Anna Khait

In case I get banned on all platforms, I’ll still be here hopefully 😊🧡

Follower of Jesus 🙏🏼- Animal Lover - Conservative Ex-Pro Poker Player- Television Show SURVIVOR S32 Contestant🌴 - Instagram:
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1 month, 2 weeks ago

"If your hate could be turned into electricity, it would light up the whole world." - Nikola Tesla

1 month, 2 weeks ago

Prophet Charlie Shamp on October 22nd, 2020:

I heard the Lord say, “Watch Pennsylvania, yes watch and see what I will do. I say to the intercessors, stand as watchers and as pillars of the state and pray Pennsylvania through in the election for it will be the key that opens the flood gate for the nation to be delivered from destruction. For America hangs in the balance and I have placed upon the shoulders of this state the key to victory that will close the door to the enemy that seeks to destroy the land of liberty. I say look and see, I have laid a keystone within you America, yes a tested stone, a white stone, a precious cornerstone state, a sure foundation where the bell of liberty will ring once again. I will cause a sound to ring out from you, a sound of Triumph from my Trumpet. For you are My Key Stone that I have set in the hand of the church to take down the giant in this hour. The giant that seeks to devour this nation, but he will fall and his body will cause the ground to quake in the city of brotherly love. Yes the ground will quake in the city founded by the quakers. I will shake Pennsylvania by My power and corruption will surface for all to see, but the one who believes will be unshakable, the one I have set in place will not be moved.
Kim Clement on June 17th, 2005:

"There is an unusual door that is opening that will give you access to places that were once virgin but now have been defiled. America your land was pierced by the enemy of this nation. Now it is time for Me to pay back. You say Lord 'why have you waited so long?' I have not waited long, it has been perfect timing. For I've waited for a moment and a day where I would pay back. Will I skin a terrorist? Will I even remove their heads? No! How shall I pay back? Throughout Massachusetts , throughout New York, throughout Pennsylvania and Washington D.C., I will raise up a spiritual movement to defy the prince of Babylon who has laughed at you. For the moment that came for revival, they did not take it. But now I'm going to raise up from the political powers a move of My Spirit that will shake the White House. From Pennsylvania the perfect moment has come. Your moment of Chronos, your Kyros moment. Your door of opportunity has opened for you. The marketplace has been opened up and if you believe it I shall give you access to untouchable territory. From Washington D.C. to Pennsylvania and then to New York, they shall laugh and say it shall not happen but I will shall raise from the streets missionaries, apostles and prophets and then to Massachusetts I will touch the Kennedy family and I will do something with the democrats in this nation regarding Christianity. There will be a breakthrough of spiritual revival that shall cause this nation to tremble for I will pay back."

1 month, 3 weeks ago

I'm excited for next week because I will be interviewing Matthew Rife, whose grandfather created the Rife machine, a frequency technology used to target cancer and other diseases. According to Matthew, everything God created has a frequency. I just spoke with him, and it was mind-blowing—so biblical. Tragically, his grandfather and colleagues were killed in the 1920s, around the time the Rockefellers started opening pharmacies.

3 months, 3 weeks ago

Happy Mother’s Day to all the wonderful mama bears out there! Thank you for what you do for God and our communities. 🥰🩷

3 months, 3 weeks ago

The same boiling water that hardens an egg also softens a potato.

Don't let your environment shape you; instead, shape your environment.

3 months, 3 weeks ago

If the rationale for tearing down statues of forefathers who owned slaves is accepted, then perhaps it's also time to tear down the pyramids? 🤷🏻‍♀️

3 months, 4 weeks ago


This is a MUST WATCH*

William Federer provides a fascinating insight into the origins of the American Constitution, highlighting an intriguing connection to a pastor's sermon. It'...

3 months, 4 weeks ago

It's quite the coincidence. Democrats had ample opportunities to pursue Trump in 2021, 2022, or 2023, yet they chose 2024, an election year. This is election interference—a disgrace to our country.

4 months ago

“Christians shouldn’t be involved in politics”.

Do you know that the American constitution was inspired by a sermon preached by Pastor Thomas Hooker?

Learn your history. 🇺🇸

4 months ago
Anna Khait
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Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Last updated 3 days, 19 hours ago