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🇺🇿 Bilim va malakalarni baholash agentligi yangiliklari
🌐 Manba: www.uzbmb.uz
Last updated 2 months, 3 weeks ago
? ID 830125650 ✓
Last updated 1 year, 4 months ago
Kanalimizda judayam ko‘p foydali mahsulotlar bor, ko‘rib chiqib buyurtma berishingiz mumkin
✅ Biror bir mahsulotga buyurtma berishga qiynalsangiz yoki qandaydur muammo bo‘lsa quyidagi profilga yozing
? @Sotuvchi_A ?
Last updated 1 year, 4 months ago
*🌟Get married - turmush qurmoq
🌟Get devorce - ajrashmoq
🌟Get engaged - unashtirilmoq
🌟Get dark - qoronģu tushmoq
🌟Get hot - isimoq
🌟Get cold - sovuq tushmoq
🌟Get better - yaxshilanish(ahvoli)
🌟Get lost - adashmoq
🌟Get excited - hayajonlanmoq
🌟Get worried - xavotirlanmoq
🌟Get hungry - och qolmoq
🌟Get ready - tayyorlanmoq
🌟Get dressed - kiyinmoq
🌟Get wet - ho'l bòlmoq
🌟Get ill - kasal bòlmoq
🌟Get accustomed - odatlangan bòlish
🌟Get tired - charchash
🌟Get upset - xafa bòlmoq
🌟Get worse - yomonlashmoq
🌟Get old - qarimoq
🌟Get young - yosharmoq*
📖🔝 Vocabulary FRIENDS AND **FAMILY
1⃣. A lifelong friend - Bir umrlik do'st
2⃣*. A relationship of trust* - Ishonch munosabatlari
3⃣*. A shoulder to cry on* - Yig'lashga bir yelka
4⃣*. Dear to my heart* - Yurakka aziz, qadrdon
5⃣*. Distant cousins* - Uzoq qarindoshlar
6⃣*. Extend the hand of friendship* - Do'stlik qo'lini cho'zmoq
7⃣*. Face to face* - Yuzma-yuz
8⃣*. Get to know one another* - Bir-biringizni yaqinroq bilib olmoq
9⃣*. Long-term relationships* - Uzoq muddatli munosabatlar
🔟**. To keep in touch with - Aloqada bo'lmoq
💖💖💖#vocabulary#speaking#writing *⭐*USEFUL ENGLISH WORDS AND PHRASES
📝 Fikrlarni birma bir ifodlash uchun:
✅ In the first place – Birinchi o’rinda
✅ To start/begin with – Boshlashga/Boshlanishiga
✅ Firstly - Birinchidan
✅ Secondly – Ikkinchidan
✅ Thirdly - Uchinchidan
✅ Finally – Nihoyat
✅ In addition (to this) – Qo’shimchasiga
✅ Furthermore – Qo’shimcha qilib
✅ Moreover – Qo’shimchasiga
✅ Besides – Bundan tashqari
📝 Foydali tamonlarini sanab o’tganda:
🤩 The main/ first/ most important advantage of … - Biror narsaning asosiy/ ilk/ eng muhim foydasi …
🤩 One/Another/ An additional advantage of … - Biror narsaning bir/ boshqa/ qo’shimcha foydasi …
📝 Zararli tamonlarini sanab o’tganda:
🤩 The main/most important disadvantage / drawback of … - Biror narsaning asosiy/eng muhim ziyoni …
🤩 One/Another/An additional disadvantage of … Biror narsaning birinchi/boshqa/qo’shimcha ziyoni …
🤩 Some/Many people are against … - Ba’zi/Ko’p odamlar … ga qarshi.
📝 Natija va sabablarni misol keltirganda:
🐳 For example/instance / such as / like – Misol uchun
🐳 Therefore – shuning uchun
🐳 For this reason – shu sababli
🐳 because/ as/ since - sababli
🐳 as a result - natijasida
📝 Qarama qarshilikni ko’rsatganda:
🔥 On the other hand – Boshqa tamondan
🔥 However - Biroq
🔥 Still - hanuz
🔥 But - lekin
🔥 Nonetheless - ammo
🔥 Nevertheless - ammo
🔥 Although - … ga qaramay
🔥 Even though - … ga qaramay (kuchliroq)
🔥 despite – biror narsaga qaramasdan
🔥 in spite of (the fact that) – biror narsaga qaramasdan
📝 Xulosalash uchun ishlatilinadigan iboralar:
✅ In conclusion - xulosa qilib
✅ To conclude - xulosalab
✅ Sum up – xulosa qilib
✅ All in all – xulosa tarzida
✅ Finally - nihoyat
✅ Lastly – so’ngida
✅ Taking everything into account – Barchasini e’tiborga olgan holda
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*?*?? #vocabulary#useful?*Phrasal verbs with "Have"☄***
✅ Have a headache - boshi ogrimoq
✅ Have a toothache - tishi ogrimoq
✅ Have one's English - Ingliz tili bilan shug'ullanmoq
✅ Have a smoke - chekmoq
✅ Have a tea - choy ichmoq
✅ Have a good time - yaxshi vaqt o'tkazmoq
✅ Have a rest - dam olmoq
✅ Have a break - tanaffus qilmoq
✅ Have a cold - shamollamoq
✅ Have a backache - beli ogrimoq
✅ Have a stomachache - oshqozoni ogrimoq
✅ Have a sore throat - tomogi ogrimoq
✅ Have a flu - gripp bolmoq
✅ Have a cough - yotalmoq
✅ Have a sneeze - aksirmoq
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*? ?*? #vocabulary#useful#speaking#writing Siz uchun kerak bo'lgan bo'glovchilar ❤️?❤️?
✅ Frankly speaking - Ochiqchasiga aytganda
✅ To cut it short - Qisqa qilib aytganda
✅ So to speak - Deylik
✅ By the way - Aytgancha
✅ It goes without saying - O'z - o'zidan ma'lum
✅ As far as I know - Bilishimcha
✅ Indeed - Rostdan ham
✅ In other words - Boshqa so'z bi
✅ So well - Demak, shunday ekan, shunday qilib, binobarin.
✅ Besides - Bundan tashqari
✅ Anyway - Har qanday holatda ham
✅ Always at all - Umuman
✅ Therefore - Shu sababga ko'ra
✅ Though - Garchand, garchi, ... ga qaramasdan
✅ Although - Garchand, garchi, ... ga qaramasdan
✅ Nevertheless - Lekin, shunday bo'lsada, baribir
✅ Perhaps - Balki, bo'lishi mumkin
✅ Probably - Balki, bo'lishi mumkin
✅ To put it mildly - Yumshoq qilib aytganda
✅ At all - Umuman
✅ To tell the truth - To'g'risini aytganda
✅ So - Ho'sh
✅ Moreover - Undan tashqari**
*?*??Siz uchun kunlik eng ko'p kerak bo'ladigan va hissiyotlaringizni ifodalaydigan iboralar ?
➡️Oh, my God!- Ey Hudoyim!
➡️What a good chance! - Qanaqa omad!
➡️I don't know what to say! - Bir nim deyishni ham bilmayman!,
➡️Oh, damn it!- Jin ursin!
➡️Really? - Rostdanmi?
➡️What a pity! - Qanaday achinarli!
➡️I can't believe it! Bo'lishi mumkin emas!; Bunga ishonolmayapman!
➡️I hope so. - O'ylaymanki, shunday.
➡️I feel ill (sad, disgusted). - O'zimni yomon his qilyapman (qamgin, jirkanch).
➡️I feel good. - O'zimni yaxshi his etyapman.
➡️Just the opposite! - Aksincha!
➡️Not a bit! (Nothing of the kind!) - Hechamda!
➡️That's nice (sound, all right, fine) (with me). - Hammasi joyida (yaxshi) (men bilan).
➡️No way! - Befoyda!; Foydasi yo'q!;
➡️With (great) pleasure! - (Bag'oyat) mamnuniyat ila!
➡️It is none of your business! - Bu sizga tegishli emas; Bu sizning ishingiz emas; Ishingiz bo'lmasin!
➡️That's too much! - Bu endi oshib tushdi!
➡️Wonderful! - Ajoyib! Qoyil! Zo'r!
➡️That's wonderful (superb, marvelous)! - Bu ajoyib!
➡️My feelings were hurt.- Meni hissiyotlarim toptaldi.
➡️My hope is betrayed. - Mening umidim sindi!
➡️Absolutely! So'zsiz!
➡️Exactly so! - Aynan shunday!
➡️Who knows! Kim bilsin!**
🔔 Reklama: https://t.me/EduRek/16
🇺🇿 Bilim va malakalarni baholash agentligi yangiliklari
🌐 Manba: www.uzbmb.uz
Last updated 2 months, 3 weeks ago
? ID 830125650 ✓
Last updated 1 year, 4 months ago
Kanalimizda judayam ko‘p foydali mahsulotlar bor, ko‘rib chiqib buyurtma berishingiz mumkin
✅ Biror bir mahsulotga buyurtma berishga qiynalsangiz yoki qandaydur muammo bo‘lsa quyidagi profilga yozing
? @Sotuvchi_A ?
Last updated 1 year, 4 months ago