????? ???????

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1 year, 2 months ago

Half of you mfs wouldn’t have internet addiction if you were not lonley

1 year, 2 months ago

But i think you can develop the skills to cultivate an amazing friend group and i think if you show up at the right places you can still find the right people.
In Places like:
Gym,fight clubs,military camps…(basically places that strong minded men hang around)

1 year, 2 months ago

Truth is
Its so hard to find people on your age that are seriously on self improvement
It’s a shame that most people are so fucking autistic and mentally retarded.
Like the most common experience between gen z are the type of music they listen too and video games and movies and memes they have watched (basically NPC consumerist type of shit)

Most of thier life experience is in front of a screen which makes finding and mentaining friendship irl so hard(Myself included cause i was like this 2/3 years ago)
If you become friend with these type of individuals they will not help you to grow but also will drag you down and thats why most guys loose hope from everyone and choose the road of loneliness instead of trying to find the right people.

1 year, 2 months ago

A lot of people talk about the woes of modern dating, but what I think is really missing
nowadays, especially between men - is
genuine, supportive friendships and brotherhood.

The 'sigma' lone wolf stuff is pure cope.

The secret to making great friends is to be an amazing friend yourself first.
The power of being around genuine people who are like-minded and share the same goals as you is invaluable.
It teaches you how to interact and really connect with people that share your values.
Also it can create healthy competition and they can push you even harder and have your back at hard times.

1 year, 2 months ago
Your purpose in life is to …

Your purpose in life is to successfully reproduce,and then follow your passion afterwards.
At the end of the day,we are all animals,just trying our best to adapt to modern times with ancient lizard brains
Just remember If you didn’t had a good family
At least try to make a batter one.

1 year, 2 months ago
????? ???????
1 year, 2 months ago



Stop Letting Other Men Pipe Your Wife

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