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Last updated 4 days, 21 hours ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
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Last updated 2 weeks, 5 days ago
[I'm going to share two videos done by a researcher on the child sex abuse hamstead enquiry case and let anyone interested make up their own mind. Please be advised that if you've not seen these before then what is claimed is seriously graffic and disturbing to say the least but if your interested in the sick reality of what happens to so many children within the occult bloodlines as well as the level of cover ups behind these types of investigations then these are a must watch.
Its for these reasons I became a truth seeker and teller as I just can't live happily in this world knowing these things are going on.]
So there ye have it folks!
Finally somebody coming out with credentials that people look for, they are now saying what I've been saying for years.
Ivermectin is toxic, it is a sterilization drug!
Mike Yeadon admits it here.
Think of who led ye at the beginning of this scamdemic.
Delores Cahill was telling all of you to take ivermectin and hydroroxychloroquine, I had to cut ties with the anti-vaxxers that I was protesting with for years prior to COVID, they stood on stage with her as if they knew what the fuck they were talking about.
I wanted to get up and speak but never had the opportunity because I feel hand on heart that this woman stopped me from doing so. She was controlling the yellow vests. They were easily led or they were in on it, who knows. Paid no doubt. I did a speech in phoenix park and I spoke all about the nanotechnology in The vaccines and 5G. Yellow vests said they could not put that out on their page because it's not what they're followers wanted to hear. It's not what Delores Cahill wanted to people to hear that's what I feel.
People are still following these German Jews off the cliff. Tommy Robinson is another one.
Honestly, I tried so hard for years ago to get the truth out only to be stopped at every angle. These people have led you all into taking drugs to stop you having children.
There is only one way out of this and that is nature there's no quick fix there's hard work and dedication. That has been the foundation of what I speak for as long as I'm speaking it. There's no cheating your way into health. There's no taking demonic pharmacology drugs that will make you better.
God is nature the Devil is big pharma.
[Cancer research founded in 1902 and still no pharmacy cure? The biggest money laundering scam ever!]
[Any of my UK truthseeking friends advise on a good UK water distiller? Im happy with my reverse osmosis but a friend is asking me for the best around? Please post any guidance or links in the comments section.]
Doctors Killed in Plane Crash Had Found Cure For 'Man-Made' Turbo Cancer
The whole world was horrified when news broke about the Brazilian VoePass Airline crash that killed all 62 passengers onboard on Friday. Unfortunately, the news just got even worse.
Doctors onboard the ill-fated flight bound for Sao Paulo’s International Airport were convinced they had discovered a cure for cancer – and clinical trials were in an advanced stage.
Now, with the doctors tragically silenced by unseen forces, clinical trials have been halted, and surviving researchers acknowledge that crucial knowledge was lost with their untimely deaths.
Mainstream media are working desperately to censor this information on behalf of Big Pharma, but the evidence is damning, and we need to work together to spread this information as far and wide as possible.
Here we have my super berry juice punch with extras...
I juiced 1 large carrot, 1 medium beetroot, 4 hands full of washed blackberries, hand full of strawberries, hand full of mixed blackcurrents/redcurrents half hand full of rastberries and half hand full of blueberries. Ill be repeating this protocol tomorrow and day after and will update on my partners [re]covery.
Note: My partner is not as extreme as me with her health, drinks and eats some processed crap and doesnt take my warnings of raditaion very serious but might take more care now she has suffered with this.]
[So my partner is suffering with what I believe to be radiation poisoning that ive had twice before with the symptoms of a constant dry cough, gasping for air, no phlegm or any other symptoms that a cold/flu brings along. (sounds like what they call covid eh?) when I had this I went all out with my homemade hydroxycloriquine, mulien leaf capsules and juicing many fruits but what really helped was juicing a blend of raw carrots and fresh beetroot.
Anyway 1 year on and my partner is suffering the same but with more knoweldge ive gave her my graphene detox solution first thing which also helps to oxygenate the blood cells in 3% hydrogen peroxide diluted right down. (DM me or ask in the comments section for this if your interested in this?) then gave her 125ml of my hydroxycloriquine solution with extras before going out to forage some blackberries for a super berry juice punch I wanted to make for us both which should also help that ill put in the next post...]
[Time to get rid of the radiation devices in our homes and here's the evidence of what one of the first ones that came out and into our homes in mass. You are not only killing any nutrients by using these but you are pumping radiation into your and childrens foods by using them as well as being near them when they are on.]
Community chat:
Last updated 4 days, 21 hours ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 2 weeks, 5 days ago