The Jefferson Lee Show 3.0

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2 months, 1 week ago

⚠️ TOMORROW: 2pm New York ~ 7pm Dublin ~ 8pm Berlin

Jefferson Lee returns! We'll be discussing news, reflecting on the current state of nationalism in the west, and taking your questions.

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2 months, 2 weeks ago

Going Live on Rumble at 230 eastern today. Let's see how the new platform works...

2 months, 2 weeks ago

Going Live on Rumble at 230 eastern today. Let's see how the new platform works...

4 months, 4 weeks ago

By now you will have heard that my husband Sam Melia was sentenced today to two years in prison for his intentions behind publishing stickers that the prosecution said were both lawful and truthful.

The sentencing guidelines gave the judge the option of choosing anywhere between 2 years and 6 years, and the minimum was given due to the lack of seriousness regarding the offence. The judge could’ve suspended the sentence (and sent Sam home) at two years, however he chose not to and said the reason why was because he wanted the sentencing to act as a deterrent to other people with the same beliefs.

Before today, Sam met with his Probation Officer who said that Sam was no risk to the public and there was no chance of reoffending, and recommended a community order. The judge chose to ignore this.

The worst case scenario is that Sam will serve 12 months in prison. Potentially, he could serve 6 - 8 months. He is considered low risk and could therefore be on day release from as early as in a few months.

If you take anything from this, let it remind you why we do what we do. We live in a country where our people are attacked by the anti-White state for advocating for their own safety and interests.

I don’t want cuddles and condolences. I don’t want thoughts and prayers. I want you to join me in filling the void that Sam leaves for the next few months. There are no excuses. Not everybody has to be on the front line. There is plenty you can do behind the scenes.

Sam should hold his head up high knowing that he put his head above the parapet when many others dare not. He didn’t back down at any point over the last three years, nor did he take any offer they offered him. He remained defiant for us, and now it’s our turn to repay his sacrifice by carrying his flame until he is back.

6 months ago

Centuries ago, whites flooded into a different world and realized how different they were from the people they discovered. Today, the people we discovered are flooding into our countries, and we are stunned at how different they are from us. It's a harsh example of how some lessons must be relearned. I'd rather it happen in a much easier way, but only something as shocking as a literal alien invasion is enough to remind us that what our ancestors built is unique and worth fighting for.

Things are going to get weird, but we're going to make it. Strap in.

X (formerly Twitter)

Jefferson Lee (@JeffersonLee86) on X

Centuries ago, whites flooded into a different world and discovered how different they were from the people he discovered. Today, the people we discovered are flooding into our countries, and we are stunned at how different they are from us. It's a harsh…

6 months ago

There is probably some truth to the first in, first out theory of neoliberalism.

So many online right wingers have fetishized Poland for being "based," and they probably were relative to western Europe and the Anglosphere. But the truth is that the iron curtain protected a lot of nations from the degenerate culture brewing in the United States, and they simply haven't been exposed to the virus the way we have.

As time goes on, you're likely going to see a lot of these nations struggle with their lack of immunity to the neoliberal virus, and we will see them catch up to, if not surpass, the Anglosphere in degeneracy.

As much as it pains me to admit, Americans have, in many respects, developed a certain immunity to neoliberal culture, and many of us no longer see it as high status (this is unfortunately not the case in many European nations that have an inferiority complex to the United States).

We were among the first to be poisoned, and we will be among the first to defeat it

First in, first out. Sorry Poland. I hope you guys can survive this. We're rooting for you.

6 months, 1 week ago

In a totally unforeseen development (insert eye roll), giving heavy industry to third world countries leads to astronomical levels of pollution. The white man has done some terrible things to the world since the dawn of heavy industry, but we have had the advantage of growing with technology. As Spengler pointed out in Man and Technics, technological advancement is part of the white man's soul.

For the third world, technics and heavy industry are tools that were given to them before they were ready. They have developed none of the responsibilities that come with it, and they lack the global consciousness to understand that their use of industry has serious consequences. If anything, this is precisely why so many factories have been outsourced to the global south: they don't give a fuck about the ramifications of their actions, and, as such, will crank out bigger profits due to their ability to ignore any and all ethical boundaries that must follow the use of heavy industry.

It's for this reason that white minoritization is a sin on a planetary level. Who else cares for the environment the way we do? Imperfect as we may be, I have yet to see any other people group in the world display a conscience as it pertains to their use of technics. White minoritization will have MASSIVE negative downstream effects for the planet if heavy industry continues unabated after we've lost control of our creations.

Strap in, boys. There will either be a massive rediscovery of white identity and Western values (a rediscovery that will be resisted by the regime at all costs) or a continued spiral towards a global dark age.

Either way, it's only going to get weirder.

X (formerly Twitter)

Jefferson Lee (@JeffersonLee86) on X

In a shocker, giving heavy industry to third world countries leads to astronomical levels of pollution. The white man has done some terrible things to the world since the dawn of heavy industry, but we have had the advantage of growing with technology. As…

In a totally unforeseen development (insert eye roll), giving heavy industry to third world countries leads to astronomical levels of …
8 months, 3 weeks ago
Among self professed [Republicans under 30 …

Among self professed Republicans under 30 support for the Israeli government is just 27%. According to a 2019 poll.

48% of Republicans under 30 also have a favourable view of the Palestinian people.

The GOP's base, even among people under 30, remains 85% White.

And young White men are the most willing group in the country to engage in political action, but generally do not due so due to a lack of representation.

The Israel lobby and Conservative movement have lost narrative control when it comes to young right-leaning Whites.

There are opportunities for nationalists to court these young Whites.

9 months, 1 week ago
***🇺🇸******🇮🇱*** The associated press published and …

🇺🇸🇮🇱 The associated press published and then removed this section from an article.

📎 Patrick

9 months, 2 weeks ago

Henry Kissinger: Diversity is no longer a strength

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