A Premonition Beauty.

𑁍: 𖨂 Introducing the lassie who wears heaps of greasepaints on her charismatic lips amidst the blossom of — coral rosette, chased by jewelry’s and lavish chassis ad-lib knick knacks, Emily Berlyane Kit Clementine.
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Last updated 20 hours ago

Phase 1 - fair mining.
Play: @theYescoin_bot

Chat Group: @theYescoin_fam2

Ambassador: https://forms.gle/zxgCJLZe5NMz2AHt5

Yes, everything is possible!

Last updated 1 day, 20 hours ago

7 months, 1 week ago

Golden rays of the morning sun enveloped the bustling streets of Paris found myself in the heart of the city preparing for a photoshoot as the face of the renowned brand, Cartier. Adorned in exquisite jewelry that sparkled with timeless elegance, I embodied the spirit of sophistication and grace that Cartier has long been synonymous with as the camera clicked, capturing every angle and every gleam of the meticulously crafted diamonds and precious metals, I channeled an air of confidence and poise reflecting the brand’s legacy of luxury and refinement with each pose & each subtle movement, I sought to convey the essence of Cartier’s craftsmanship and the allure of it’s iconic designs, in between takes, couldn’t help but marvel at the rich history and legacy of Cartier, a brand that has adorned the lives of countless individuals with it’s signature pieces that transcend time and trends. The weight of each piece I wore seemed to carry not just the brilliance of it’s craftsmanship but also the stories of those who had cherished Cartier's creations over the years. The day drew to a close, the last glimmers of sunlight danced upon the Eiffel Tower, casting a warm, romantic glow across the city. With a sense of fulfillment and gratitude, I felt honored to have embodied the essence of Cartier, a brand that continues to capture the hearts and imaginations of connoisseurs and dreamers alike, leaving an indelible mark on the world of haute joaillerie.

7 months, 1 week ago
A Premonition Beauty.
7 months, 1 week ago
A Premonition Beauty.
8 months ago

Verily, in a bustling borough enveloped by the gentle embrace of the night, there dwelt a dame hight whose beauteous visage seemed to transcend the boundaries of tide. Those eyes, shimmering like pools of liquid gold, held the wisdom of centuries yore, whilst her smile, radiant and captivating, spake of an inner grace that captivated all who crossed her path. Her existence was enigmatic, presence an enchanter’s melody that echoed through the hearts of those who beheld her. Yet, amidst the whispers of her ethereal allure, there was a secret, known only to a select few. It was said that whenever the moon cast its soft glow upon the horizon, she would disappear into her private sanctuary a hidden chamber nestled within her opulent mansion. In this sanctuary, a grand piano stood bathed in moonlight, it’s ebony and ivory keys gleaming softly in the night’s embrace. Delicate fingers caressed the instrument, a symphony of unparalleled beauty would emerge, cascading through the air like a gentle melodic waterfall. Each note bore the weight of her soul, carrying within it the stories of love, loss and timeless longing.Her music transcended the earthly realm, reaching deep into the souls of those who dared to listen. It spoke of forgotten dreams unspoken desires and the bittersweet yearning for a world beyond mortal comprehension with each delicate touch, her melodies wove a tapestry of emotions that traversed the boundaries of time and space, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts of all who bore witness. Though the world remained unaware of the ethereal enchantress who graced the night with her celestial music, her legacy endured through the whispers of those who caught a fleeting glimpse of her unparalleled beauty and the haunting melodies that echoed from her secluded sanctuary. Music remained an eternal echo a timeless testament to the power of love, longing and the enduring beauty that transcends the mortal realm.



Majesty of The Goddess

8 months ago
A Premonition Beauty.
8 months ago


❈ A woman of unparalleled,
          Eternal beauty, she's so sweet
          When she smiles, attracting          
          People’s hearts ❈

8 months ago
A Premonition Beauty.
8 months ago
A Premonition Beauty.
8 months ago

Lived in a cozy village nestled among rolling hills and vast meadows was known for her impeccable memory and her uncanny ability to recall even the tiniest details of any event. However, her gift had an unexpected twist. As she wandered through her days, she would often overhear snippets of conversations about moments she had never experienced. People would reminisce about childhood adventures, intricate family gatherings, or neighborhood shenanigans that felt oddly familiar to her. Although she could recount these tales in vivid detail, she knew they were not her own memories. Her village was filled with stories, anecdotes, and secrets that had been passed down from generation to generation. Her mind, like an ever-receptive vessel, absorbed them all. She became a repository of the collective memories of her community, a living archive of tales and histories that were both hers and yet not quite hers. Though she marveled at the richness of her mind, sometimes she longed for her own memories, ones that were uniquely hers, filled with personal adventures and heartfelt connections. She often found solace in creating her own narratives, weaving together imaginary worlds and characters that danced within the confines of her rich imagination. Despite the occasional pang of yearning, she embraced her role as the keeper of her village's memories and dedicated herself to preserving the vibrant tapestry of her community's past, ensuring that each precious tale would never be lost to time and as she continued to cherish the stories she held. She discovered that in safeguarding the memories of others, she had found a profound sense of purpose and belonging within the tapestry of her community’s history.

8 months ago
A Premonition Beauty.
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Last updated 2 weeks, 1 day ago


Last updated 20 hours ago

Phase 1 - fair mining.
Play: @theYescoin_bot

Chat Group: @theYescoin_fam2

Ambassador: https://forms.gle/zxgCJLZe5NMz2AHt5

Yes, everything is possible!

Last updated 1 day, 20 hours ago