peace Ari

The Statue of Peace must stay! Despite broad support from civil society and the positive decisions of the District Assembly (BVV), the statue is still under threat. District Mayor Stefanie Remlinger has stated that there is no legal basis for preserving the statue, but we insist that the voice of the victims of sexualized violence and the citizens of Berlin must be heard.

2. Protecting democracy and the culture of remembrance

It is unacceptable that political influence and economic interests are undermining the culture of remembrance in Berlin. The Japanese embassy tried to influence jury members of the project fund to decide against educational projects such as “Sit next to me”. When this failed, Kai Wegner personally prevented the continuation of the project. We demand that educational projects and monuments that deal with the memory of historical injustices be protected regardless of economic interests.

Since 2017, Yuriko Koike, the mayor of Tokyo, has refused to send a letter of condolence as part of the commemoration ceremony for the Korean victims of the massacre after the Great Tokyo Earthquake (1923) and has actively censored artworks that deal with the subject. Despite these facts, Kai Wegner continues to do business with her.**

3. Investigation and political consequences

We call on the Berlin Senate to thoroughly investigate these incidents and respect the decisions of the expert jury. Kai Wegner must focus on the needs of Berlin's citizens instead of using his political influence for the revisionist Japanese government. District Mayor Stefanie Remlinger should reject the pressure from Wegner and the Japanese government and speak out clearly in favor of preserving the peace statue.

4. Victim protection instead of perpetrator protection

We demand that the protection of victims of sexualized violence be given priority and that educational and awareness-raising work for young people be given greater support.

You can find more information on rbb24 and our statement on***

*RBB (August 3, 2024) : Funding for project on sexualized violence fails due to political influence

** The Asahi Shimbun (August 28, 2023): Koike neglects duty in ignoring 1923 massacre of ethnic Koreans

***Our statement on

6 months, 1 week ago

**automatic translation

?Announcement! Wednesday 28.08.2024?

? Film screening: Dreams of spaces ?

Wednesday, 28.08.2024 | 07:30 pm | Hermannstraße 48 12049 Berlin

Arrival: U8, Bus 166, M43 Boddinstraße**

? Call: - @h48bleibt

#b2808 #H48Bleibt!

Come to our film screening series to learn more about the fight for our house and connect it with other housing struggles in Berlin and across the world! ?*?*?**

In the last week of each month, we’re screening movies – from drama to documentary to animation – showing different perspectives on the right to housing. We’ve organized some special inputs and guest appearances, but most importantly we want to open a discussion about what WE can do against the housing crisis in Berlin.

Join us on August 28th for “Träume von Räumen” (2019), directed by Matthias Lintner:

Tucked away from the hustle and bustle of new arrivals and mass tourists in Berlin Mitte there is an architectural ensemble, the ‘Kleine Bremer Höhe’. Since 1989 the collective housing estate for workers has served as a refuge to artists, punks and senior citizens. The director, filmmaker and resident Matthias Lintner, closely watches and listens to his house mates and neighbors, who have built a world of their own. Ideas on vacantness and void appear as a subversive act against the utopia of well-ordered spaces.

*? The event is donation-based, with a suggested donation of 10-15 euros.*

Donations will fund our legal fight to keep us in our house – learn more and donate at

The film is in German with English subtitles.

Please take a COVID test before coming and/or wear a mask! Tests will be available at the door for 1 euros. The space is accessible by elevator and is step-free – feel free to contact us if you need to use the elevator.

Coming soon ?****

September - Sold City Part 1 (2024)
October – Pomoko, Studio Ghibli (1994)
November – Berlin Utopiekadaver (2024)

6 months, 1 week ago

**automatic translation

?Announcement! Wednesday 28.08.2024?

?All for Ari! Peace statue stays!?

Wednesday, 28.08.2024 | 06:00 pm | Birkenstraße / corner Bremer Straße 10551 Berlin

Arrival: U9 Birkenstraße | S41, S42 Westhafen**

? Call: - @koreaverband

#b2808 #FriedensstatueBleibt!
Horizontaler Gentransfer

is a young, colorful punk band initiated by six female artists with immigrant backgrounds in May 2022.

"Horizontal Gentransfer" describes the transfer of genetic information in microorganisms beyond normal mating barriers - such as memes or K-pop cultures that spread via smartphones or iPads.

Following this principle of horizontal transmission, this band is looking for an experimental way to research fashion, infection, and migration using text, music, and visual elements.

The Statue of Peace must stay -against colonial oppression!

Sexualized violence in colonialism must not be forgotten or ignored.

Ari must stay!

We are collecting signatures for this cause until September 28th 2024.

Please sign the "Save Ari!" petition:

6 months, 1 week ago

**automatic translation

?Announcement! Tuesday 27.08.2024?

?Water, collapse, justice??

Tuesday 27.08.2024 | 07:30 pm | B-Lage Mareschstraße 1, 12055 Berlin

Arrival: S9, S41, S42, S45 Sonnenallee | Bus 171, M41 Mareschstraße
?** Call: - @il_berlin

#b2708 #ClimateCrisis

The climate crisis is here. What long loomed on the horizon as a preventable catastrophe is now also making its way to the Global North.

Resources that seemed endless yesterday now seem to be in short supply. Heatwaves and droughts here, heavy rain and floods there.

As the Water Working Group of IL Berlin, we are trying to tackle this changed social situation. With the controversy surrounding the expansion of the Tesla plant in Grünheide, we were part of a worldwide flare-up of struggles over the increasingly scarce resource of water.

But where is this dispute heading? And how can the catastrophic impacts of the climate crisis be addressed?

We would like to talk to you about this. We would like to talk about our experiences in Grünheide, our impressions of the Soulevement de la Terre camp in France and ask you about your views on what contemporary action by the climate justice movement could look like.

Come to our Jour Fixe, Tuesday 27.08, 7 pm in the B-Lage
We are excited!

9 months ago

*automatic translation?Announcement! Sunday 09.06.2024?*

?Demo against the AfD's EU election campaign party!?

Sunday, 09.06.2024 | 03:00 pm | S+U Wittenau, 13435 Berlin

Arrival: U8, S1, S85, bus 122, 124, 221, M21, X21, X33**

? Call: - @noafdberlin

#b0906 #noNazis #noAfD

? Expected Route:

• S-/U-Bhf. Wittenau
• Wilhelmsruher Damm
• Finsterwalder Straße
• Eichhorster Weg
• Eichhorster Weg/Wallenroder Straße

**Against the AfD's EU election campaign party in Berlin!

Demonstration to the AfD federal party headquarters in Berlin-Reinickendorf**

03:00 pm
S-Bahn/U-Bahn station Wittenau (demo starts on time)

from 03:30 pm Eichhorster Weg/Wallenroder Str.

We call on EVERYONE to take part in the protest loudly and to make a lot of noise with horns, whistles or even banging on saucepans and to be loud together.

**Don't just go to the big demos in the city centre, but also go to where the fascists have their centres.

Everyone is called upon to mobilise for all they're worth!

No party for Nazis!**

Supported by: active anti-fascists from Reinickendorf, Aufstehen gegen Rassismus and the VVN-BdA.

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Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago

12,975,749 @developer

Sharing my thoughts, discussing my projects, and traveling the world.

Contact: @borz

Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago

Official Graph Messenger (Telegraph) Channel

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Last updated 7 months, 1 week ago