Breaking The Barrier

?We seek truth & aim to spark light within?As with everything, use your discernment. ♥️
There is no such thing as coincidences, only synchronicities.✨
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2 months ago
2 months ago

Common Law - US COURT INJUSTICES VIA THE CABAL: …Anon by email Thurs. 5 Dec.

· In some areas of the country Sheriffs, Judges and Police are complicit with the Court. All Courts are Banks. All Statutes are Bonds. It's all about $$$ in exchange for trafficking the Living Man linked to the Straw Man on the Birth Certificate.

· Political prisoners reported that in Missouri and Colorado Attorney/Lawyers failed to show up at court proceedings all week including my Son, who was released on bail on Mon. 2 Dec. 2024. The moment we arrived, the Security Guard said "I don't know what's going on but we're understaffed today - everyone called in sick."

· When we entered the court room, there were all new faces (judge, all attorney/lawyers, Court Officials (except one). We assumed it was because of the Habeas Corpus that we filed into Federal Court last week (with Proof of Summons).

· There is definitely something going on - the local county jail released several men this week.

2 months ago

How do we know the UFOs we're currently seeing aren't human-created deceptions?

The fact that they've been here since the beginning of recorded history deflates all arguments that UFOs are human-created deceptions.

If UFOs were a threat, we would already know it. This technology would be used in war and could literally take over the planet. If human-operated crafts were meant to create fear of an "alien invasion", they've already failed.

If "Project Bluebeam" or other false flag scenarios were valid plans, they would have already tried them, and if they've already tried them, they've already failed. See how that works? The fear of a UFO psyop IS the psyop.

If these were foreign spy drones, they wouldn't have lights to be seen by us. They obviously have lights because they want to partially blend in and be seen without scaring us.

All of this indicates there are benevolent operators who can't be affected by humans. The Pentagon isn't trying to stop them because they know they aren't in control.

Galactic Federation is doing everything they can to assure us there's no danger while at the same time showing us these aren't human crafts.

Help those stuck in fear-based narratives see that all is well. There will be no invasions, just many more peaceful sightings. Hold on tight because the party is just getting started.

8 months ago

Court Rules mRNA COVID-19 Shots Not  Vaccines

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Last updated 1 month ago