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2 months, 4 weeks ago

I have just read the recent piece about me in the Light Newspaper

No mention of the title of my book or films.

No mention of the name of my website Richplanet TV.

No link to how to find the films online.

No link to the court hearing transrcirpt.

No mention of my appeal or the details of the appeal.

The only links provided were to a MSM article and a link to the words of the judge.

Pretty woeful. Without any question this is limited hangout.

Page 5 ...

4 months, 2 weeks ago

High Court hearing starts 3:30pm , link here if you want to watch live, turn off your camera and mike if you are attending.

4 months, 3 weeks ago


As you may know I am currently defending myself at the High Court in a civil action, which is attempting to bring an injunction to censor Richplanet TV investigations, and for 50,000 pounds in damages.

At the summary judgment court Hearing on 29th January, the court room was not big enough to hold all of the supporters, and a number had to leave. I promised those people that I would get a transcript of the Hearing. I have now obtained a copy, and it can be downloaded from this link.

The case was discussed in my last video here,

The next court Hearing is a case management conference which will be held on Wednesday 13th March 2024, scheduled to last for 1 hour from 3:30pm to 4:30pm, which will be an online hearing using Microsoft Teams, where anyone can watch. The Hearing is intended to discuss and decide upon what is going to happen next in the case. If you want to watch it live online, I will be posting a link on the main page of the Richplanet website. I suggest you visit the site some time before 3:30pm. Note that you must turn off your own camera and audio, and all the usual High Court rules apply.

I’d like to thank two journalists who have been diligently covering my case, and please do look at their work, they are Gemma O'Doherty and Iain Davis. You can find their material and coverage from these links.

Gemma is in a similar situation in Ireland to myself, she is battling against the Irish Courts for her fearless journalism, and also needs public support.

I may be presenting some live speaking events in the near future – to raise funds for my legal defence, but nothing definite yet. Details will be posted on the website and posted in a newsletter if and when they are arranged.

Also note that you can download, free of charge, the entire archive of over 300 Richplanet programmes and films from this link.

And finally, I will remind you of the legal fund, which is being used to fund legal expenses if you wish to donate, details can be found from this link.

Thanks for all your help !

sapere aude


P.S. If you are interested in German New Medicine, which was discussed in Show no. 280, follow this link for some up coming events,

4 months, 3 weeks ago

From the transcript ...

Mr Hall : Now I will finish, My Lord, just by reporting two sentences --

Master Davison: Let me just, it is a small point but my correct title is Master, not My Lord.

Mr Hall: Oh, right, OK. Well, there is a notice that is just here saying to say My Lord, on the, on the desk.

Master Davison: That is all right


4 months, 3 weeks ago

Further article by Iain Davis ...

6 months, 2 weeks ago

please note there is an error in the zip file for the Richplanet full archive download. I am re-creating it. Should be available in a few dys

6 months, 2 weeks ago
6 months, 2 weeks ago
11 months, 2 weeks ago


I was recently interviewed for a national truth Newspaper. Unfortunately
they were ubable to publish it due to legal reasons.

You can find a link to the interview here,

I am still seeking funding for my legal case, which we need in order to
prepare more evidence, see the appeal details at the link below, please
give generously and many thanks for all the donations so far.



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