Jack Breaks Out (ZeroRex)

The King of Nothing.
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1 month, 3 weeks ago
Jack Breaks Out (ZeroRex)
1 month, 3 weeks ago

Merch Store: Brand New T-Shirt...

1 month, 3 weeks ago

Jack Breaks Out on RUMBLE

Tomorrow @ 5pm Est.
The Titanomachy (War of the Gods) will help explain Mithraism.
LOCALS FRIDAY after tomorrow's show.

Next week's shows:
Monday: Human Sacrifice
Wednesday: Mithraism
Both shows at 7pm Est.

I hope you can join!

4 months, 1 week ago


On Tuesday we vote for President of the United States AND SO MUCH MORE‼️

We also vote for:
US Senate & House of Representatives, the State Legislature, Governors, Mayors, City Council members, Judges, school board members, proposed new state laws & many other offices and items.

It’s more important than you know for all Republicans & Independents to go vote‼️

Yes, Trump needs the votes for President;
BUT we really need your votes for all the other offices & to vote on the proposed STATE laws‼️

See in Massachusetts, where I'm at, Dems seem to put all the super crazy Libs laws on the ballots during Presidential election years only (this is probably true in most other blue states as well) & not so much during the Midterm elections.


My guess is because Massachusetts is so DEEP BLUE Democrat that many Republicans & Independents think their vote won’t matter for President (not true btw) so they skip voting entirely.

This apathy by Republicans in Blue States has had devastating consequences. Republicans here don’t vote because they are only solely focused on the Presidential election and forget about how important all the other elections & votes on laws are to them.

This voter apathy means Republicans also don't go vote for our Representatives in the US Congress, State Legislatures & on the new laws on the ballot being proposed laws. DEVASTATING!

In Massachusetts, Republican overemphasis on the POTUS election and subsequent voter apathy has led The Libs to dominate the Massachusetts votes for:
POTUS, the US Congressional, the State Legislature, Mayors, City Councils, Judges, school boards & passage of insane state laws.

It also reinforces the myth that our state is turning Deeper Blue leading to more Republican/Independent voter apathy...and it's gone on for years and has helped destroy our cities and state.

It allowed the crazy Libs to dominate our local & state governments and legally pass insane state laws.

I have no idea why nobody, including Trump, didn't come out and explain this more to the people but voter apathy with Republicans & Independents in blue states allowed this insanity to go on unchecked.

Now red states turned purple for the same reason but in reverse. Republicans in red states always assumed their State would always be Red (Texas, Florida, Ohio) so they really didn't organize and didn’t go vote because their state was always red. This is how the Libs turned those states purple...they went out in force knowing many Republicans would just assume republicans would always win. Then they lost and had no clue why.

Thankfully Trump turned that apathy into passion and Republicans + Independents are out voting in force but I do wish he'd explained it a bit more. Maybe he did and I missed it cause I've missed a lot.

Oh and lastly, let's never forget that when the Libs know they'll lose...then they add in massive voter fraud but our numbers can overcome their fraud.


?? GO VOTE‼️??

5 months, 3 weeks ago

Time to panic…collapse might happen in 200 years.

8 months, 3 weeks ago

This is a major step towards dominating the oceans.

8 months, 4 weeks ago

No Show Tonight June 18, 2024

Rumble not working.

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Last updated 1 week, 1 day ago

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