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Last updated 10 months, 1 week ago
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Last updated 1 week ago
Guess what I can do but you can’t anymore
I just did a funny
I have no idea why I didn’t consider rolling tubes before, but they’re dirt cheap, highly customizable, and electric rolling machines make rolling in mass quantity with consistent quality, an absolute breeze.
$15 I can buy a 1lbs pound bag of tobacco & 200 Cigarette Rolling Tubes.
Compare that to $15 for a pack of 20 Cigarettes from the Gas Station.
1/10th the cost.
Rolling by hand is something I’ve always done, but it’s a pain in the ass, because I’d usually just roll them on the fly when I wanted one.
But half the time I didn’t have my papers or loose tobacco with me, so I’d just end up grabbing a pack from the gas station anyways. A fun hobby, a cool party trick, but not really an efficient process.
Doing it with the rolling machine, I can mass produce 200 niggas with the press of a button, put em all in a box, and I’ll just have a never ending supply, at 1/10th the cost.
Very based.
Trump will be my King, and I will be his most loyal opposition.
I'm ride or die with Donald John Trump
For Hitlers Birthday ?
The way out is the ancient saying "Know Yourself" (complemented with "nothing superfluous") and "Be Yourself".
This implies an action of inner transformation and organization, leading to the elimination of indetermination, and integration into the dominant "trait" of the Soul - transforming this Varna into an ethical imperative, and to ritualize it through faithfulness in order to bring it into stability.
Here we see that the Caste system is a great system to do that.
Barring Caste - as we are today ... we are what the Aryan East called Patitas - Fallen Ones. We are impure, sacrilegious, and untouchable because we represent inner dissolution. Even if your dominant spiritual type may be "gold", given that it is mixed with lead - both metals are fundamentally altered into a true decadence of the Soul.
So first we will tell you how we got here (this is the Historical "Decline of the Castes") - and then we will tell you how we get out, from this state of Mercurial formlessness.
We will now explore Varna a little deeper.
The Caste & Varna you are born in, is no different to the species or gender you are born into - meaning, it's cause is your karma.
We don't live in Caste today - it is nonsensical to say "I am Warrior Caste" or "I am Priest Caste" or "I am Farmer Caste".
You're really trying to say Varna, not Caste - Caste is a spiritual socio-political organism that would be more akin to a hereditary Guild Society, Varna is the 4-tier allegory of the macroorganism of society vs the microorganism of the individual.
In a Democratic Society as we live today - all men are internally "Mercurial" meaning shifting and formless. It is "Casteless" in that there is no Caste who serves as the organizing principle for both the individuals in society, or society at large. Today, we are Casteless, or - Confused.
The the lowest level of any organism - there are undifferentiated and impersonal energies of matter and of mere vitality, these energies are acted upon by the bodily functions of metabolism and so forth. You do not "Will", on this level - they happen even within a person in a Coma.
As we get more complex, we begin to regulate more complex functions - and we do this by our Will - which moves and directs the functions of the body as an organic whole in space and time. So for example, you Will yourself to pick up a tool, and use it towards a directed strike on the head of a nail into a board. Moreso, you have now made a conscious distinction of a "nail" as a nail, and a "board" as a board.
Now, what is this Will governed by?
What is the sovereign power and "light" of this Will?
We now talk of Varna.
The Varna is something like the attributes of the "Soul" - which here we will use for shorthand, but it is not to be confused with the common notion of the "Soul" - meaning, some "eternal" Self which is divine and unchanging. Rather, the "Soul", in this context, is akin to your Storehouse of Consciousness - this Storehouse, or Soul - contains within it, a summary of your Karmic impulses, which ultimately form your "Personal Equation" - this makes you who you are, it differentiates you from others. This Soul is indeed, in flux.
The Varna - your Karmic Soul "form" in flux - is the sovereign power and light of your organism ... it governs your Will. It is, what we have referred to as the Hegemonikon - the Sovereign Commander of the Soul.
To quote Julius Evola - "it implies the generic idea of the preexistence of causes and the principle that 'human beings are heirs of karma'. Similar doctrines were not typical of the East alone. According to a Hellenistic teaching, not only 'the soul's quality exists before any bodily life; it has exactly what it chose to have' but 'the body has been organized and determined by the image of the soul which is it'."
So here we can say, birth does not determine nature, but nature determines birth - or more specifically, a person is endowed with a certain soul, by virtue of being born into a specific caste ... but at the same time, one is born in a specific caste because one possesses, transcendentally, a given soul.
Thus, the hereditary assortment into Caste, is just the reflection and confirmation of the preexisting, deeper, intimate inequality of man.
Now - as stated - we weren't born into a Caste - but into Mercurial Fluidity ... and that is, fundamentally, because our "Soul" is Mercurial.
Perhaps you were born into a family that farms, or works in trades, or government, or is close to spirituality - and so perhaps that can help you make sense of some of the confusion within your Soul, what the stronger "threads" within the "quilt" of your Soul are ... but you, fundamentally - are without Caste, and in confusion.
This confusion results in an existential crisis of sorts - and may even drive one towards Nihilism, upon recognition of the Soul and Society, in chaos and disharmony.
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Last updated 10 months, 1 week ago
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