Brendan D. Murphy Official

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Last updated 4 Monate, 3 Wochen her

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Last updated 4 Monate, 2 Wochen her

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7 months, 1 week ago
Imagine if you will...

Imagine if you will...

7 months, 3 weeks ago

How we do it

9 months, 2 weeks ago
Brendan D. Murphy Official
9 months, 4 weeks ago

Virus Isolation: Choose Your Experts Wisely For Valid Scientific Advice

It is now undisputed that no virus has been isolated; hence, it does not exist. So, why is this fact not accepted, and why do people/experts (including doctors) believe viruses exist?

The reason is that "virus isolation" is primarily described in medical, virology, and (micro)biology literature. Considering the lack of knowledge and training on the topic (isolation) and, in general, science/chemistry, where the topic belongs, medical/biological experts use the words "isolation" and "isolate" interchangeably (link).

Sadly, it is an example of ignorance and incompetence in the subject/science. Isolation is a separating (extracting or purifying) process/step of something from a mixture, while "isolate" means a substance, mostly a crude extract/mixture/gunk. The word "isolate" concerning the virus may be explained by analogy, fermentation broth (isolate) and alcohol (virus) in the broth. Importantly, they both have to exist independently.

The experts in the virus camp claim that the virus exists and has been isolated. They do not realize that samples available from vendors, such as BEI, or used in studies are isolates, not viruses (link). The vendor sells isolates, NOT viruses, without any claim or assurance it (isolate/broth) contains the virus. In consumer language, it is a tricky and fraudulent claim for a product. Therefore, whoever claims that viruses are part of the broth (or culture) uses tricky language to cheat or lie. Use caution in trusting them or their "science."

In short, the claims and arguments about the virus's isolation and existence reflect scientific ignorance and incompetence, i.e., physical or actual science/chemistry. Therefore, all claims about virus existence, related pandemic, and their treatment developments (such as vaccines) are fictional, not factual, and certainly not based on science (link).

Opinions on this aspect (science) from the experts (doctors, virologists, and microbiologists) who do not study the actual science are irrelevant. There is an inherent interest in protecting their (false) science and published "scientific research," which must soon be retracted as false and fraudulent.

Hence, choose your experts wisely for valid scientific advice! (link).

9 months, 4 weeks ago

For anyone who still has any attachment to believing in "viruses"...

11 months, 3 weeks ago

Viruses are virology and vice versa.
If there is no virus (commonly accepted now, not by virologists and some physicians for obvious reasons), then virology automatically becomes false and fake/fraudulent. So do vaccines.
What is so difficult not to understand here?

11 months, 3 weeks ago

It is NOT more noble to live like a beggar.

So tomorrow 3pm CST, Aimee and I will be explaining how to make the fewest possible sales in a leveraged online business in order to generate your first $1 million.

Fun fact: Less than 160 sales can do it.

That’s insane - show me any business model currently being promoted on social media that compares - I’ll wait... Hears chirping in the distance

This is also good news for anyone sick of trading time for money on the hamster wheel of doom where your income is dependent on you physically working (as opposed to generating $$ while you sleep as well!).

As they say, if you don’t earn while you sleep, you’ll work ’til you die.

To join in and see what the excitement in our community is about, comment LINK below for tomorrow’s training...

1 year, 1 month ago
The “science” in action!

The “science” in action!

In case you are not aware of how pharmaceuticals are evaluated and approved, Here is a recent example of guidance (from the FDA) to Industry (pharmaceutical manufacturers): “Advanced Manufacturing Technologies Designation Program - Guidance for Industry.” (link)

Guidance for manufacturing is provided by those who do not manufacture anything (or pharmaceuticals), at least do not have the mandate to do so to those whose sole job is to manufacture the products. How about this? Trust the manufacturing at your own risk!

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Last updated 4 Monate, 3 Wochen her

Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.

📱 App: @Blum
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ℹ️ Chat: @BlumCrypto_Chat

Last updated 4 Monate, 2 Wochen her

Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Collaboration - @taping_Guru

Last updated 1 Monat her