🍏Detox Life🍏

All topics regarding detoxing and truth. Covid. Parasites. Lyme. Ivermectin. Fenbendazole.
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Last updated 1 year, 3 months ago

Отзывы: @xRocket_otziv

Владелец: @Cryptopp_russ

Рекламный менеджер: @Mlasuzin @reklama_topi (без оплаты)

Last updated 2 months ago

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Last updated 2 days, 20 hours ago

9 months, 2 weeks ago
🍏Detox Life🍏
1 year, 11 months ago

Ivermectin for Rosacea. (2 minutes, 54 seconds)

2 years ago
2 years ago
🍏Detox Life🍏
2 years ago
Ivermectin stimulates T-cells to invade and …

Ivermectin stimulates T-cells to invade and destroy tumors, which is what the immune system SHOULD be doing. Cancer grows when T-cells aren't working properly, such as when chronic immune activation and/or and experimental vaccine cause T-cell exhaustion. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41523-021-00229-5

2 years ago

More confirmation!

Dr Group
Cancer. FDA raid. Parasites! He was threatened & censored for his published work.

2 years ago

Dr. Brownstein Iodine Protocol:
Iodine is required by every cell in your body, and in every organ. The problem is that many toxins: bromide, fluoride & chlorine displace Iodine to make you sick. We get these toxins in our food, water & environment.

❗️Pay close attention to the CAUTIONS on above link, IF HAVE THYROID ISSUES❗️

2 years ago

Listen To What Dr. Ryan Cole Is Saying

What you are seeing in the 3 videos above is Greatness.

The rare moments when expertise and good intention come together at a crossroad in history.

This work is Nobel Prize worthy at the very least and confirms our most significant concerns...that indeed the shot is a bioweapon!

Here's what we know and can prove.

  1. The Spike Protein injures the inner lining of the blood vessels and at the cell level also injures Mitochondria.


It's NOT a Spike Protein.

It's a Spike GLYCOprotein.

Why is this significant?

Because glycoproteins cause things like Red Blood Cells and Platelets to STICK together via a process similar to what is known as glycosylation.

Red Blood Cells stick together and now your oxygen and carbon dioxide gas exchange is impaired leading to system failure and...

Blood clots form with EASE!

Leading to more system failure and 'Sudden Death'


  1. mRNA DOES reverse transcribe into DNA.

The people GMO'd by the shots most likely have an MTHFr mutation and thus are poor methylators.

Methylation is key for at least 2 cell functions. Detoxification & DNA Protection.

A person who doesn't methylate well has their DNA in a vulnerable state susceptible to injury and modification if they got the shot.

Thus far, this is THE commonality in every severely injured person I've worked with.


  1. mRNA does shed within 48 hours of getting shot.

So it is possible for a person who got shot to pass it on to another person. This is crazy!


Put that together with what we're learning about Th17 and IL-17 immune cell and cell signaling dysregulation and what you're left with is a biological nightmare for doctors and nurses who really care.

You're left with a GMO'd patient...incessantly producing Spike Glycoprotein...with gas exchange significantly impaired...leading to blood clots and eventual system failure.

The death might be a heart attack or aortic dissection or a stroke or liver failure or cancer or any of a HUGE number of things because of where the system failure occurred...but it doesn't matter because the root cause was THE SPIKE GLYCOPROTEIN in THE BLOOD.

Modify the DNA.

Cause the RBCs to stick together.

Dysreglate the Immune System.

Eventual System Failure is a foregone conclusion...and because everyone isn't appearing to die from the same exact thing...

The criminals get plausible deniability.?

Aloha wau iā ʻoe?

- Dr. H?

Circulation Research

SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Impairs Endothelial Function via Downregulation of ACE 2 | Circulation Research

**Listen To What Dr. Ryan Cole Is Saying**
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Last updated 1 year, 3 months ago

Отзывы: @xRocket_otziv

Владелец: @Cryptopp_russ

Рекламный менеджер: @Mlasuzin @reklama_topi (без оплаты)

Last updated 2 months ago

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Last updated 2 days, 20 hours ago