? ID 830125650 ✓
Last updated 1 year, 6 months ago
? Reklama: https://t.me/EduRek/16
?? Bilim va malakalarni baholash agentligi yangiliklari
? Manba: www.uzbmb.uz
Last updated 1 month, 4 weeks ago
Kanalimizda judayam ko‘p foydali mahsulotlar bor, ko‘rib chiqib buyurtma berishingiz mumkin
✅ Biror bir mahsulotga buyurtma berishga qiynalsangiz yoki qandaydur muammo bo‘lsa quyidagi profilga yozing
? @Sotuvchi_A ?
Last updated 1 year, 6 months ago
"I am busy" in other words
✅ I am swamped
✅ I am overloaded
✅ I am snowed under
✅ I am tied up
✅ I have bigger fish to fry
✅ My hands are full
Can you continue the list in the comments?
Check the comments for more
P/s: Qiyin bo'lmasa reaksiya qoldiramiz ✅
Assalomu alaykum !
✅SPEAKING✅1)Bepul darslar.
2)Bepul Speaking Mock.
3)Bepul maslahatlar…✅LISTENING✅
1)Bepul darslar.
2)Listening Mock Tests.
1)Bepul darslar.
2)Reading Mock Tests.
3)Texnikalar…✅WRITING✅1)Bepul darslar.
2)Writing Mock tests.
1)VOCABULARY.2)SYNONYMS OF WORDS. 3)KINO VA MULTFILMLAR… Hozir request tashlab qo’yavering.☝️ Bu kanal tez orada ishga tushadi…✅
• **Note
?Summarize the specific and detail information in the recording
• Form
?Summarize the details in the recording such as name, phone number, and data
• Table
?Summarize information related to some categories (for instance place, cost, time…)
• Flow-chart
?Summarize a process with particular steps displayed by arrows.
• Summary paragraph
?You are responsible for filling in the gaps in the given paragraph. Notice that your answer must meet all the requirements about spelling, grammar, and word limit**.
?To be continued....
P/s: Qiyin bo'lmasa reaksiya qoldiramiz ✅**
#new ***words
Figure - ahamiyatga ega
Sign up - ro'yhatdan o'tmoq
Refund - pulni qaytarib beris
Account - izoh
Roam - ko'zdan kechirmoq
Abundance - ko'p
Forge - metal qizitiladigan
Steam - pur
Point out - ko'rsatmoq
Smelted - eritilgan
Cast - shakl bermoq
Furnace - pech
Furnished - jihozlangan
Extension - kengaytirish
Compassionate - rahmdil
Proximity - yaqinlik
Tenant - ijarachi
Urban - shahar ...
Shady - soyali
Humid - ho'l
Built-up - ko'p binolar b-n o'ralgan
Enclosed - bino ichida***
P/s: Qiyin bo'lmasa reaksiya qoldiramiz ✅
Assalomu alaykum !
✅SPEAKING✅1)Bepul darslar.
2)Bepul Speaking Mock.
3)Bepul maslahatlar…✅LISTENING✅
1)Bepul darslar.
2)Listening Mock Tests.
1)Bepul darslar.
2)Reading Mock Tests.
3)Texnikalar…✅WRITING✅1)Bepul darslar.
2)Writing Mock tests.
1)VOCABULARY.2)SYNONYMS OF WORDS. 3)KINO VA MULTFILMLAR… Hozir request tashlab qo’yavering.☝️ Bu kanal tez orada ishga tushadi…✅
IELTS Speaking Test Format: Part 1✅Name and ID check
✅This part of the test lasts 4- 5 minutesAt the start of the test you will…1️⃣Give your full name
2️⃣Give the name you want the examiner to call you
3️⃣Show your ID or passportTIPS✔️Arrive early
✔️Relax and smile as you walk into the room
✔️Have your ID ready (the same one you registered with)
✔️Don’t be too formal. IELTS Speaking is a test of natural, conversational English, not formal academic English. Introducing yourself Next you will be asked 2 or 3 questions on one of the following topics
TIPSThese question are really a kind of warm-up for both you and the examiner. Use this time to get relaxed, and also to make a good first impression :
☑️be confident
☑️use simple language to help you warm upTopics 1 and 2
You will be asked 3 to 4 questions on a first topic and then a further 3 to 4 questions on a second** topic
For these questions, you should :*?give fairly short answers
?spend about 10 – 20 seconds on each answer
?not worry if the examiner interrupts you
?Most questions are about you, so talk about you and your own life and experience.
?Some questions are yes/no questions (closed questions), e.g. Do you like your hometown? However, never just answer yes or no. You need to expand your answer.
?Give a direct answer, explain why, and maybe add a detail or example.?@REAL_MOCK_EXAMS?*
?? Kanalimiz a’zolari uchun maxsus sovg’a*?
✅*O’zingizga kerakli link ustiga bosing?
? Reading
? Listening
? Writing
? Speaking
? Grammar
? Vocabulary
? Pronounciation
? IELTS Practice Books
? Marathons
? Magazines
? Articles
? Ted Talks
? Podcasts
? Movies
? Serials
? Cartoons
✅KANAL: https://t.me/+teQMRzcmL842ZGI5
⭐️ **Playing team sports is good for children to prepare for working life or not. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
⚡️Model Answer:
Band: 7.5
Words:** 296
✍? *Some believe that playing team sports can be beneficial to teenagers' future career achievements while others hold the view that it is completely useless. Both sides of the argument will be discussed in this essay, followed by my own perspective on this matter.
On the one hand, people think that participating in team sports can enhance children's communication skills and make them become better team players. For example, activities like playing basketball and soccer require youths to communicate well with teammates from different educational and cultural backgrounds, which can equip youngsters with interpersonal skills before they enter the workforce. Getting along with workmates is one of the most essential contributors to one's career achievements. Further, collaboration ability fostered by joining multiplayer games is vital to one's employment prospects as well. It is very common that people need to cooperate with their colleagues on team projects, being able to generate strategies and collaborate with co-workers are key factors to success.
On the other hand, opponents argue that these games can hardly contribute to individuals' occupational achievements. Firstly, students can merely learn academic knowledge and professional skills from playing team games. Therefore, it is better for school-age children to utilize their time on studying more practical subjects such as mathematics and programming, which can ensure a more promising career and stable income. Additionally, some players tend to be overly competitive and outcome-oriented since the thought of winning is extremely important is ingrained in their minds. This kind of attitude could bring pressure to co-workers and cause negative effects on the working environment.
In my opinion, while group sports can cultivate players great social skills and collaboration abilities, which is imperative to their occupational prospects, it is important not to be too serious and dedicated to these leisure activities.
P/s: Qiyin bo'lmasa reaksiya qoldiramiz ✅
#Grammar_time *?every / all
✅ Everybody/everyone - har kim
✅ Everything - har bir narsa
✅* Everywhere - har bir joy.
?"Every" so'zi ishlatilgan gap asli ko'plikda bo'lsa ham, har bitta deyilayotgani uchun birlikda yoziladi va it/was/has kabi birlik formalar qo'yiladi:
?️Every country has a national flag - Har bir davlatning milliy bayrog'i bor.
(Countries - "davlatlar" demaymiz).
? "All" - hamma degan ma'noni bildiradi va u "har bir" deyish mumkin bo'lmagan joyda ishlatiladi:
?️Yesterday it rained all day - Kecha kuni bilan yomg'ir yog'di.
Bu gapda "every day" desak, "Kecha har kuni yomg'ir yog'di" degan bo'lardik. Albatta, u noto'g'ri bo'ladi.
? "Every" so'ziga odamlar uchun "body/one", narsalar uchun "thing", joylar uchun "where" qo'shamiz.
?️Everybody needs friends - Har bir odamga (yoki hammaga) do'stlar kerak
("need" so'zi 3-shaxs birlikda hisoblangani uchun "s" bilan yozilyapdi).
?️I know everything about computers
- Men kompyuter haqida hamma narsani bilaman.
?️There are books everywhere
- Har bir joyda kitoblar bor.**
P/s: Qiyin bo'lmasa reaksiya qoldiramiz ✅*
Mini kursga qo’shildizmi??Mini kurs degani guruhda kamroq o’quvchilar bo’ladi degani.
?30-sentyabrdan online Mini Speaking guruhlarimiz darslarni boshlashadi.
Oktyabr oyida speaking guruh ochmaymiz!?Multilevel imtihoniga topshiruvchilar Super IELTS Speaking kursimizning bir oyligini o’qisalar ham B2 olishlari muammo bo’lmaydi!
@IM_niners ga SPEAKING deb yozib qoldirsangiz darajangizga mos kurslar haqida to’liq malumot berishadi!
Ochilayotgan mini kurslar:
1. Elementary Speaking – 197.000 (1 month)
2. Intermediate Speaking – 237.000 (1 month)
3. Super IELTS Speaking – 297.000/monthly(2 months)
**Yana takrorlayman!
Yoki bugun yoki 1 yildan keyin, lekin baribir English Speakingni o’rganishga MAJBUR bo’lasiz!**
? ID 830125650 ✓
Last updated 1 year, 6 months ago
? Reklama: https://t.me/EduRek/16
?? Bilim va malakalarni baholash agentligi yangiliklari
? Manba: www.uzbmb.uz
Last updated 1 month, 4 weeks ago
Kanalimizda judayam ko‘p foydali mahsulotlar bor, ko‘rib chiqib buyurtma berishingiz mumkin
✅ Biror bir mahsulotga buyurtma berishga qiynalsangiz yoki qandaydur muammo bo‘lsa quyidagi profilga yozing
? @Sotuvchi_A ?
Last updated 1 year, 6 months ago