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Stand Together

We are ordinary local people, living in the South East, hoping to connect with like-minded souls and build a support network across our area.
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Last updated 2 days, 2 hours ago

Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Collaboration - @taping_Guru

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🦴 Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market

Last updated 3 days, 18 hours ago

1 month, 1 week ago

UK Column News - 17th June 2024
Brian Gerrish, Mark Anderson, and Prof. Diane Rasmussen McAdie with today's UK Column News.

00:44 BBC Finally Admits Horrors of Ukrainian Conscription—With a Wedding Photo
06:53 "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"—Edmund Burke
19:00 LGBTQ In Early Years And Children's Development
27:46 Thank You To Our Supporters—We Can Only Do What We Do With You
32:23 OpenAI Puts Former NSA Director On Its Board
34:56 Who Are The Party Funders?
43:07 Media's Latest Fearmongering: Tremble Before Your Salad!
54:40 And Finally: Don’t Forget WHO’s Encroachment In Africa


1 month, 1 week ago

In the begining

When three of us set out to build a parallel community none had any idea of how far we should take it or how it should be achieved. The idea wasn’t even mine but conveniently planted in my head just as it had been planted in the heads of many others around our beautiful blue home. What we all had in common was that we were determined to build a community without distractions and side shows, of which there are many.

We have seen some areas torn apart because of “experts” promising riches if only their plans were followed, we have seen others offering complex and extensive training on their version of common law or yet more offering ways to get around travel restrictions or people organising great demonstrations. We have seen any number of targets for peoples ire but little or almost nothing on how to build the world we desire. Anger uses up much energy, is very addictive and self-sustaining.

Our task was to never be side-tracked from our path, never to chase after money, never to get lost in the jungle of lies and deceit but to build a community that was powered by love and respect by those with vision.

We understand the attraction of instant gratification when complaining to others about the corruption and fraud of the establishment but how long can that sustain us. If the current establishment fails then how will we maintain ourselves? Without a system of communities willing to help each other and work together how can anyone other than the most resourceful hunter gatherers amongst us can possibly survive in the short term. Even so a determined and ruthless regime can hunt down and dispose of those independent souls who are capable of survival.

We have been backed into a corner and there is only one peaceful and effective way out so it is time to stop playing a game that we cannot win and start doing something other than simply mumping our gums. There is no greater strength than a community dedicated to living together and protecting each other.

This is why the Community Assembly of the British isles was formed so we can bring people together in a structured way and provide the tools and knowledge and cater for all the needs of a community so we can function aside from the system in a parallel society.

We have come far since the beginning.

We have passed through the time of knowledge and into the time of building for our future. This has to be done in the community with real people meeting in person. The time for the passing of information on the internet has been found wanting with far too much corruption in circulation.

The beginning is now over .
Let's move to the next stage.

Much love.
John Gilbert.

Join with us now .

Follow us on #Facebook

1 month, 1 week ago

This Saturday we travelled to Herne Bay for our first visit, on the journey over it looked like it was going to be a washout due to the heavy rain but upon arrival the rain dispersed and was quickly replaced with sunshine and strong winds 🌥️💨

We quickly realised it was going to be a different type of outreach due to us being positioned in the town, we quickly put our boards up and got cracking handing out our papers to passers by as well as the cars at the few junctions that were assessable,

The reception we received was incredible, everyone that was passing seemed to be clutching a paper, we had multiple shouts of “people are waking up” as well as the usual “keep up the good work” and “thank you’s” we received no negative comments at all 🙌🏼 due to our positioning there was lots of good conversations had, with people keen to talk about how shite the government are and how they’ve had enough of the lies. 🙏🏽

Hugh and Steve took a walk up the high street and every business they went in to happily took papers to distribute to their customers 😊

We went to Herne Bay with low expectations but the good people of the town blew us away… 24 of the yellow board family managed to hand out 800 Light papers in the two hours we were there 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

Amazing work from everyone 💛

1 month, 2 weeks ago


THE ROAD TO GENEVA (Kristen Megan Kelly &Tammy K. Clark)

The road to Geneva presents Kristen Megan Kelly & Tammy K.Clark Kristen Megan Kelly and Tammy Clark are seasoned exposure scientists known as industrial hygienists. With over 40 years of experience, they specialize in anticipating, recognizing, and controlling…

1 month, 2 weeks ago

Stand Together Independent Film maker of the week:
Jonny Stone Brennan:
Propa Pictures
The Director's Gut

1 month, 2 weeks ago
1 month, 3 weeks ago
Stand Together
1 month, 3 weeks ago


We Would Have Sacrificed Everything

Uprise and Shine tickets

1 month, 3 weeks ago

Stand Together are very proud to present one of our most loyal and dedicated filmmakers who like Simon last week is Sussex based and working hard full time, still manages to travel in their spare time documenting Freedom events. This week's Stand Together 'Independent Film maker of the week' is
Tim: Fair Play Now

2 months ago
***💰******💰*** Bermondsey, May 25th, 2 to …

💰💰 Bermondsey, May 25th, 2 to 4pm. Beware Digital Prison & Cash is freedom -  Yellow Boards.💰💰

Junction Jamaica Road/ Southwark Park Road, SE16 4RT, 3min from Bermondsey Tube, Jubilee Line.

⚠️Digital ID & Digital Money
➡️ Digital Prison
Use Cash - Stay Free

Boards and flyers provided.

We got the yellow cash flyers and the black, detailled digital ID & credit score flyers.

Pubs and a park closeby, we can decide where to go. 🌳🌳🌳

We recommend to visit

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Last updated 2 days, 2 hours ago

Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot

Collaboration - @taping_Guru

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🦴 Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market

Last updated 3 days, 18 hours ago