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Maths By Gagan Pratap is a channel which helps you to prepare for all gov. exams.
Gagan Pratap Sir is providing high quality education on Careerwill App for various competitive exams
200 Crore Cash Prize Winner : Fantasy Cricket Expert : Cricket Trader : 32 Wheels : YouTuber / Content Creator : On a Mission
Instagram Channel: https://ig.me/j/AbbbdNImVuSuiesY/
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Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago
*📢*** Peoria’s State of the City
Peoria residents! Join us for the State of the City Address on April 2 at 6:30 p.m. at Christ’s Church of the Valley - Peoria (7007 W. Happy Valley Rd.).
Let’s join together to celebrate Peoria’s achievements and discuss the future of public safety, water security, economic development, and education.
Plus, enjoy a delicious dinner provided by the Beck family from Postino WineCafe!
*💬 Can’t make it? Here are additional Town Hall events: 📍 April 9 | 10 a.m. *– Westbrook Village, Lakes Ballroom 📍* April 14 | 6 p.m. *– William L. Patena Community Center
Let’s talk about what’s next for our great city! See you there!
Register here! Seating is limited!
More information available at: www.peoriaaz.gov/stateofthecity
🚨🏡 URGENT: Protect Our Local Communities from State Overreach! 🏡🚨
Arizona's state legislature is pushing forward HB2371 and SB1229, Bills that threaten to strip local governments of their authority over housing developments. These Bills have already passed Committee and are being sent to the floor for a vote!
🚨All 91 city governments in Arizona stand united AGAINST hese bills. When our local leaders and communities oppose legislation that developers support, it's clear there's a problem.
🤷♀️Why is the state legislature attempting to override local control? Our cities and towns know their unique needs best and should not have their hands tied for residential zoning.
☎️Call to Action:
📧 Email and call your Senators and Representatives NOW to express your opposition to HB2371 and SB1229. Demand that local control and community input remain central to housing decisions.
🔗USE THIS LINK for Reps Emails/Phone - Urge them to VOTE NO! https://www.azleg.gov/MemberRoster/
☎️CONTACT YOUR CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS and ask them to urge our Legislators to VOTE NO!
Please SHARE this post far and wide!!!
📣The so-called "Starter Home Act" (HB2371) passed the House Commerce Committee despite widespread concerns that it won’t actually create affordable housing. Now, the Senate version (SB1229) will be heard this Wednesday at 9 AM, and we must act now!
☎️ We need a strong presence of people to not only call and email the members of this committee, but also to show up in person and request to speak against this bill.
If you are not able to attend in person, please call, email and login to RTS to provide a thumbs DOWN and provide a public comment on why you are asking the committee to vote NO.
👎Why Oppose SB1229?
🚫Overreach & Loss of Local Control – Most importantly, this bill strips cities and towns of their ability to plan and manage growth, overriding approved General Plans. We the People do NOT want our voices silenced at the local level with big government overreach. To be clear - this bill REMOVES the voice of the WE THE PEOPLE in local city government and puts it in the hands of big government!
🚫No Guarantee of Affordable Housing – The bill does nothing to ensure reasonably priced starter homes will be built.
🚫Investors, Not Homeowners, Benefit – It allows corporations to buy homes. Think of the normal lot size of 5,000sqft at 8 homes per acre increased to 24 homes per acre. Let the cities decide on zoning for high density housing not the developers!
🚫Rural Areas Still Left Behind – The bill does nothing to address housing shortages in rural communities.
🚫Unclear & Risky Language – It includes vague provisions that could eliminate municipal regulations on private property without specifying which ones. All of the authority will be taken away from local city governments
🔥Public Safety Concerns – Firefighters have raised serious concerns about safety and infrastructure that remain unaddressed.
📣Take Action Now!
Use RTS to Oppose SB1229 before 8 AM Wednesday. If you have an account, login here: https://apps.azleg.gov/
Email the Committee by 4 PM Tuesday – Tell them to vote NO on SB1229. If you live in their district, be sure to mention it!
Email the full committee:
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Attend the Hearing in Person – Wednesday, 9 AM, SHR 109 (1700 W. Washington). Your presence makes a difference! Request to speak online or in person when you arrive.
SB1229 mirrors HB2371 and is bad for Arizona. It takes authority away from cities and gives developers power and control.
We the People deserve a voice!
*?*✨ ONE WEEK AWAY! ?**
Join us for the 8th Annual A Day of Giving at the Peoria Sports Complex on Sunday, December 15th from 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM (or until supplies last).
*? FREE TOYS for ALL age groups! (Children must be present)
*? Snap a photo with Santa
? Face Painting
? Bounce Houses
? Cookie Decorating
✉️ Write Letters to Santa
? Delicious Food**
This ALL-FREE event is here to bring joy to families who may need a little extra help this holiday season. Come join the fun, make memories, and spread the holiday cheer! ?*✨***
*? Location: Peoria Sports Complex
*⏰ Date/Time: December 15th - 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM**
Tag your friends and family, and let’s make this holiday season magical for everyone!
FB Event Details: https://www.facebook.com/events/1632584917681690
DONATE: https://www.gofundme.com/f/a-day-of-giving-2023
VOLUNTEER: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70A0844A8A82AA3FC1-53329962-adayof#/
Pray for Christians to be moved to vote and vote biblically in greater numbers than in past elections! (Hos 14:9)
Pray for God’s purposes to be fulfilled in our states and our nation. (Prv 29:2)
Pray that the schemes and evil plans of the Enemy would disintegrate, exposed, fail, and backfire. (1 Pet 5:8)
Pray for swift justice for any unlawful or corrupt action that is taken to undermine our election systems. (Prv 21:15)
Pray to uphold the Constitution and our laws with every voting action. (Eph 4:28)
Pray that believers would conduct due diligence on candidates and ballot initiatives and be informed on each in order to vote biblically. (Prv 29:2)
Pray that candidates who walk with Christ will be protected, elevated, and continue to seek God. (Ps 111:10, 2 Cor 9:8)
Pray that citizens will be able to discern the truth about candidates and ballot initiatives. Pray that the veil of deception would be torn and null and void. Pray for open eyes in our nation. (Ps 43:3)
Pray that all who are elected will either continue to walk with the Lord or encounter Him in a mighty, life-changing way. (Prv 1:7)
Pray that the election outcome will ultimately result in our nation being poised for greater spiritual growth and an awakening! (Ps 22:27, 2 Chr 7:14, Ps 85:6)
Pray for physical protection over our candidates and our current leaders. (2 Thes 3:3)
Pray for boldness for Christians to speak the truth, declare what is right, and to find courage. (Deut 31:6)
Pray that there will be no litigation that will undo any lawful and legitimate election result. (1 Cor 13:6)
Pray for those who are working in the election offices and locations to be truthful, diligent, and free from fraud. The same goes for any personnel who are part of the tabulation process. We pray that any plan to subvert truthful results would result in failure and not overcome the truth. (Eph 4:28)
Pray for our nation in this time of division that there will not be civil unrest and violence. Pray for biblical Shalom over our nation. (Eph 4:32)
Pray for protection over our nation during this vulnerable time in the election and subsequent transfer of power. (Ps 34:7)
Pray that there would be stories of God at work, shared answered prayer, and ordinary people fulfilling extraordinary callings. (Is 60:1-2)
Pray that, like Esther and Mordecai, our nation will be delivered from the hands of the enemy that seeks to destroy it further. May God be our deliverer! (Is 54:17, Es 8:8)
(Pastor Charles Rasmussen)
?Join in one accord with this POWERFUL & BOLD prayer for the state of Arizona, for Proposition 139 to be defeated and innocent life protected, for election integrity and protection of the vote from people with evil intentions, for our nation that leaders are elected that more closely align with God’s word and not further away from it.
Thank you pastor Robb Brunansky from Desert Hills Bible Church for speaking truth and being fearless from the pulpit to address these issues and lead God’s people in prayer in these perilous times. ? We need more pastors like you to boldly lead in a time where most are afraid to stand for righteousness.
May God’s will be done and may we all join in agreement with this prayer for Tuesday!
Get your tickets to see JD Vance in Peoria tomorrow at TYR Tactical! ??****https://event.donaldjtrump.com/events/vice-presidential-nominee-senator-jd-vance-to-deliver-remarks-in-peoria-arizona?_nlid=Hd7BDENMmP&_nhids=w7JMt3VY
Women who have had abortions, know the risks, and have read Prop 139, are shocked to learn how far it goes; that it expands abortion beyond viability, throughout the entire pregnancy for virtually any reason, and it removes the required medical doctor and the safeguards in place to protect girls and women. Arizonans like Stephanie say Prop 139 goes way too far.
A former abortionist sees the dangers in removing safeguards for girls and women through Prop 139. He calls it “insane” to leave women in the hands of anyone other than a qualified medical doctor with the expertise to detect and respond to emergencies. Dr. Levatino says he would never leave patients in the dangerous situation that Prop 139 leaves them in.
Vote ❌NO❌ on PROP 139!
🤩 Big Offer 📣 Buy Gagan Sir Books : https://linktr.ee/gaganpratapbook ✅
Maths By Gagan Pratap is a channel which helps you to prepare for all gov. exams.
Gagan Pratap Sir is providing high quality education on Careerwill App for various competitive exams
200 Crore Cash Prize Winner : Fantasy Cricket Expert : Cricket Trader : 32 Wheels : YouTuber / Content Creator : On a Mission
Instagram Channel: https://ig.me/j/AbbbdNImVuSuiesY/
Last updated 2 months, 2 weeks ago
Sports Analyst | Entrepreneur
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Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago