
Channel contain 🄰 violent & wild tings. Child not allowed at here — if u feel uncomfortable leave from here and put my acc out of ur ch. Please don't copying this channel, for pictures, wording, plot, grid is made by myself.
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bangun pagi di bilang tumben, bangun siang di bilang kesiangan. emang paling bener bangun rumah tangga bersamamu.

• pp : @paidpromotegar

Last updated 2 months ago

@loongteks : dunia emang pahit, makannya Tuhan nyiptain kamu biar ada manis manisnya 🫰

since : 4 Agustus 2020

𝖓𝖔𝖙 𝖋𝖔𝖗 𝖘𝖆𝖑𝖊 !!

Last updated 3 days, 16 hours ago

2 years ago

@donediving Nuyi's 🐾. Feedbacknya yg blm!!

2 years ago
2 years ago

📝 Secret Message for Nuency!!
No bc.

👤 take care

👤 NUNUU YOU’RE SUCH A CHEERFUL GIRL!!! i’m so happy for being friend with youuuu, always be happy nunu🤍🤍

👤 i love u cycy

👤 sehat selalu

👤 jangan lupa untuk tersenyum hari ini

👤 Jaga kesehatab

👤 be happy pretty

👤 Always be happy.

👤 Semangat terus yaaaaaa, jaga kesehatan dan banyak bersyukur 💗💗

👤 take care of urself pretty, always smile, supaya geulis na teu ilang kata si Yayah mah, semangattt

👤 nama ch lu unik banget, kyak orangnya

👤 ily

👤 jaga kesehatan

👤 don't forget to happy for yourself, you're extraordinary! i know u can do and get wht u want, believe in yourself & god!

👤 i like ur personality

👤 be yourself and take care, always excited to live your day even though it's hard.

👤 Semoga kamu ga poseng ya nuy

👤 Take care.

👤 Selalu semangat menjalani hidupmu, apapun masalahmu jangan pernah berfikir untuk menyerah, kamu sangat berharga.

👤 take care of your self ya

👤 halo, be happy, jaga kesehatan lo dan jangan lupa tuk selalu bersyukur.

👤 imy

👤 semangat terus cantik, jangan lupa bersyukur ya

👤 jangan lupa untuk selalu bersyukur

👤 Semangat cantik, you cam do it.

👤 kamu cantik, jangan lupa tersenyum

👤 Don't forget to smile, never give up, and don't forget your breakfast

👤 always have a good day kak & jangan cape jadi orang baik

👤 Be happy ya, kalau lagi berada difase cape banget kamu bisa ke roomchat aku untuk bercerita🤍

👤 Baik baik dah jangan sedih

👤 Im so proud of you girl, you did such a great job, please take care urself, ure so gorgeous really.

👤 Bahagia selalu ya

👤 Keep ur smile, u deserve to be happy

👤 You have lots of positive energy, keep it around and may you'll get blessed

👤 semangatt terus ngejalanin harinya ya

👤 always take care on yourself

👤 you're definitely my type

👤 Be happy, makasih udah jalanin kehidupan sejauh ini

👤 you are pretty... it's secret sstt🤫

👤 You've had enough. Take care of your health and may always be given happiness

👥 44 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board

2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago

ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ  𝗬𝗢𝗨𝗧𝗛 𝗬𝗘𝗔𝗥𝗦 .ೃ࿐

Crowds, camera flashlights, youth years became crowded because one soul walked over to the crowd, one by one the camera captured the picture, with a slightly shining light, not too surprising to the eye, a little noise called the woman's name, busy fixing the clothes worn to make it look good. something perfect. supervised by several large men who differed greatly from him. the sky has darkened a little, the air is getting colder, it turns out that time is not over yet.

Fake a smile, and even expression, and only turn right and left so the camera can capture it beautifully. the black dress, and neatly arranged hair by then had become the most flaming there, the atmosphere was getting darker but she was still the brightest. a soft voice greeted back the noise that had echoed earlier. "Hi, love!..."



2 years ago
2 years ago
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Silakan Konsultasi ⤵️

bangun pagi di bilang tumben, bangun siang di bilang kesiangan. emang paling bener bangun rumah tangga bersamamu.

• pp : @paidpromotegar

Last updated 2 months ago

@loongteks : dunia emang pahit, makannya Tuhan nyiptain kamu biar ada manis manisnya 🫰

since : 4 Agustus 2020

𝖓𝖔𝖙 𝖋𝖔𝖗 𝖘𝖆𝖑𝖊 !!

Last updated 3 days, 16 hours ago