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1 year, 10 months ago

⛳️The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 12-11-2022


1- Myriad(Noun) : असंख्य : A very large number of something
Synonyms: Throng , Mass
Antonyms: Countable , Neglect
Example Sentence: She saw myriad possibilities for the new application.

2-Tweaking(Verb) : मरोड़ना : To pull or twist something suddenly
Synonyms: Modify , Improve
Antonyms: Push , Repulsion
Example Sentence: We just wanted to tweak his original idea a bit.

3-Integration(Noun) :एकीकरण : Combining of two or more things
Synonyms: Amalgamation , Blending
Antonyms: Segregation , Separation
Example Sentence: The aim is to promote closer economic integration.

4-Diverse(Adjective) : विभिन्न : Very different from each other
Synonyms: Sundry , Various
Antonyms: Similar , Parallel
Example Sentence: Our society today is quite culturally diverse, with immigrants from all over the world.

5-Advisory(Adjective) : सलाहकार : Relating to giving advice
Synonyms: Avuncular , Consultative
Antonyms: Uninstructive
Example Sentence:He attended a meeting of the advisory committee.

6-Caveat(Noun) : चेतावनी : Warning
Synonyms: Clause , Stipulation
Antonyms: dissuasive,coaxing
Example Sentence: I've given it to them, but with the caveat that it didn't work.

7-Modulate(Verb) : व्यवस्थित करना : To regulate, adjust, or adapt to the proper degree
Synonyms: Adjust , Balance
Antonyms: Damage , Harm
Example Sentence: These chemicals modulate the effect of potassium

8-Scathing(Adjective) : हानिकारक : Severely critical and unkind
Synonyms: Blistering , Devastating
Antonyms: Calm , Gentle
Example Sentence:When the food critic found a hair in his meal, he wrote a scathing review of the restaurant.

9.PSYCHE (NOUN): (मानस): soul
Synonyms: spirit, life force
Antonyms: body
Example Sentence: My childhood made me understand the human psyche and to help others.

10.ABATE (VERB): (घटना): subside
Synonyms: lessen, let up
Antonyms: intensify
Example Sentence:
In an hour or so the storm would abate and they could leave.

1 year, 10 months ago

⛳️The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 11-11-2022


1-Adhere(Verb): अनुसरण करना : To stick
Synonyms: Cling , Comply
Antonyms: Neglect , Separate
Example Sentence: She adheres to a strict vegetarian diet.

2-Proviso(Noun): नियम : An article or clause that introduces a condition.
Synonyms: Stipulation , Restriction
Antonyms: Freedom , Ease
Example Sentence: One proviso is attached to this legacy.

3-Wreck(Noun): पूरी तरह नष्ट कर देना : Destroy or badly damage something
Synonyms: Demolition , Debris
Antonyms: Construction , Creation
Example Sentence: The explosion shattered nearby windows and wrecked two cars.

4-Pertinent(Adjective): योग्य , उचित : Relevant to something
Synonyms: Apposite , Suitable
Antonyms: Improper , Unsuitable
Example Sentence:: After he returned my phone, he wrote down all our names and pertinent information.

5-Prosecute(Verb): मुक़दमा करना : To institute legal proceedings against (a person)
Synonyms: Litigate , Indict
Antonyms: Exonerate , Liberate
Example Sentence: The attorney who will prosecute the case says he cannot reveal how much money is involved.

6-Penetrative(Adjective): चुभनेवाला : To enter, reach, or pass through something
Synonyms: Astute , Piercing
Antonyms: Ignorant , Imbecile
Sentence: Manya heard the penetrating bell of an ambulance.

7-Invoke(Verb) : विनती करना : To call for with earnest desire
Synonyms: Appeal , Beseech
Antonyms: Abandon, Avert
Example Sentence::The fear his words invoked must have shown on her face.

8-Eloped(Verb): साथ भाग जाना : To run off secretly to be married
Synonyms: Abscond , Escape
Antonyms: Stay , Remain
Example Sentence:A wedding abroad is also an excellent way to elope.

9.OPPRESSIVE (ADJECTIVE): (दमनकारी): harsh
Synonyms: cruel, brutal
Antonyms: lenient
Example Sentence:
They survived an oppressive dictatorship.

10.SLENDER (ADJECTIVE): (अल्प): meagre
Synonyms: limited, slight
Antonyms: considerable
Example Sentence:
He helped people of slender means.

1 year, 11 months ago

⛳️ The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 07-11-2022


  1. GRAPPLE (VERB): (भिड़ जाना) :engage in a close fight or struggle without weapons; wrestle.
    Synonyms: confront, cope
    Antonyms: release, let go
    Example Sentence:
    Every blood-vessel was striving to grapple with the present.

  2. PERILOUS (ADJECTIVE): (जोख़िम) : full of danger or risk, hazardous
    Synonyms: vulnerable, dicey
    Antonyms: safe, secure
    Example Sentence:
    Out current economy is in a perilous state.

  3. PERVASIVE (ADJECTIVE): (व्यापक) : present or noticeable in every part.
    Synonyms: extensive, prevalent
    Antonyms: scarce, limited
    Example Sentence:
    The pervasive smell of petrol made everyone anxious.

  4. MOCKERY (ADJECTIVE): (मज़ाक): teasing, ridicule
    Synonyms: light, sublime
    Antonyms: earthly, indelicate
    Example Sentence:
    The trail was a mockery-the judge has decided the verdict before it began.

  5. MENACE (NOUN/VERB): (संकट) : be a threat or possible danger to.
    Synonyms: hazard, threat
    Antonyms: delight, pleasure
    Example Sentence:
    "Africa's elephants are still menaced by poaching"

  6. ZEST (NOUN): (आनंद, उत्तेजना): great enthusiasm and energy.
    Synonyms: enthusiasm, zeal
    Antonym: indifference, lethargy
    Example Sentence:
    A bit of zest is important in life.

  7. WAYWARD (ADJECTIVE): (स्वेच्छाचारी) : contrary
    Synonyms: delinquent, capricious
    Antonyms: compliant, obedient
    Example Sentence:
    The wayward points in the case made him lose it.

  8. GAPE (VERB): (मुँह बाये देखना) :stare
    Synonyms: glare, ogle
    Antonyms: ignore, overlook
    Example Sentence:
    Many people gape in anger.

  9. PINE (VERB): (लालायित होना) : long for
    Synonyms: crave, hanker
    Antonyms: dislike, despise
    Example sentence:
    They pined for a lot money and ended up in jail.

  10. MUFFLED (ADJECTIVE): (अवरुद्ध) : quietened
    Synonyms: silenced, subdued
    Antonyms: encouraged, promoted
    Example Sentence:
    He muffled the noise with his roar.

1 year, 11 months ago


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1 year, 11 months ago

⛳️ The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 05-11-2022


1-Uphill : Adjective: कठिन : Troublesome
Synonyms : Upward , Rising
Antonyms : Easy , Effortless
Example Sentence:
The walk from the village to Greystones was uphill all the way.

  1. INSISTENCE (NOUN): (ज़ोर) :the fact or quality of insisting that something is the case or should be done.
    Synonyms: urging, emphasis
    Antonyms: satisfaction, satiation
    Example Sentence:
    Our insistence for luxuries should not cause a misery to anyone.

  2. NEGATE (VERB): (प्रतिवाद करना) :make ineffective; nullify.
    Synonyms: annihilate, disallow
    Antonyms: allow, assist
    Example Sentence:
    The criminal will negate all charges if you failed to prove him guilty.

  3. QUEER (ADJECTIVE): (विचित्र) :abnormal
    Synonyms: erratic, weird
    Antonyms: sensible, sound
    Example Sentence:
    They are queer in behavior and extremely uncultured in their lifestyle.

  4. STIMULATE (VERB): (उत्तेजित करना): provoke
    Synonyms: elate, arouse
    Antonyms: neglect, dishearten
    Example Sentence:
    The teacher has to stimulate the students in order to create a hunger in them.

  5. CORNUCOPIA (NOUN): (प्रचुरता) : Abundance
    Synonyms: bounty, fullness
    Antonyms: need, lack
    Example Sentence:
    I shall come from London Town with a cornucopia of presents.

  6. FRET (VERB): (चिड़चिड़ाना) : Feel uneasy
    Synonyms: be upset, be anxious
    Antonyms: please, delight
    Example Sentence:
    She was always fretting about something or the other.

  7. ETHEREAL (ADJECTIVE): (कोमल): Extremely delicate
    Synonyms: light, sublime
    Antonyms: earthly, indelicate
    Example Sentence:
    In this ethereal realm are the currents that make possible wireless telegraphy.

  8. UNLETTERED (ADJECTIVE): (निरक्षर) : Uneducated
    Synonyms: ignorant, illiterate
    Antonyms: educated, literate
    Example Sentence:
    Such misconceptions have not been confined to the unlettered masses.

  9. SPRIGHTLY (ADJECTIVE): (प्रमुदित) :Lively
    Synonyms: agile, active
    Antonyms: spiritless, lethargic
    Example Sentence:
    The sprightly old woman walks two miles every day.

1 year, 11 months ago

⛳️The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 29-10-2022


1-Struck(Verb) : हड़ताल करना : To hit somebody/something
Synonyms: Bang , Afflict
Antonyms: Disregard , Ignored
Example Sentence: We introduced ourselves and struck up a conversation as we dined.

2-Cater(Verb) : सेवा करना : Provide a supply of food
Synonyms: Regale , Serve
Antonyms: Disappoint , Hurt
Example Sentence: A local restaurant catered the banquet.

3-Slender(Adjective): दुबला: Thin and delicate
Synonyms: Slim , Graceful
Antonyms: Fat , Plump
Example Sentence: The plant's leaves are long and slender.

4-Conviction(Noun): दोषसिद्धि : A very strong opinion or belief
Synonyms: Judgement , Persuasion
Antonyms: Distrust , Doubt
Example Sentence: His speech carried so much conviction that I had to agree with him.

5-Mitigation(Noun) : कमी करना : A reduction in the unpleasantness, seriousness
Synonyms: Lessening , Easing
Antonyms: Extend , Increase
Example Sentence: The measures adopted were signally successful, both in saving life and in mitigating distress.

6-Corpus(Noun) : शरीर : Body of a human or animal
Synonyms: Compilation , Whole
Antonyms: Part
Example Sentence: I've got the corpus of Shakespeare's works.

7-Daunting(Adjective) : कठिन : Difficult or dangerous
Synonyms: Disheartening , Formidable
Antonyms: Encourage , Hearten
Example Sentence: Shakespeare's plays can be daunting for a young reader.

8-Evangelism(Noun): इंजीलवाद : Zealous preaching and advocacy of the gospel
Synonyms: Ministration , Teaching
Antonyms: Secular , Layman
Example Sentence: The Convention traditionally puts an emphasis on evangelism.

9-Mobility(Noun): गतिशीलता : To move freely
Synonyms: Potency , Flexibility
Antonyms: Immobility , Motionless
Example Sentence: If your basketball injury causes you to lose mobility in your knee, that means you can't move it very well.

10-Spat(Verb) : झगड़ा : Fight , a short argument
Synonyms: Squabble , Dispute
Antonyms: Harmony , Peace
Example Sentence: She was having a spat with her brother about who should do the washing up.
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