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July 2024
WEF Editorial Presentations
Thinks that the painted presentation of AI allowing an affordability for pharmaceuticals as a for a positive on the world population…
Then learn to read between the lines and grasp the ~~hidden~~ provided real time script.
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! REMINDER ! September 22-23, 2024 the UN will host the “Summit of the Future” where nations will sign the “Pact of the Future”, creating the coming One World government.
The Summit of the Future website says the Pact for the Future will be “a WORLD SYSTEM."
UN member states are also likely to vote to CHANGE the UN itself very radically — what some are calling UN 2.0
A UN document on the Summit of the Future titled, What Would it Deliver?, calls for “A GLOBAL FINANCIAL SYSTEM That Works For All." (The Great Reset)
With the zero-draft of the "Pact for the Future" and the Climate Governance Commission’s 2023 report, the CLUB OF ROME calls on ALL nations to declare a PLANETARY EMERGENCY and adopt a Planetary Emergency Plan.
The climate change agenda will be the ‘enforcing penal code’ for social discipline and totalitarianism control … in good Marxism style
The evidentially obviousness of Biblical Scripture for the Tribulation leaping off the pages…
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Worth the confronting read.
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**= 5-Eyes towards COMMUNISM =
May 2024**
The Canadian ‘Online Harms Bill C-63’ begins at the Harsh Level of Soft Marxism
It’s damn inhumanly harsh !
“The real shocker in this bill is the alarming retroactive aspect. Essentially, whatever you’ve said in the past can now be weaponized against you by today’s draconian standards”
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= This is Worldcoin: Humanness in the age of AI =
Worldcoin—through World ID’s unique digital identity—can play an important role in demonstrating humanness in an online world populated with increasingly advanced artificial intelligence.
Worldcoin is building the world's largest human network to improve trust online and access to the global economy.
Listen to Alex Blania, project co-founder and CEO of Tools for Humanity (TFH), a contributor to the Worldcoin project, discuss why Worldcoin is so important in the age of AI and where the project is headed.
Along with Alex, Tiago Sada and Sandro Herbig from TFH discuss core elements of the Worldcoin protocol, including privacy, proof of personhood and the orb.
Today, Worldcoin is made up of multiple contributors and a growing community of millions of unique humans across five continents. The people and organizations supporting Worldcoin are developing the tools that work together to help it achieve its mission. These include:
World ID - a privacy-preserving digital identity designed to help solve many important, identity-based challenges including proving an individual’s unique personhood
World App - a fully self custodial app that enables payment, purchases and transfers globally using the Worldcoin token, digital assets, stablecoins and traditional currencies
Worldcoin Token* - a token to be freely distributed to people, for both utility and future governance, just for being a unique individual
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To Understand The Globalists We Must Understand Their Psychopathic ReligionMaking a choice has now different reveled variables for consideration, and you don’t have a choice to ignore them———————————————
Whatever your beliefs (and I trust they exist with a deeper understanding of you having a soul that has an end game), you would have to know that the agenda we have all witnessed unfold with continuance over the last 4 years, has an infolding of evilness and demonic influence.
As such the existence of an occultic religion is the threaded belief system that these elites/globalists/lucifarians follow, and control their minions with.
This is no longer a conspiracy because they are now out and proud, and as such have an arrogance and confidence that leads them to no longer remain under a secrecy cloud.
Hidden in plain sight has now become an old hat to the new mantra of the new norm
Even a blind person can see this
The article below outlines a brief on this space. And it’s good to know what the enemy is, as the fight against it will become part of your world weather you admit it or not very soon.
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= The WEF Australian Chapter =
A feeder inlet for the lucifarian assembly of the WEF
Australia’s peak body for global health organisations, with a mandate to strengthen the global health ecosystem through national and global connections, partnerships, research and innovation, promoting best practices in global health, and advocacy.
We aim to deepen collaboration between us, and curate knowledge sharing. We are committed to transforming global health to be equitable for all.
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Community chat:
Last updated 5 months, 4 weeks ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
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ℹ️ Chat: @BlumCrypto_Chat
Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 2 months ago