Anarchy 2023 St-Imier Info Channel

International Anti-Auhoritarian Gathering 2023, St-Imier, Switzerland
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1 year, 6 months ago
With so many people and organisations …

With so many people and organisations present in St. Imier during the @anarchy2023 gathering in July 2023 a few comrades thought it would be a good idea to create a list of the groups and organisations (not individuals) that participated, in order to gain a collective resource for our struggles: accessible, searchable and structured by the type of work our respective organisations are doing.

This pad was created by a few individuals at Anarchy2023:


1 year, 7 months ago

This is a communication from the organization team :
Welcome to St-Imier !
We are already more than 4000 people here ! and we are so glad to see the workshops are successfull, and all these important discussions happen !
We remind you that there are Recommandations for good communication during the discussions, that are posted on walls in all the locations. Please, read them and volunteer to do moderation.
The orga team is only a few persons, we are doing our best to welcome you and adapt to the increasing mass of people arriving.
But truth is : we are not enough.

Many people in the orga team right now do not have time to sleep, eat, wash, or talk to friends they haven’t seen for a long time, or attend to one single workshop.
The groups for Camping, Parking and Team Care need a lot more volunteers.
Please, come to the volunteers desk in Espace Noir and join them at least for one shift of 4 hours.
We try not to drain ourselves, and we will close some parts of the organization that we don’t have time to handle ourselves.
So now, we need that people here to begin self-organizing and making things happen.
Another thing : right now, there are no more trains running between St-Imier and La Chaux-de-Fonds. There are buses instead, leaving from the trainstation.
That is because many people crossed over rail ways. After two emergency breaks, that could have led to fatal accidents, some train drivers did not want to work anymore. Maybe you think people are responsible for the risk they take for themselves... we just want to remind you that if such an accident happened, the driver of the train, who did not choose it, will suffer from trauma.

Also, we fear that the railroad compagny is going to charge the additional cost caysed by this to the organization for this disruption.
We don’t want to use your money for this, we want to be able to pay all the persons that trusted us, like the local producers who supplied the vegetables, for example. And help with the surplus to defend imprisoned anarchists !
Besides, there are short ways to get to the campings and the ZAF without crossing over rail ways. 
So, is it possible for you to stop crossing the rail ways ?
Also remember, when you park your car, that we don’t want to keep local public transport from running, because it is mostly used by the people of the area to get to the hospital.
And also, that the firefighters and ambulances need access to anywhere at any time.
So, is it possible for you to park in the new parking lots we managed to find ?

Have a nice time !
The orga team.

1 year, 7 months ago


All the events in Salle de Spectacles, Great Hall, are translated in 6 languages : French, English, German, Spanish, Italian, Russian.

1 year, 7 months ago
Join the internationalist block in Lausanne …

Join the internationalist block in Lausanne today (bus departure from St-Imier)

100 years ago, on July 24, 1923, an international conference of imperialist states took place in Lausanne, that divided the people of Kurdistan by four nation-states, the so-called Lausanne Treaty. With this, the systematic policy of denial, assimilation, and cultural genocide against the Kurdish people was initiated.

A bus with 50 seats is organized to go to Lausanne on saturday morning (donation - recommended price 20 euro). If you want to go by car, please come to the station as well so we can have more seats to share.

Time : 10:30 am

Location : Train station, St-Imier

1 year, 7 months ago
If you have questions or critics …

If you have questions or critics there will be every day an open-mic session at 13h in Zaf. It's the place where you can exchange with the organisation team.

As the event is growing very fast, the organisation is comming to a limit. The orga has allways been extremely small for the size of the event and some parts are getting out of control. We absolutely need help especialy for the parking, camping and info point. Please help us and go to the volunteer office in Espace Noir. Have fun and take care of each other...

1 year, 7 months ago

Please people, don't go to the Saint-Imier swimming pool, it's closed for work and won't miraculously open when you arrive. There are fountains and water points all over the event. Thank you

S'il vous plait les gens, ne vous rendez pas à la piscine de Saint-Imier, elle est fermée pour cause de travaux et n'ouvrira pas miraculeusement à votre arrivée. Vous avez des fontaines et des points d'eau dans tous les lieux de la manifestation. Merci.

1 year, 7 months ago

If you have questions or critics there will be every day an open-mic session at 13h in Zaf. It's the place where you can exchange with the organisation team.

As the event is growing very fast, the organisation is comming to a limit. The orga has allways been extremely small for the size of the event and some parts are getting out of control. We absolutely need help especialy for the parking, camping and info point. Please help us and go to the volunteer office in Espace Noir. Have fun and take care of each other...

1 year, 7 months ago
The planned [@anarchy2023]( parking places are …

The planned @anarchy2023 parking places are FULL. Please use the new additional parking area on the west side of St-Imier as indicated on the map:

If you are still planning your journey, please use public transport or a bicycle, if reasonable!

1 year, 7 months ago

Parking update:

We have managed to get a new area for parking. People staying with their tent at the mixed general camping can park their cars in this new area.

There is also space for approximately 40 campers. If you have a camper please go there too.

The parking of the Esplanade and Beausite are full. If you need to be more central you can still park at the parking Abattoirs. There is some space left.

The new parking is located at the Rue de le clé. Best is to drive to the general mixed camping and follow the signs to the parking from there. We will update the map asap.

If you are by car please also use any blue or white zone parking slot.

To all the people parking along side the road by the camping. Again if you are not in one if the parking zone, please move over to the new camping as soon as you can. Thank you!

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