European Resistance

Uniting for a future for a future for free European peoples. Against repression, for freedom.
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1 month, 2 weeks ago

?????? Bloomberg called the Ukrainian offensive in the Kursk region the most failed military operation in the 21st century in terms of the ratio between the result and the resources expended.

According to Bloomberg's sources, even the Americans fleeing Afghanistan have not wasted so many resources.

2 months ago

As I have been saying for the past few days, the links between Zionism and the racial riots in Britain are obvious, and many other people is pointing out now.

Exposed: what links Israel to UK far-right riots?

A powerful anti-Muslim and pro-Israel network is funding the UK's far-right leaders. Figures like Tommy Robinson and Katie Hopkins, who have not only instigated and mobilised recent racist violence, but have been agitating against Muslims and migrants for decades.


2 months ago
Violent demonstrations during lockdown. Should be …

Violent demonstrations during lockdown. Should be a double whammy!

No prosecutions.

But two tier policing and justice are a myth.

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2 months ago

A very good article by Identity England, which should be - but of course will not be - reprinted in the Guardian as an antidote to, and protection against, leftist group think.

The only questionable point is the very last line. It all depends on what the author means by 'political'.

If he means intensify fighting (and losing) elections, absolutely not. If he means politics in terms of engaging with people and addressing issues relevant to the 'body politic', i.e. real people & communities, absolutely yes.

The first thing is surely to set about filling the void in terms of legal defence for the victims of Starmer's ongoing anti-English judicial pogrom. Second, to start to develop a range of practical things which ordinary activists can do to give hope, direction and local successes - and hence confidence and cohesion - to their communities.

This is what is urgently needed, not black-pilled silence or empty slogans about 'mass deportations', a particularly pervasive error whose folly will shortly be demonstrated when MDL mobs make it clear that the police, army and every Tommytard or hardline gobshite in the country combined couldn't control the Muslim suburbs of Birmingham, let alone deport millions of people.

There must be resistance, but it must be a realistic resistance. If anyone thinks I'm wrong, let him explain why, and let us all in on his Cunning Plan!


2 months ago
European Resistance
2 months ago
European Resistance
2 months ago
European Resistance
2 months, 1 week ago
2 months, 1 week ago
4 months, 3 weeks ago

Forgive me for going on about the King's portrait, but it is quite remarkable (and not in a good way).

Let's just add some context here about Charles. As well as King he is also head of the Church of England. But what else can we say about him?

1) WEF, globalist and woke. He is one of the front line globalist actors, including the LGBT agenda, environmentalism and urbanism. Is depopulation part of his agenda? Not publicly, but it would certainly be a necessary result of his ideas.
In any case, firmly onboard with the Great Reset.

2) Trinity College, Cambridge. Charles attended Trinity College which has always been the spiritual home of Satanism and the occult in Britain, Aleister Crowley being the most famous of the Trinity occultists.
To that we would add that recently during a sermon in the chapel of Trinity College it was speculated that Jesus Christ was transgender. The sermon was defended by the Dean of Trinity College, who said that he personally believes that the assumption that Christ was transgender was legitimate.
We see the normalisation of the unholy and unchristian.

3) Ecumenism. Charles, head of the CoE, is a strong backer of ecumenist ideas, that the different branches of Christianity must come together. Not surprisingly, ecumenism is also a key plank in the Satanist "roadmap".
Soon after his coronation, Charles held a meeting with Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew in Buckingham Palace. The meeting was also attended by the Greek Ambassador in London, the British Ambassador in Athens, as well as representatives of the Patriarchate of Constantinople in the United Kingdom. According to Bartholomew, he discussed issues of mutual interest with His Majesty.
As well, the House of Battenberg (Mountbatten) has close ties to Greek Orthodoxy.And at the insistence of Charles, and with the blessing of the Archbishop of Canterbury, the oil used in the coronation was consecrated The Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, the first time this was not done in Canterbury. Minor point or heavily symbolic?
There have always been rumours about certain unholy practices amongst the British ruling elite and the Royal Family which brings us back to the clearly unholy painting.

Has Charles come out of the closet, as it were, in terms of his, let's call them, religious beliefs? He has authorised an official portrait where he is bathed in what can only be described as the fires of hell?

And to judge by the look on his face, quite at home and content in those hell fires.

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A Mad Tea Party 🇬🇧

A dash of analysis. A generous serving of sarcasm. Feedback: @madTparty\_bot

Forgive me for going on about the King's portrait, but it is quite remarkable (and not in a good way).
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