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? General Speaking
Qiziqarli narsa yoq, qiziqib kirib yurmang faqat dars bor, mehnat bor
Speaking challenge qilmoqchiman. IELTS speaking emas, general speaking. Sizga zo'r materiallar beraman, va siz bajarishingiz kerak bo'ladi.
Faqat, vijdonan bajarishingiz kerak, cheating qilmasdan.
1. Kichkina text (mavzulashgan)
2. Qiyin so'zlar tarjimasi
3. Text audiosi
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2. Textni oqib tushunish
3. Textni kuzatib audiosini eshitish (bir vaqtda)
4. Keyin textsiz audio ni ozini eshitish
5. Qayta-qayta eshitib yodlash
6. Yodlangan audioni tabiiy aytib berish
Kim qatnashmoqchi bo'lsa, + qoldirsin
Bayramilar bilan bolajonlar ?
Nigoralar uchun maxsus ?
The line graph illustrates the production trends in three sectors of the forest industry in a European country from 1980 to 2000, measured in million tonnes.
Overall, there was a significant upward trend in production across all three industries, with paper production exhibiting the most rapid growth, outpacing the other sectors.
In 1980, timber production was the highest, standing at 6 million tonnes, while pulp and paper production were lower, at approximately 4 million tonnes and around 3 million tonnes respectively. Over the next five years, timber production surged dramatically, peaking at around 9 million tonnes by 1985. In contrast, pulp production remained relatively stable during this period.
Paper production, however, displayed consistent growth throughout the entire timeframe, culminating in an all-time high of 10 million tonnes in 2000. Conversely, from 1985 to 1995, timber production experienced a decline to just over 6 million tonnes before slightly rebounding to just under 8 million tonnes by 2000. Meanwhile, the pulp production industry exhibited modest growth, increasing by only 1 million tonnes over the whole period.
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Spending long periods away from family members has become common recently. I believe that this trend is the result of economic necessities and pursuing higher education, yet there are several adverse effects stemming from this phenomenon.
It is true that an increasing number of individuals are spending less time with their family members nowasays, which can be attributed to the economical necessity. In other words, mor the majority, making a living in order to meet basic needs of life often means that, people may be forced to seek jobs in other more developed countries, spending long periods away from their family members. Furthermore, educational purposes can be another culprit for this phenomenon since more and more youngsters are pursuing a higher education or undergoing specialized training programms abroad, all of which requires staying away. Oversea students can be a salient example, as they need to cover their studying and living expenses in a foreing country, which makes it challenging for them to to travel and meet their families frequantly due to the high cost of travels.
On the other hand, the adverse impacts of this phenomenon are inevitable, with poor meantal health is being the most immediate one. In fact, living alone often means being not able to share feelings, get emotinal support or familiar environemnt, making the person isolated and potentialy depressed. As a result, poor mental health stemming from isolation may lead to less productivity and dissatisfaction with their lives. Another negative side efffect of being away from family members could be family conflicts. If people stay away from their family members for extended periods, they may develop strained relationships as members may feel neglected or resentful. Consequently, it is likely that family conflicts weakens the relationships among family members.
In summary, although there are various reasons for spending time away from a family such as educational and professional purposes, depression and weak family bonds can emerge, leading to likelihood of conflicts and a miserable life.
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Last updated 1 week, 1 day ago
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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
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Last updated 3 weeks, 2 days ago