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Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago
Wounded Heart . By Jen
Many of the chosen have wounded hearts....
What does that mean?
The chosen know how too love, they know how to show there love but not too let there heart's completely go.
There has been too much disappointment, betrayal, and abandonment in most of our lives.
So yes we set out on this healing journey to find ourselves to find our worth and self love.
And in doing this we encounter tests, lessons and blessings.
We encounter people that test our hearts and souls through love and pain.
And in this we go through dark nights of the souls and loneliness.
Yes we are the ultimate wounded hearts and souls.
But we learn through these challenges and tests to trust ourselves and what we deserve and need to be happy.
There is a movie much like the story of Devine lovers.
It's 50 shades of gray it's a story of a tortured man He had been tortured as a boy so he didn’t know how too love because he had never been loved or learned too love himself.
He meets a stranger a woman completely different from what he was used to.
They embarked on an intense love affair of passion and pain.
She tries to heal him by letting him live out his fantasies with her and in doing this she gives her power away to make him happy.
Because he doesn't know how to love himself he takes it too far and she is forced to walk away from him.
In doing this she lets him find himself and why he is such a tormented soul and find his inner peace by loosing her.
She walks away from the man she fell in love with because she realizes she deserves more and finds her self worth.
In doing this it changes him, it changes his heart, he finds his own self and why he is the way he is and starts to heal himself and changes for her.
The rest is history.....
Wounded hearts have to heal and most of the time they have to heal alone.
They have too come to terms with there own demons and fears and insecurities.
Why they have them, why they are afraid of love, why they are afraid of abandonment, and why their hearts are wounded too begin with.
This doesn't happen over night it's a process....
First they must reach in find their inner child and let it free from the pain and insecurities.
They must face their shadows and fears and learn to trust themselves.
They must determine what they want, desire, and deserve.
They must find their self worth and forgiveness.
They must learn to forgive others for not loving them back the way they deserved.
It's a process, it takes patience and someone who understands and respects their hearts.
A wounded heart can heal with the right kind of unconditional love and understanding.
But they must find unconditional love inside themselves first.
So be proud of who you are don't be afraid to show your scars you earned them.
Like any warrior you are destined for love and happiness.
Trust the process of your journey and trust the divine plan to get you there.
Find that special person who was sent to help you heal your heart and trust the divine path you are on.
Being a wounded heart isn't easy but it means your heart is special and unique just like you so respect it and believe you're destined for greatness.
Hang in there all my wounded hearts and black sheep you got this.....
We love you
This Is Me . By Jen
I make no apologies for who I am or the fact I speak my truth.
There is a song inside of my soul and the melody plays inside me over and over again.
I know who I am and why I am here.....
My purpose is too lead and guide others...
To love others and teach them how to love themselves and forgive themselves and others.
At the top of my lungs I say my truth it is your place to believe it or not.
My light is inside of me and it is spread across the world to guide and heal others.
I don't pretend to know everything I am only guided by my heart and my unbreakable blind faith.
As we stand together facing a world of evil I am only a light house shining in the darkness.
Who I am is an earth angel trying to navigate in a world of chaos.
Trying to lead others too who they are and there abilities.
To help them understand their mission in this is not judge others and how too forgiveness in themselves and others.
To trust love again and not try to change for anyone but themselves.
This is me in a world of chaos and confusion learning and growing in my spiritual path.
I am a chosen one I chose too be hear and so did you....
There are angels among us to guide us with the light of love....
I cry, I bleed, I need, I hurt, I feel pain and loneliness just like you.
I won't give up know matter what I will keep moving forward.
Minutes, hours and years may go by and I wonder why I keep getting lost in this process.
But it is because I am in human form sent for a human experience and too feel these human emotions.
We the chosen are hear too feel this...
We were set out on a narrow path way to find our real purpose.
Every long lost dream lead us to where we are today .
So the broken roads of pain, loss, and suffering lead us to this time.
We had our heart's broken over and over again to find our true selves and what we deserve.
To find what is meant for us and who will be meant for us.
So believe me or not that's your choice, I know who I am, I am not special or one of a kind there are many like me.....
I am just me....
I have lived thousands of lifetimes too be just me...
I am a old soul, but young at heart
and deep in my love for others.
I am a empath, I feel energy, I feel others energy, I transmit energy darkness into light, I connect the grid of love together.
And if you're reading this you probably are also a empath.
Your also a chosen one.....
I can only imagine your thoughts too this but it's not my place to judge.
It is my place too be just me and follow my path...
To stand strong in myself and my beliefs.....
So this is me take me as I am or not....
I love you all......
What’s Our Purpose Here? By Jen
Many people ask what’s our purpose here?
Why are we the chosen ones?
Why did we have to go through so many trials and tribulations in this lifetime and many more?
The truth is that’s all good questions. Many believe we chose to be here at this time to be the light that drives out the darkness.
But to do that we had to go thru the darkness first.
So many of us have the same stories painful stories of childhoods of physical, mental, emotional or even sexual abuse.
So many of us dealt with narcissist parents or partners.
So many of us turned to addictions such as drugs, sex, shopping, food, drinking anything to help the pain.
Some ended up in some form of prison wether real or mental.
Some turned to Religion to cope but it seemed to hard to comprehend.
Then came our awakening when we were usually trying to figure things out we finally surrender to our God our higher selves and realize we had to go within for the answers.
I had a guy ask me about Jesus and how he played in all this.
Well I’m my belief he was a light being in a human vessel sent down here just like us.
He had to go through the same process of awakening to his mission and go through his awakening to truth and compassion forgiveness love just like us.
See we all have to go through these things to strengthen us. Teach us compassion for others. Teach us how to forgive those that come against us. We had to hold the light in the darkest of spaces in our lives.
Some of the greatest teachers, motivation speakers, councilors, and mentors are that way because they too had to pull themselves out of the darkness.
Jesus tried to tell us everything he was doing we could do. That we all had the power inside us. The spirt and abilities lie within not on the outside. He spoke to the angels and herd from the angles much like some of us . He channeled his father and the higher beings for answers just like some of us can. But a lot of what he tried to teach has been turned around.
So look how one son of God one child of God sent down here as a Lightworker changed the world forever.
He had to be taught his abilities by angles and believed in the faith of his father and what he herd and felt in his heart to be true
So what if God our creators sent thousands or more to awaken to the same teachings and truths he taught and more during the end times . Knowing this would we could change the world?
These people would be all colors, ages, different backgrounds, different beliefs, hidden in plain site.
Brought together through technology and guided by the angels and God.
They would have to be mocked, hated, and go through many trials and tribulations much as Jesus did.
Some there friends, family, partners, and even children would mock and turn against them much as Jesus experienced.
But like Jesus they pushed forward with faith of there hearts and souls .
They would have to go within to learn to love themselves and forgive themselves and others to rise to there callings also.
They would have to believe when others couldn’t and hold the light inside them to be the light for others.
They too would be leading others. Guides for truth and mentoring others.
Seeding the world with truth, love, compassion, forgiveness, joy and healing.
One day they would be powerful enough to push the darkness out and bring in the prosperity and freedom that we all deserve and are worthy of.
These would be the ones spoken of in the Bible 144 angels that are already on the planet during the end days.
They would come together first with there love for themselves then in groups and finally in divine partnerships together.
Unconditional love being the only way…..
They would be the way showers for all too see…..
To guide others through the darkness into the light who choose too move forward.
But the end times would only be the end of one era and beginning of a new era.
Why incandescent lightbulbs are being banned.
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Blessing you my Brother’s.
Thé awakened man is taken off his Armour in order to communicate his feelings and understand the value of his own emotions. He is conscious of the separation between the mind and the heart and is listening to his inner voice..
To an Awakened Conscious Man who has learned to listen to his heart
Thé Woman that he loves is not just an object of beauty to adore and pleasure his senses -
She is an Angel of Light, that has come to reveal his own darkness and call his to sacrifice his own ego upon the alter of Unconditional Love.
Being the king, the lover, the shaman, the warrior and embracing all this aspects of yourself.
Being Present, holding space for the feminine energy to dance in. Building the temple for his feminine counterpart, his Queen to create & flow in simultaneously with him there by her side.
Being a man on a mission, and giving unconditionally. And filling the world with your gifts in a way that is focused from your hearts intentions.
Trusting the feminine. Trusting the mystery and the mystical aspects of the feminine that may not always make sense logically to you.
Having full faith in her intuitive guidance & supports that in her fully as an inner compass of guidance & self knowing.
Being heart centered, being focus, being determined, seeking for collaboration & community.
I bless you being the beacon of change of this planet into heaven on earth.
? ✨ ? ✨ ?
The next few months represent a period of unprecedented and rapid soul shifts for the men on this earth plane who have elected, on a spiritual level, to raise their consciousness, to recall distant, eternal memories of spiritual wisdom and healing powers, they have been touched by universal grace.
Much, much will change, as a new wave of male spiritual pioneers re-claim their roles as guardians and protectors of the planet. At the centre of their desire for a new way of life and purpose is a very deep, very ancient devotion to the Goddess.
There are men that are designated to be leaders of a healing movement. This movement is created by men who desire a life of deeper meaning, alignment with inner truth, creative and regenerative solutions to challenges, confidence to listen to their hearts over their heads and use logical strategy in line with loving, compassionate wisdom.
Many male light workers are in the throes of enormous, tectonic movements within their energy fields. This will re-align them with sacred purpose and a higher plan for action. It will ignite long-forgotten fires of longing for deeper meaning and fulfillment within their hearts.
The Universe is beginning to sing their song back to them. They are finding reflections of a path, a route towards purpose, a torchlight in the dark. There are significant markers being placed along the way.
These signs are given to show these men that they are not alone; that there is a plan for their lives that exceeds their mind's limited perceptions; that miracles exist; that the divine feminine vessel has prepared space for them for eons in order for this transition to be made into their authentic lives.
These men don't want to be cut off from their hearts and intuitive voices. They are creating new ways to blend the two elements of the masculine vibration - head and heart - so that the Earth trusts them again with It's Heart.
These men are deeply sensitive to energy and they need to acknowledge this truth.
All of these men will need friends and partners who are self-aware, conscious, heart-awakened and intuitively intelligent. These men must be surrounded by champions of the Sacred Feminine codes.
A whole new collective of awakening masculine souls is emerging. With awakening, comes chaos, because the spiritual coma induces laziness, procrastination, denial, addictions, relationship toxicity, and all other forms of ego-control that would suppress true sacred masculine power.
We're getting Blasted??? The Current symptomsand the Upgrades needed to Suvive The Flash ???? Youre a totally different person, now we have totally different species. Join the livestream. Please share this important video on all platforms#solarflash#solarflare
We are being upgraded by these x Class Solar flares so we can survive the great solar flash event. The preparation to accept is ongoing. The current Symptoms aren't pleasant. We are on an evolutionary journey. If this message resonates with you please…
We are learning forgiveness for others and ourselves.
We are learning to not judge others or ourselves.
We are trying new experiences and new loves even if there a cross the country or even planet.
We are learning to trust ourselves and our intuition, our angels, guides, and God.
We are learning to see what few can see, hear what few can hear and trust in our hearts not our ego minds.
Trust in the process.
Trust in love
Trust that the light has won.
Trust you are a chosen one
Trust your gifts and abilities
Trust your angels, guides and higher self
Trust the Devine plan Gods plan
Trust you will be with who you are meant to be with.
Trust in Gods timing
Trust you made this happen you made these contracts to come here.
Trust you contracted to connect with your soulmates at this time.
Trust your following your mission and your heart.
But most of all trust yourself.
Truly know one knows what is to come.
We know in our hearts the dark is falling, everything must be shown, and great things are coming for those who believe in heaven on earth .
There are many speaking, channeling, and showing truth right now.
So we just have to trust the higher powers here at work
And trust the process.……
Trust by Jen
Many of us have herd trust the process…..
So many of the chosen, light workers, star seeds, family of light whatever you resonate with the most , have a hard time trusting.
Why is this?
It is because through this lifetime and many before we have had a lot of trials and tribulations.
Many of us have had to experience deaths of people we loved, narcissistic people that tried to control and beat us down, physically and emotionally and possibly sexually abuse by people we thought we could trust , so of course we don’t trust easily.
As children due to the fact we were very empathetic we usually struggled with fitting in and not aways being the black sheep of our society.
Some of us turned to people pleasing, some of us turned to pretending our world was perfect, some of us turned to imaginative ways, some of us turned to being the miss fits and doing drugs, getting tattoos, drinking, joining gangs, or the exact opposite became shy and awkward for we couldn’t understand people and why they were so cruel.
In all these cases we have struggled with the ability to trust.
Trusting in ourselves became the hardest of these.
Trusting that know matter how hard they tried to change us or beat us down we were able to rise.
Yes when the world has been cruel and life so brutal you go to anything or anyone to make you feel better.
This is where narcissists usually come in as our relationships . Usually partners , business partners, and romantic situations but could also be with friendships and family.
Why is this?
Because they view us as weak but we were the warriors.
They realize that we are so empathetic they can control us, play with our emotions, manipulate, and beat us down to the point it takes a lot for us to want to fight back.
Once you experienced this enough you have a hard time in trusting yourself love or others for any reason.
This is especially true with divine masculine or those who resonate with this.
Why is this because from a early age they have been programmed to be the tuff guys.
Not to show emotions, to be the providers even though in today’s world it usually takes two to make enough money.
To be the realist not to get out of the box so to speak.
So if they can’t see it for themselves they usually don’t trust their intuition.
Most not all masculines primarily use there lower chakras, root, sacral, and solar plexus.
This keeps them stuck in materialistic beliefs like the need and control of money, the lust for sex or pornography anything to get that feeling. But they do have a strong need for love , companionship and respect.
As for women they tend to use the top chakras the throat, third eye , and crown.
This makes divine feminine more emotional, talkative, able to look out of the box and believing in things they can’t see. They also are very much wanting love ,companionships and dreaming of that perfect partner.
This is also why Hollywood makes fortunes of love stories because they want us to believe there is know perfect partners only in fantasy.
So back to trust …..
How do we learn to trust others when we are so afraid to get hurt? How do we learn to trust our hearts when they been shattered more times then we can count? How do you trust yourself when you beat down to the ground so many times you stopped trusting your own intuition?
As things move forward we here many things about what is to come the prosperity, unconditional love, the darkness being taken out and the dark agenda falling.
We read of a beautiful place a world of colors and peace, a world of no jealousy, greed, power and most of all control.
We hear this is coming in divine timing and to trust there are things being done behind the scene.
We feel things, have new abilities, new beliefs, new ideas, new emotions daily.
We hear trust in love, love from our creators, love from our guides and angels, love from our divine counterparts, and love for ourselves.
We feel our heart changing opening wider and deeper daily.
We are teaching ourselves to stay in peace know matter what happens or goes on around us.
Community chat:
Last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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