The Frithstead

The Frithstead is rebuilding our native Heathen culture, through the lens Sedish belief. All content by Folcweard Lárġyfa, unless otherwise noted.
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6 months, 3 weeks ago
[**A Case for Pan-Germanicism, Part 7**](

A Case for Pan-Germanicism, Part 7

The various Germanic tribes shared a common cultural foundation and heritage, such as their observance of Yule, their practice of ancestor veneration, and religious blót rituals. Yule, marking the rebirth of the sun, was observed across these cultures, as noted in both Norse and Anglo-Saxon sources. Ancestor veneration, seen in texts like Béowulf and the Saga of the Ynglings involved honoring the dead through rituals and burial customs. Blót, the sacrificial ritual described in Norse sagas and Tacitus' Germania, was practiced widely to ensure divine favor. These shared practices and beliefs evidence the cultural and religious connections among the Germanic folk

6 months, 3 weeks ago
Neolithic Europe had the earliest wheel, …

Neolithic Europe had the earliest wheel, earliest gold metallurgy, earliest bronze metallurgy, earliest evidence of copper smelting, and possibly the earliest writing.


7 months ago

The Fyrgen Podcast is returning!

Behind the scenes, a group of Heathen content-creators have been building something very special - Hearthfire Radio. We decided it was time to bring things together under one thatched roof so that:
a) You can go to one place for the best in Heathen-related discussion and entertainment.
b) We can create content in a way that's financially viable for its continuation.
c) Subscribers can be sure of the quality.

I'm currently researching for my comeback episode, and I'm hoping you're all suitably intrigued by the potential we're sitting on here.


Hearthfire Radio

NEW FOLKISH HEATHEN PODCAST NETWORK Hearthfire Radio In September 2024, some of your favourite heathen creators will team up to bring you a brand new platform filled with premium video and podcast content. We're bringing some of your favourite shows back…

9 months, 1 week ago
Ġealdor: The First of Three Magics

Ġealdor: The First of Three Magics

A form of magic called Ġealdor (YAHL-dor) involves singing prayers to the gods in verse. Deeply rooted in religious traditions, it signifies a magical spell sung to invoke a divine power.

Wóden, who’s renowned for his wisdom & mastery of magic, is the ALU-god. ALU (AH-loo) is Proto-Germanic for “ale” and according to lore, Wóden drank from Mimor’s Eormengrund spring, gaining knowledge, including the runic ġealdoric secrets.

Contrasting Ġealdor is Bealocræft (BAH-lo-craft), or Seiðr (SAY-thur) in Old Norse, and is a darker, taboo magic used for controlling others. While Bealocræft is fearsome and taboo, Ġealdor is pure & sacred, directly connecting to the gods for noble purposes of divine communication.

Singing is a powerful way to connect with the divine, as words influence both spiritual & physical realms.

9 months, 1 week ago
The Frithstead
9 months, 1 week ago

The PNW Wolfpack thanks all of the individuals who have contributed to the fund raiser for Samantha's son. We also want to express our gratitude for all of the organizations and channels that shared Samantha's story.

A special acknowledgment to these groups:

Norvestri Kindred
Raven Folk United
The Frithstead
The Norroena Society
Vidar Rising
Pagan Revivalism
Dave Martel

We also thank those who shared her story that we do not know of. Without all of you, this would not be possible.

With everyone's efforts, we have so far raised $3700 (at last check). While this is a good start, there is still a lot of work that needs to be accomplished.

We have already disbursed $3370 to the family for immediate financial relief. Future disburstments will occur monthly. The family has expressed their gratitude for all of the help, and we extend that gratitude to all of you.

This fund raiser is far from finished as we intend to keep this donation pool indefinitely open to help with the care and support of Samantha's son for the foreseeable future. This will be a living memorial to Samantha, and part of the legacy she leaves to her son.

11 months, 1 week ago

Archaeologists Discover 7000-Year-Old Boats Near Rome

11 months, 2 weeks ago
11 months, 2 weeks ago

After discussing this topic, we have determined it was time to revise Sedian tenet #1. We want to separate ourselves from those who follow new age practices while solidifying Sedianism as a religious and philosophical practice that follows in traditional Germanic polytheism.

Here is the revised tenet.

  1. Sedianism embodies the traditional worldview of Germanic polytheism. Our religion manifests itself in the morality, customs, and practice of the faith as it has been handed down to us from our ancestral sources.

We are here to declare our faith as a central belief system of the ancient Northern European people, and that we are here as moral, religious adherents to what we know is a recognition of the divine and their holy creation. We believe in a fundamental truth that spans into ancient history, and will not compromise our views for modern interpretations. This truth exists within our lore and within our experience with the divine, and cannot be shaken. We can prove, without a shadow of doubt, that our religion is devotional, that we have a system of ethics and morality, and that our eschatology reflects this system. We kneel before our Gods, we pray to them with great reverence, and we offer to them as followers of their path.

11 months, 2 weeks ago

Recommended Channels, Pages, & Sites:

The Frithstead: Focused on Traditional Heathen education (Sedianism) with 30+ articles/essays with a host of independent informational posts, YouTube videos, a Spotify playlist with over 52 hours of music, & published books.

Norrœna Society: Focused on Traditional Heathen education (Sedianism) with countless articles/essays & numerous invaluable published books

The PNWWP: ThePacific North West Wolfpack is a confederation of independent and local kindreds/clans. Their site offers educational articles.

Irminfolk: The Irminfolk serves as a philosophical, educational, religious, & social community of Folkish Heathens. Their site offers educational articles.

The Traditional Heathens: A Sedian channel devoted to the traditional Germanic worldview, their ancient practices, spiritual beliefs, myths, & cultural values.

Æhtemen: An Anglo-Saxon channel offering educational material

Sacred Stew: Focused on authentic germanic theology, history, & philosophy

International Germanic Heathen Fellowship: A Continental German Heathen channel

Survive the Jive: Focused on ancient European archeology & Indo-European/European genetics

Chad Pastoralist: Focused on ancient European archeology, Indo-European/European genetics, & Heathendom

Slavic Spirituality & Culture: A Folkish Slavic group that supports & promotes Slavic Paganism, Culture and History

Anglish Times: An Anglish site offering current event news & and extensive Anglish Wordhoard

Sigmund’s Metaphysical Männerbund: Paganism, culture, self improvement, outdoorsmanship.

The Mead Hall: A channel by Black Hills Medu exploring the history, science, & techniques of mead making

Celtic Europe: Online museum and repository for historical and ancestral knowledge.

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