Ibrohim's IELTS

- IELTS 7.5(Writing 7.5 - 3x)

- work at Everest 🇬🇧

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12,074,382 @developer

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Contact: @borz

Last updated 1 week, 2 days ago

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Last updated 7 months, 2 weeks ago

6 months, 1 week ago


Definitely 7.5+ report written recently by me!

?Task is in the comment section.

**The table compares information about the contribution of different economic sectors to Uzbekistan's GDP(Gross Domestic Product) from 2016 to 2018.

Overall, the contribution of almost all sectors increased over time, except for service. It is also worth mentioning that the highest contribution percentage was in the service sector in the first year.

Turning to the specifics, the service sector made the most significant contribution to the GDP, accounting for 65% in 2016, being the highest figure in the diagram. At the same time, there was also a noticeable disparity in the figure for the agriculture and industry sectors, with a dominance of the latter, at 13% and 22%, respectively.

By 2017, the contribution proportion of the industry sector witnessed a slight growth, consisting of a quarter of the whole GDP percentage, while the reverse trend was the case for the figures for agriculture and service: the former decreased by 2%, and the latter saw a mere decline of 1%. In the final year, the contribution percentage of the industry sector kept increasing, accounting for 30%, a figure that was twice as high as that of the agriculture sector. Meanwhile, the service sector made up over 55% of the overall contribution, maintaining its dominance in Uzbekistan's GDP over the three years.**

210 words in less than 15 minutes

More knowledge is here ?

6 months, 2 weeks ago
7 months, 2 weeks ago
8 months, 3 weeks ago
***?*** Qurbon Hayit ayyomi barchamizga muborak …

? Qurbon Hayit ayyomi barchamizga muborak bo'lsin!

Sizga eng yaxshi tilaklar hamroh bo'lsin, hayitda qilgan ehson-u, savoblaringizdan Alloh rozi bo'lsin ?


9 months, 1 week ago

Share it with those who want to start learning English this season!

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9 months, 1 week ago


Ingliz tilini endi boshlayotgan, oldin o’qib bilimini oshirmoqchi bo’lgan va xattoki alifboni ham bilmay turib, 0 dan o'rganuvchilar uchun yangi guruh ochilmoqda! 

? Kunlari: Seshanba/Payshanba/Shanba

?Vaqti: 14:30 - 16:30 (Boshlanish vaqti - 04.06.2024)

?‍? Ibrohim Yoqubov (Overall 7.5)

*? *Manzil: Mirzo  Ulug'bek metro, mo'ljal korzinka to'g'risi

? +99894 671 80 51
? +99895 144 40 50

⚡️O'ylab o'tirmang, bu kurs aynan siz uchun! Ingliz tilini bizning ko'magimizda o'rganing va yorqin kelajagingizga asos soling!

Bizning kanal ?

10 months ago


Biz o'tmishda ma'lum bir vaqtda boshlangan va hozirgacha davom etayotgan takroriy harakatlar haqida gapirish uchun present perfect continuous(hozirgi tugallangan davomiy zamon)dam foydalanamiz:

? I have been going to Spain on holiday every year since 1987 - Men 1987 yildan beri har yili Ispaniyaga ta'tilga boraman

? *I haven’t been eating much lunch lately - Oxirgi paytlarda men tushlik qilmadim

? I have been going to the gym at lunchtimes* -  Men tushlik paytida sport zaliga  chiqib  kelyapman.

More knowledge is here?

10 months ago

Grew news is coming, dear subscribers!?


10 months ago

I sincerely congratulate Real Madrid fans on the victory over Bayern Munich in the semi-final of champions league!@ibrohimielts

11 months, 1 week ago
*****?***** **YANGI BEGINNER GURUH!**


Ingliz tilini endi boshlayotgan va xattoki alifbosini ham bilmay turib, 0 dan o'rganuvchilar uchun yangi guruh ochilmoqda! 

? Kunlari: Dushanba/Chorshanba/Juma

?Vaqti: 18:30 - 20:30 (Boshlanish vaqti - 3.04.2024)

?‍?Ibrohim Yoqubov (Overall 7.5)

*? *Manzil: Mirzo  Ulug'bek metro, mo'ljal korzinka to'g'risi

? +99894 671 80 51
? +99895 144 40 50

⚡️O'ylab o'tirmang, bu kurs aynan siz uchun! Ingliz tilini bizning ko'magimizda o'rganing va yorqin kelajagingizga asos soling!

Bizning kanal ⬇️

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12,074,382 @developer

Sharing my thoughts, discussing my projects, and traveling the world.

Contact: @borz

Last updated 1 week, 2 days ago

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Last updated 7 months, 2 weeks ago