The True Militia Immaculata is against Modernism


Fighting all forms of modernism and heresy. For the conversion of Jews, schismatics, Protestants, and Freemasons in to the Catholic Faith for the salvation of their souls.
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7 months ago
The True Militia Immaculata is against …
7 months ago
The Freemasons control the Vatican and …

The Freemasons control the Vatican and the rest of minds of the Catholic faithful. This was what the Third Secret of Fatima was all about. The apostasy from the true Catholic Faith. Makes you think why they had to put away the real Sister Lucia of Fatima.
Stop thinking this is all conspiracy, it is not.

That is why anyone that goes contrary to Vatican II and Novus Ordo is a problem. Those two are their concoction.

If you do not stay on the modernist-tainted “Catholic Faith”, you are considered a “Radical Traditional Catholic.”

In actuality, “Radical Traditional Catholics” will be the small few souls, as prophesied by Saint Louis de Montfort, that will have a strong devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary. These few souls, that can see it, will be instrumental in fighting against the antichrist as prophesied by Our Lady of LaSalette.

7 months ago

If the traditional Magisterium (since the Fifth Council of the Lateran, held between 1512 and 1517) has always taught that approved private revelation cannot be ignored, we must ask ourselves when did this new Church teaching that approved private revelation does not have to be followed?

It must have been recent sometime since the 20th Century.

Again, this is pointing to intelligence infiltration.

8 months, 3 weeks ago

Unfollowing this account will not fix the fact that you are most likely partaking in what is angering Almighty God.

8 months, 3 weeks ago

*They are all storing seeds in the Global Seed Vaults. The main one is called the 'Svalbard Global Seed Vault,' situated deep under a mountain on an island near the North Pole.'

So, as things are worsening, they will give us hope to continue while they are preparing, and that is the truth, in my opinion. Now, don't get me wrong, we pollute the planet, we pollute our food, and we are killing many species on the planet. But climate change is not human-driven; it's a cyclical event. It has happened before, and there is evidence for that.

In fact, that's why billionaires such as Bill Gates and the CEO of OpenAl, Sam Altman, proposed solar geoengineering instead of emission reduction. But there is no human technology that can stop the process of the universe.
But we've survived this cyclical event. There were ancient civilizations even more advanced than us, and in my opinion, some of them are in the UFOs.

The great cyclical event also brings evolution and changes in the human genome.

I don't know if we are close; some think we are.

Some scientists, like Isaac Newton, predicted an end by the year 2060. I guess we will see if the weather continues to worsen.

These changes also bring a lot of stress and affect our nervous systems. That's why people are angrier, and wars start to erupt. It's all in the ancient prophecies. The true revelation and the Apocalypse is very close.*

8 months, 3 weeks ago

Written below in the italics is from an Internet-personality named Scott. He is not even a Catholic.

Regardless, these souls know something is wrong, very wrong.

People in the secular sphere know somethings is up. In Scott’s article, he mentioned aliens or UFO’s. Of course, I am not endorsing any beliefs he has in “aliens” or “UFO’s” as they are the demons of the air. The point is, even these souls know something is extremely off.

Our Lady of Good Success does warn that the religious will be one of the major causes of God’s wrath: they are the modernists.

What is a modernist? Vatican II, Novus Ordo, and their novelties. Period.

You have the ones that do not know; but the Blessed Virgin Mary mentions the ones that do know. She says that they will trembling at the Judgement Seat of God.

You have all these modernists in social media still pushing a sick version of “Catholicism” called modernism. They will not stop, nor they have any intents to stop. And then, you have these folks in tradition. Instead of helping our erring brethren, you make them feel comfortable in their errors. What is wrong with you all?

I have advocated these warnings, and these same people prior to the lock down all called me a conspiracy theorist; a scaremonger, per se.

And here we are, closing in on four years after the initial lockdown, they are still completely blind. They want to stay blind. God gave them all a warning, and they continue to keep on going.

Russia was never properly consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Never.

Below is a write up of his observation of what he believes is coming down.

Overall, God is in complete control.
Establish a strong devotion to the Immaculate Heart;
Wear the Brown Scapular;
And pray the Rosary everyday.

This is the hard, cold truth about the future of humanity (in my opinion).
Just a reminder that the apocalyptic scenarios described in the ancient texts are not one-day events.

It's not as if everything is going just fine, and then a giant wave sweeps across entire continents.
It gradually worsens, and we can't even consider the last 100-150 years for comparison because, on the scale of a 12,000-year cycle, the last 150 years would be just a tiny speck and very close to the change.

So, if we've recorded a record high temperature in 2023, you can't say, 'Yes, but in 1934, it was measured close to this temperature, so you see, this has nothing to do with climate change. The dates are very close in the grand scale of the cycle.

But in the last few years, we've experienced more severe weather, and as Earth's magnetic field drops and solar activity rises, it will get worse. Scientists are aware, and there are studies that suggest that Earth's magnetic field has a strong influence on hurricanes.

In the past, science didn't acknowledge that the Earth's magnetic poles are shifting. In the early 20th century, when they began measuring, they acknowledged that they shift but very slowly and there was nothing to worry about. However, in the 21st century, they've noticed that the shift is accelerating...
But they will never tell you the hard truth.. Why?

Because society would instantly collapse if we were close to an extinction-level event, even if it's 100 years from now.

Mainstream science ridiculed all the scientists and authors who worked on this hypothesis in the past, but in 1990, they came up with the 'human climate change narrative'. And suddenly, all mainstream scientists are on board with the idea that humanity is to blame for the recent climate change, but what's the point of that?

Well, there is a catch.

They knew that we would notice the changes and the severe weather. They knew that we would catch up with the ancient prophecies and the work of the ridiculed scientists, so they hijacked the narrative in order to present 'solutions' and give people 'hope' when things start going sideways. But why?
They need society to not collapse and function
'normally' because they are preparing. Governments, billionaires, they are all building bunkers.*

9 months ago
9 months ago
"The quarter of an hour spent …

"The quarter of an hour spent in reciting the Rosary with Our Mother will bring us abundant of graces and blessings in life and a happy death."
⚜️ St. Louis Marie de Montfort

9 months ago
Boomer grade meme. But i'll allow …

Boomer grade meme. But i'll allow it

9 months, 1 week ago

This is why my family and friends cannot watch a single movie with me.

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