Karen Brewer Bush Telegraph News

Karen Brewer Bush Telegraph News
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Professional rekter | Pronouns: rekt/degen | Founder of X DAO

Twitter: https://twitter.com/rektfencer

Last updated 1 month ago

Admin : @k_l_a_n

Last updated 2 weeks, 3 days ago

Betorspin Official Telegram Group

Betorspin Giriş : https://cutt.ly/deoKNC0g

Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago

6 months, 3 weeks ago

This Tyler’s new account in Nz, on Tiktok of you want to follow him to see how it all goes




TikTok · Tyler

76 likes, 8 comments. “My account: @Tyler”

6 months, 3 weeks ago

When you’ve done as much research, as I have
Written by Karen Brewer

One begins to see
Australia has never been the lucky country, nor has average joe ever had a fair go!

The game was rigged,
generations before those of us, who currently walking in this realm.

The game is rigged,
The cards are marked!

Only a weak soul repeats their bull shit of “learn to play a rigged game.”

I moral soul looks at the game and says
“hang on, stop the game!
We need a new deck,
A new umpire
and an entirely new team!
WE can play a much fairer game.”

Sadly folks no longer hold wisdom,
So conditioned down now,
They live in a cycle of struggling and whinge.

Shoulders hunched,
Minds filled with worries,
No one smiles much anymore, have you noticed that?
Probably not.

And if they do look up it is only to find they are sprayed like bugs.

And the whinge cycle begins again.

I was hopeful I’d find a lot more out there, whose mind could lift to focus on solution and remedy.

So perhaps it’s best this reset happens, for it seems to me most have totally lost connection with their soul.

Sorry to disturb,
I’m sure something important like “goggle box” is about to begin on the idiot box, or perhaps the nonsense of another football game.

Scroll on.

6 months, 3 weeks ago

What an interesting list of names.
Do you notice the imperial crown on the stamp, and then the five pointed star pentagram ?


7 months ago
7 months ago
7 months ago

10th Aug 2024

7 months, 1 week ago
7 months, 1 week ago

? no physical disability allowed in the Freemasons.

“ some of the laws that regulate the ad-
mission of candidates that the loss of an eye
or a finger is sufficient to debar the aspirant
for Masonic honours from entering the portals
of a Masonic lodge.

?? portals of a Masonic Lodge ?????

Br Paton, in his work
on the' symbolism of Freemasonry, remarks:
—‘‘A physical perfection—at least, freedom
from mutilation and blemishes — was de-
manded on the part of the Jewish priests; so
in Freemasonry this physical perfection is re-


? Given Masonic’s are closely inbred especially in colonial days,
is this why so many infants are buried in Masonic graves?,
are they terminated for imperfection?,
or are they ritually abused until death, or both?
Something to ponder……


THE FREEMASON. - The Ballarat Star (Vic. : 1865 - 1924) - 31 May 1884

Recently a question has been put to us by a Worshipful Master, “Can I initiate a man with a cork lee Our answer was, "Unquestionably, ,No!’ ,Air the ancient laws ...

***?*** no physical disability allowed in the Freemasons.
7 months, 1 week ago
7 months, 2 weeks ago

making this quadruple-barrelled name a notable example of the British tradition of concatenated surnames.


The reason we now have honour initials
Eg. OAM, AM, CBE, KCMG, OBE, etc etc refer to the Australian Parliamentary Handbook for Masonic breeders, how they all are “chosen and certified by those State Governors”



Cameron-Ramsay-Fairfax-Lucy baronets

baronetcy in the Baronetage of the United Kingdom

making this quadruple-barrelled name a notable example of [the British tradition of concatenated surnames.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double-barrelled_name#British_tradition)
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Professional rekter | Pronouns: rekt/degen | Founder of X DAO

Twitter: https://twitter.com/rektfencer

Last updated 1 month ago

Admin : @k_l_a_n

Last updated 2 weeks, 3 days ago

Betorspin Official Telegram Group

Betorspin Giriş : https://cutt.ly/deoKNC0g

Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago