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Official Channel for HA Tunnel -

Last updated 6 months ago

1 month, 1 week ago

Correct Answer - B
Answer is B (H.S. Purpura) :
H.S. purpura is not associated with any antinuclear cytoplasmic
antibody (ANCA). It is an example of ANCA negative vasculitis.
ANCA (Antineutrophilic cytoplasmic Antibodies) arc Antibodies
directed against certain proteins in cytoplasmic granules of
Neutrophil & monocytes.
These are two major categories of ANCA based on different targets
for the antibodies.
ANCA (Antineutrophic cytoplasmic antibodies):
ANCA is of 2 types
(Cytoplasmic proteinase 3q is the target antigen)
Wegeners Granulomatosisq (90-95%)
(perinuclear myeloperoxidaseQ is the major target antigen)
Microscopic PAN (microscopic polyangitis)
Churg-Strauss syndrome
Crescenteric glomerulonephritise
Good pasteur's syndrome

1 month, 2 weeks ago

**شاهد برنامج ‎ما خفي أعظم في قناة الجزيرة ينشر تحقيقاً يكشف ما تم في يوم 7 أكتوبر منذ لحظات الإعداد والهجوم، وما ترتب على هذا الهجوم من نتائج.

يعرض التحقيق مواد حصرية من أفلام ووثائق يكشف عنها للمرة الأولى منذ بدء الحرب وأيضاً بعض المقابلات تنشر للمرة الأولى**.

يحتوي التحقيق على مشاهـد تكشف عنها القسام لأول مرة للقائدين يحيى السنوار ومحمد الضيف، بالإضافة لمقابلة مع أحد أبرز قادة المجلس العسكري العام للقسام. ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ

1 month, 2 weeks ago
1 month, 2 weeks ago


Correct Answer - B
Answer is B (Bupropion):
Bupropion (along with Varenicline and Nicotine replacement
therapy) is a USFDA approved first line agent for pharmacotherapy
in Smoking Cessation.
USFDA Approved Agents for Smoking Cessation
Nicotine Replacement Therapy (Transdermal Patch, gum, lozenges,
oral inhaler, nasal spray)
Bupropion (Atypical Antidepressant with dopaminergic and
noradrenergic activity)
Varenicline (Selective partial agonist at the Alpha4-Beta2 Nicotinic
A-Choline receptor that is believed to mediate nicotine dependence)
Clonidine and Nortriptyline are two other medications that have
efficacy but are NOT USFDA approved for this indication. These are
classified as second line agents

1 month, 2 weeks ago


Correct Answer - B
Answer is B (Most common site is mediastinum):
Most common site of bronchial/bronchogenic cysts is mediastinum.
Only about 15% of bronchogenic cysts occur in the lungs
(pulmonary bronchial cysts). Pulmonary bronchogenic cysts often
become infected. Bronchogenic cysts are benign lesion and do not
have malignant potential (not premalignant).
Bronchial Cyst/Bronchogenic cysts: Review
Bronchial cysts represent islands of bronchial tissue left behind
during the branching of the airways during early fetal development.
They arise due to abnormal budding of the tracheobronchial tree and
foregut and are lined by bronchial epithelium.
The most common site of bronchial cysts is mediastinum.
The other site of bronchial cyst is within the pulmonary parenchyma
(lung) (Less common site - 15%)

1 month, 2 weeks ago


Correct Answer - D
Answer is D (Dressler's Syndrome):
Dressler syndrome is a secondary form of pericarditis that occurs
in the setting of injury to the heart or the pericardium (the outer lining
of the heart). It consists of fever, pleuritic pain, pericarditis and/or
pericardial effusion.
The disease consists of persistent low-grade fever, chest
pain (usually pleuritic), pericarditis and/or pericardial effusion. The
symptoms tend to occur 2–3 weeks after myocardial infarction but
can also be delayed a few months. It tends to subside in a few days,
and very rarely leads to pericardial tamponade. Elevated ESR is an
objective but nonspecific laboratory finding.
Dressler's Syndrome is not associated with low glucose in pleural
Rheumatoid Arthritis, Malignancy and Empyema (Bacterial
infections) are all established causes of pleural effusion with low
Pleural effusion with low glucose (< 60 mg/c11)
1. Malignancy
2. Bacterial infections
3. Rheumatoid pleuritis

1 month, 2 weeks ago
[**في رسالة قوية وجهها أبطال المقاومة …

في رسالة قوية وجهها أبطال المقاومة اليوم يمكن بعضكم ما انتبه لها ?**** **وهي ظهور الكراسي والطاولة ....

المعنى :
فشل جيش العدو في إستعادة أسراه بكل مالديه من عتاد ودعم عسكري من كافة دول الغرب الكافر..ونجح الكرسي والطاولة.. ?

( هو الله )?????**

1 month, 2 weeks ago


Correct Answer - A
Answer is A (Pulmonary arteriography):
Selective pulmonary angiography is the most specific examination
available for establishing the definitive diagnosis of PE.'-Harriosn
Most definitive investigation :Pulmonary angiography is an
invasive procedure, and it is the most definitive procedure. It is
however certainly not the initial investigation of choice.
The initial investigation of choice in a case of suspected
pulmonary embolism is either a lung ventilation perfusion scan or a
CT of the chest with intravenous contrast.
CT scanning of the chest with intravenous contrast is the principal
imaging test for diagnosis of PE.' - Harrison `Lung scanning (V/Q
scan) is now a second line diagnostic test for PE'
Most definitive / specific test for PE Q Best
initial imaging test for diagnosis of PE°
Pulmonary angiographyQ CT scan
with intravenous contrast Q (Preferred choice, against a lung V-Q scan)

1 month, 2 weeks ago
1 month, 2 weeks ago
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In The Name Of God

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Last updated 2 months, 2 weeks ago

☑️ Collection of MTProto Proxies

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پینک پروکسی قدیمی ترین تیم پروکسی ایران

Last updated 2 months ago

Official Channel for HA Tunnel -

Last updated 6 months ago