He Loves Mankind ☦️

"For Thou art a good God who loves mankind"
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2 months ago
"Can one climb a mountain without …

"Can one climb a mountain without going up its foothills? Obviously not. In just such a way one cannot, without the foundation of all the Christian virtues – that is, without sincere faith in Christ – attain the summit of love."

  • Archbishop Seraphim (Sobolev) of Bogucharsk
2 months ago
"The world is perishing from a …

"The world is perishing from a lack of love. Instead of love, wickedness and hatred reign...Only love is capable of resurrecting it. But where can we find such love if mans natural heart is darkened by passions and full of soulless egoism? Only the Gospel of Christ offers a love powerful enough to rejuvenate our perishing world."

  • Archbishop Averky of Syracuse
2 months ago
"How easily and speedily the Lord …

"How easily and speedily the Lord can save us! —instantaneously, unexpectedly, imperceptibly. Often during the day have been a great sinner, and at night, after prayer, I have gone to rest justified and whiter than snow by the grace of the Holy Ghost, with the deepest peace and joy in my heart!"

  • St John of Kronstadt
2 months ago
"The kingdom of heaven is called …

"The kingdom of heaven is called spiritual contemplation, for this is what it is...It is not found through the activity of thought, but can be tasted by grace. Until a man cleanses himself he is in no state even to hear of the Kingdom..."

  • St Isaac the Syrian
2 months ago
May the grace of Christ abundantly …

May the grace of Christ abundantly poured out on the human race in these solemn days overshadow you. Let us rejoice in spirit and bring praise to God with the Angels for everything.
Let us hasten to the call of our Savior, before it is too late, and let us follow in His footsteps along the path of humility and obedience.
May the light of the Star of Bethlehem illuminate your souls and may peace and God's favor descend upon them.
May the Sun of Truth, the God-Child Christ, illuminate you with the light of His Nativity!
May He multiply joy and festive jubilation, may He heal illnesses and console sorrows, may He help you in the coming New Year to bring Him the gift of gold of love, the fragrance of faith and mercy.
May the mercy of our Savior never abandon us either in this life or in the next.

Archimandrite John (Krestyankin)

2 months ago
"If a righteous man can barely …

"If a righteous man can barely be saved, then where will I end up, I who am lawless and sinful? If the path that leads to life is strait and narrow, then how can I be vouchsafed such good things, I who live a life of luxury, indulging in my own pleasures and dissipation? But Thou, O Lord, my Savior, Son of the true God, as Thou knowest and desirest, by Thy grace alone, freely turn me away from the sin that abides in me and save me from ruin."

  • St Ephraim the Syrian
2 months ago
Christ is born! Glorify Him!

Christ is born! Glorify Him!

2 months, 1 week ago
"Fight, fight, and be good soldiers …

"Fight, fight, and be good soldiers of Christ! Do not give in to evil and do not be carried away by the weakness of the flesh. During the time of temptation, flee to the Physician, crying out with the Holy Church, our mother: “O God, number me with the thief, the harlot, and the publican (i.e., with the repentant), and save me!”

  • St Anatoly of Optina
2 months, 1 week ago
"A man who loves the Lord …

"A man who loves the Lord with unflagging resolve once said to me: 'Because I desired conscious knowledge of divine love, God granted me a full and active experience of such love. I felt its energy so strongly that my soul longed with an inexpressible joy and love to leave the body and go to the Lord, and to become in a sense unaware of this transient form of life.'"

  • St Diadochos of Photiki
2 months, 1 week ago
"the virtues are linked one to …

"the virtues are linked one to the other, and follow as it were a sacred sequence, one depending on the other. For instance, prayer is linked to love, love to joy, joy to gentleness, gentleness to humility, humility to service, service to hope, hope to faith, faith to obedience, and obedience to simplicity."

  • St Makarios of Egypt
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