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Last updated 3 weeks, 1 day ago
Hello ?
a little encouragement for mothers here , my son now has an ATEC 15 ?, we started the Mms protocol in September with an ATEC of 112 ( severe autism& pandas ) now we almost no longer see the symptoms of autism, he has improved a lot, he also started talking, he says few words , he behaves like a normal child, he is very calm even though he was diagnosed with ADHD... we are on the right way ??
This is AMAZING news!!!
If you are the parent or guardian of an autistic child/teen/adult you need to contact me. We’ll send you an invite link to our private channel called Autism Warriors.
There have been several reversals of ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) in our channel.
These children are healing their bodies with MMS, DMSO, Advanced TRS Zeolite, necessary supplements needed for deficiencies and a daily diet of nutritious foods.
Send me a DM with the word AUTISM and I’ll send you some info to make sure you qualify for an invitation.
Edit to add: once a person reaches a score of 10 or below they are no longer considered on the spectrum.
Testimonial Hayfever Tree pollen allergy
I did protocol 1000 consistently for 4 weeks and my 15 year Hayfever Allergy has disappeared. I am grateful to Jim humble, Mark Grenon and the MMS drinking buddy team for their kind service.
12/04/24 United kingdom.
February 17, 2024
Hello ?
I just wanted to add our story for some encouragement. We started in October of 2022. My son's ATEC was 59. By Jan 2023 it came down to 30. I only used MMS, frequent dosing, parasite cleanses, ocean water, zeolite powder.
My son's ATEC is now at 15. He is 12 years old. He didn't actually pass a ton of parasites but I kept at it since I had so many.
The supplements he is taking now are TRS, TMG, lithium orotate, methylene blue (soon).
Before starting the MMS he dealt with speech delay, comprehension issues, attention problems, dyslexia, dysgraphia, chronic stomach aches and developmental milestone delays.
Now, he reads short chapter books, has beautiful penmanship, can understand the narrative of a story, making steady progress in math, plays on a soccer team and doing well. He dresses himself, goes to the bathroom on his own and bathes without assistance. No more stomach aches after eating. He can cut his chicken with a fork and knife. He is getting his life back. Glory to God.
My ATEC began at 23 and is now 6. My husband is on the spectrum and is also making progress. ?
If I can offer this one tip...take meticulous notes. I make daily notes in a planner and make charts. I discovered recently that a supplement was causing constipation. Having the notes gives you data to help your (patient/child). Here is a chart to keep for the ATEC. I actually take an ATEC once a month. As you can see in the chart we stalled between Jan and May of 2023. I made changes and then we started to make progress.
**If you are the parent or guardian of an autistic child/youth/adult and would like to join our private channel for support and learning, please send a DM (private message) to: @You_Had_Me_at_TRUTH Write the word: AUTISM and information will be sent to you.*
I started the MMS protocol around 10 days ago and after the 4/5th day of doing 1 to 2 activated drops every hour for 8 hours each day,90% of my arthritis pain in my knees disappeared to my surprise.The real purpose for me doing this was to fix my enlarged prostate,but to my surprise i did not expect it to help my knees and certainly not to this extent.I would like to take this opportunity to thank the MMS drinking Buddy team Lana,Rose and all the others.
Testimony time! ??
We got a 6 week old puppy on 12/4/23.
He had an infection on his nose from an adult dog bite that spread to a saliva gland by his ear. He also was infested with worms & parasites.
I started him on MMS, which quickly turned into adding DMSO for the infection. Castor oil with DMSO applied to the saliva gland abscess. Food grade DE, pumpkin & cilantro with chlorella for the worms & parasites, also to keep him from herxing.
I was getting SO frustrated & exhausted treating him every hour & not seeing any improvements.
Lana kept me motivated to keep pushing on.
The abscess broke open & drained.
He's been on maintenance since approx 12/31/23!!!
Thank you, Lana, & everyone on this channel!
Everybody & animal can heal from MMS if you keep on keeping on. ??♥️
⬆️⬆️⬆️ (see the post above)
@BP217 is a member on our Autism Warriors group. It is a private group for parents or full-time guardians of autistic children and or young adults.
If you would like to join the autism warriors private group, please send me a Direct Message saying the word “Autism” by clicking the link below ⬇️
Founder of: @MMSChlorineDioxide | @MMSDrinkingBuddy | @PatriotsVoices Website: | Do not send unsolicited DM’s!***💜***
My son is playing with his little brother!!! Even picking on him. ?? I watched him take a little toy his brother had and run away laughing. Brother came for it and my son looked him in the eyes, laughed, and moved it away from him. ??. Totally engaged! Totally playing!! 100% loving it! Oh my goodness!! What a praise!
Before this he wouldn’t want anything to do with his brother! 100% different!
Community chat:
Last updated 1 week ago
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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
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Last updated 3 weeks, 1 day ago