Toshkent shahridagi INHA Universiteti Yoshlar Ittifoqi

Toshkent shahridagi INHA Universiteti Yoshlar Ittifoqi boshlang’ich tashkiloti:

Murojaat uchun:
Yoshlar yetakchisi : @youngbillgates
We recommend to visit

Eng ishonchli AKKAUNT SAVDO ??
Xalolik foydadan ustun ✅

‼️ Eslatma: Kanalimizga Joylanayotgan Akkauntlarning Barchasi Turnirda Yutilgan!


Last updated 1 year ago

QASHQADARYO24 - Қашқадарё вилоятида энг тезкор янгиликлар ва видеолар етказиб берувчи биринчи рақамли каналга хуш келибсиз!


⚡Реклама хизмат: @QashqadaryoReklama_admin

? Хабар юбориш: @zoirovs

Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago

Bizni kanalda pubg akkauntingizni sotishingiz yoki sotib olishingiz mumkin??

Reklama Narxi 19,000 so'm✅

?‍?Reklama uchun: @Cardinal_Admin
?Garant uchun: @cardinal_admin
? UC Uchun: @cardinal_uc
☎️Tel: +998906666646

?Reklama oraliq vaqti 20 minut

Last updated 2 months ago

9 months, 3 weeks ago

Dear students!

I hope you are doing well with your studies and private life!

I would like to once again inform you that every course has its own coordinator (we call them a tutor). The coordinator will be ready to serve you every day concerning all academic and social issues. Particularly, you can ask them, e.g., for
a recommendation letter
papers for a military office,
submitting documents for internships and scholarships,
transcripts about your study here, and others.

The coordinator will also provide you with support in case of any illnesses, informing professors and Academic Affairs. You will have official information concerning all opportunities for you, including Exchange programs, Summer schools, and other offers with university foundations for your travels to other countries. 

Your coordinator is that person who is always ready to help you and glad of your achievements!

A part from that, we ask you to politely approach your coordinator and be cooperative with them. The coordinator will inform us about the activities each student participates in, including participation in events organized by IUT as well as Hakatons, startups, and so on. According to our experience at Inha University in Korea, we are creating a special platform for students social activities. It means that each student should participate in events at least once every two months during their free time between classes.
All achievements, social activities, and GPA averages will be taken into account during the formation of the social rating of students. A high social rating gives students good opportunities in the process of selecting the above-mentioned grants, scholarships, and fellowships. It's also planning other options for motivation.

If a student has a low social rating, they may encounter difficulties in obtaining recommendations and may miss out on other opportunities!

It’s my pleasure to introduce our coordinators:

Ms. Sattarova Nasiba ( for freshman students)Ms. Sodikjonova Shakhrizoda ( for sophomore students)Mr. Abdumalikov Elyor ( for junior students)Mr. Pulatov Sharif ( for senior students)

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to visit my office (A707) and talk to your coordinator!

With best regards,
First vice-rector T.Tursunmuratov .

?Social sites:
?Telegram | ?Instagram

9 months, 4 weeks ago


*? *Volontyorlik sohasiga qiziquvchi, shaxsiy rivojlanish istagida bo'lgan barcha yoshlar diqqatiga!
?? #Rasman: Yangi formatdagi "Universe" volontyorlar maktabining 1-mavsumi saralash jarayonlariga start berildi.

? Saralash jarayonining birinchi bosqichida maxsus havola orqali ro'yxatdan o'tish, ma'lumotlarni kiritish va havolada ko'rsatilgan savollarga javob berish kerak bo'ladi.

*? *Havola:

➡️ Birinchi bosqich uchun ro'yxatdan o'tish jarayonlari joriy yilning 1-mayidan 5-may kuniga qadar davom etadi. Arizalar 6-8-may kunlari ko'rib chiqiladi va 9-may kuni ikkinchi bosqichga o'tgan yoshlar ro'yxati e'lon qilinadi.

#yoshlaragentligi #universe #uva #saralash


10 months ago
Toshkent shahridagi INHA Universiteti Yoshlar Ittifoqi
10 months ago
Toshkent shahridagi INHA Universiteti Yoshlar Ittifoqi
10 months ago
Toshkent shahridagi INHA Universiteti Yoshlar Ittifoqi
10 months ago
***?******?******?*** ***?******?******?******?******?******?***

??? ??????

?On April 27, the team consisting of students of Inha University in Tashkent won the 3rd? place in the regional stage of the 15th group of the "Debate" tournament held at the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek.

?27 апреля команда студентов Университета Инха в Ташкенте, заняла 3-е место ?на региональном этапе 15-й группы турнира «Дебаты», проводимого в Национальном университете Узбекистана имени Мирзо Улугбека.

?27-aprel kuni Toshkent shahridagi Inha universiteti talabalaridan tashkil topgan jamoa Mirzo Ulug'bek nomidagi O'zbekiston Milliy Universitetida bo'lib o'tgan "Munozara" turniring 15-guruh hududiy bosqichida 3-o'rinni ?qo'lga kiritdi.

?Bizning sahifalarimiz:
?Telegram | ?Instagram

10 months ago
Toshkent shahridagi INHA Universiteti Yoshlar Ittifoqi
10 months ago
Toshkent shahridagi INHA Universiteti Yoshlar Ittifoqi
10 months ago
Toshkent shahridagi INHA Universiteti Yoshlar Ittifoqi
10 months ago
***◽️******?******?******?******?*** ***?******?******?******?******?******?***

◽️???? ??????

?️ Ayni paytda Toshkent shahridagi Inha universiteti yoshlari “MUTOLAA” loyihasining tantanali marosimini jonli efirda kuzatib bormoqda.

?Bizning sahifalarimiz:
?Telegram | ?Instagram

We recommend to visit

Eng ishonchli AKKAUNT SAVDO ??
Xalolik foydadan ustun ✅

‼️ Eslatma: Kanalimizga Joylanayotgan Akkauntlarning Barchasi Turnirda Yutilgan!


Last updated 1 year ago

QASHQADARYO24 - Қашқадарё вилоятида энг тезкор янгиликлар ва видеолар етказиб берувчи биринчи рақамли каналга хуш келибсиз!


⚡Реклама хизмат: @QashqadaryoReklama_admin

? Хабар юбориш: @zoirovs

Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago

Bizni kanalda pubg akkauntingizni sotishingiz yoki sotib olishingiz mumkin??

Reklama Narxi 19,000 so'm✅

?‍?Reklama uchun: @Cardinal_Admin
?Garant uchun: @cardinal_admin
? UC Uchun: @cardinal_uc
☎️Tel: +998906666646

?Reklama oraliq vaqti 20 minut

Last updated 2 months ago