
Messages and Information from Pleiadians of Taygeta. Telepathically received by Judith Lynn, shared by her son, Kab

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3 days, 7 hours ago

Who's running the White House?

Not Joe Biden. Not Donald Trump.

Whatever power that military white hats have had to make covert high-level arrests has not involved Trump running the White House as president.

Cheating was prevented by Pleiadians in 2016 so Trump could win, but allowed in 2020 so we could experience these trials to awaken us before the Shift.

We're watching a black hat show concealing white hat arrests. There are clones being manipulated by outside forces, not actors wearing masks.

There are many clones in Biden's cabinet and there are no-name people taking orders from representatives of China's military.

Black hat military in every country take orders from satanic elites. An inner circle of satanic elites take orders from one at the top, who is currently Larry Page.

Larry Page receives orders in satanic rituals from a reptilian entity named Pidkozox who leads the unseen dark forces on Earth.

The 2024 US election represents the final spiritual battle in which the energy behind the White House will swing back towards the light one last time. The Shift.

There are angelic forces of light behind Trump and demonic forces behind his enemies. Look past your biases and see the bigger picture.


4 days, 7 hours ago

AYA ~ Cover And Calm

Beloved Ones Of My Heart!

Throughout My Infinite Life Of Light, I Have Truly Experienced Total Love And Peace. Circumstances Change For Everyone, But Learning To Become Calm And Serene Will Require Living As The Soul. Each One Receiving This Communication Is A Soul In Form. The Soul Longs For Alignment From The Created Personality. Higher Frequencies Of Being Are Calling To You Now. Calm And Cover Are Excellent Mantras To Use Throughout The Remainder Of This Waking Dream.

I Cover You With Love Because I Know The Meaning Of These Words As Truth. I Am Love And As I Move In Live In The Higher Octaves Of Life, I Overflow With Love For You. I Want You To Know And Understand The Importance Of Covering Your Own Heart, Your Beautiful Mind And Your Sacred Body. Only Then Are You Free And Empowered To Cover Another.

As You Learn To Cover Your Life With A Healing Intent, You Will Discover A Calmness That Is New And Fresh. Allow This Frequency Of Being To Become A Priority Just As Food And Water. Once You Begin To Live In Calmness, Interruptions And Distractions Will Be Avoided As Much As Possible.

With Social Media And Endless News And Change, Finding A Place Within That Soothes Your Mind Will Set In Motion An Attraction For All That Is Good. Seek Peace And Calm And Your Path Will Open To The Greatest Light! I Will Meet You There As All Other Paths Are Unacceptable In My State Of Being.

Give Your Light To Others And Then Give More. There Is No Shortage Of Light That Is Expressed As Compassion, Empathy And Service. Light Multiplies And Spreads To Cover Even More. You Are This Light Within Your Soul.

Cover All Animals With Abundant Love And Care. Never Let A Stray Move Through Your Life Without Rescuing Them. These Are Souls And If They Cross Your Path, You Are Given An Opportunity To Grow And Expand. There Are Agencies And Organizations In All Parts Of The World That Do Nothing But Shelter And Feed Sacred Animals. One Phone Call Can Save The Life Of An Animal That Might Perish. Cover Them With Your Attention And Feel Light That Will Burst In Abundance In Your Heart.

Look Around Today And Discover Hurting People That Just Need A Smile Or Connection. Cover Them With Love And They Will Feel Calm. In Their Experience With Your Compassion, They Are Able To Pass It Forward To Another. Serenity And Peace Begins In Such Simple Ways.

Without Knowing Of The Great Numbers Of Angels, Fairies And Galactic Federation That Surrounds You In Each Moment, You Are Receiving A Covering Of Light. You Are Here Now And The Choice To Commune With Spirit And Transcend All That Happens To A Spiritual Perspective Is Completely Calming.

Your Power And Ability To Have A Beautiful Life Begins With Such An Easy Manner Of Being. Avoid Making Your Life Chaotic By Your Own Choices. Choose To Cover And Calm And Be Amazed At The Changes That Will Benefit You And All Others That You Encounter.

I Truly Love You Within My Heart! I Will Meet You In Your Heart!

I Love You So!
Goddess AYA

6 days, 7 hours ago

AKATU ~ Becoming Wise

Friends Of The Final Waking Dream!

You Are Told To Be Strong And Vigilant. You Are Urged To Be Patient And Calm In The Midst Of Chaos. There Are Methods Of Assistance For All Souls In These Moments. Wisdom Is Your Greatest Friend And Guide. Wisdom Will Lead You To All Things That Are Good. Wisdom Will Activate Light. Let's Delve Into The Gift Of Wisdom And Some Of The Primary Ways To Activate This Pathway Of Being.

All Great Spiritual Masters Have Known The Power Of Silence. In The Space Between Thoughts, The Soul Speaks Volumes. Guides Can Be Heart With Telepathy As Words Come Forth To Serve You Well. Learning To Be Still While Living In The Earth School Will Take Practice As The Human Nervous System Is Programmed To React To Any Stimuli. But For Those That Make Stillness A Priority, They Will Find Their Own Presence Waiting.

Breathing Deeply And Becoming Aware Of The Breath Will Allow An Awareness Of New Ideas, Inspiration And Nudgings To Pathways That Are Clearly Open. Until There Is Attention Given To This Variable, Many Move Recklessly To The Next Distraction. Wisdom Will Tell You To Stop And Notice The Possibilities. Quietness And Serenity Will Welcome Wisdom. 

When Others Are Around, Talk Less And Listen More. Even If You Disagree, There Is No Need To Voice All Opinions. If This Is A Loved One, Speaking Incessantly About How You Feel, Will Sometimes Put A Wall Around Free Communication. Is It Better To Win A Perceived Argument Or To Have Peace?

As You Stay Present In All Things, You Will Listen And Learn. Do Your Best To See Both Sides Of What Is Being Presented. Think Silently And Note The Rise And Fall Of The Breath. Look Intently At The Other Person And Become Relaxed. Utilizing These Measures Will Relax The Mood And Slow The Mind. The Energy Between You Will Shift To A Lighter Frequency. This Is Wisdom That Is Indeed Such A Friend.

Wisdom Will Remind You Of Times You Had No Knowledge Of Awakening. As You See And Speak With Others, You Might Differ In Perspective As No One Is Exactly In Sync With Another. And One Can Only Perceive From Their Current Level Of Awareness. Plant A Seed And Move On.

If Someone Is Backing A Certain Candidate For Office And You Detest Them, At Least Respect Their Right To An Opinion. It Is Not Your Place Or Responsibility To Push Your Knowledge At Them. Over Time They Might Feel As You. But You Now Have More Opinions And Change Is Inevitable. Wisdom Will Return You To Peace Within. This Should Be The Priority. With Wisdom, There Is A Greater Opportunity For Clarity And Peace. Wisdom Honors Diversity While Guiding Each Soul To Truth. Become A Beacon Of Light To Those Lost Within Lies And Chaos.

As Wisdom Becomes A Priority To Allow The Best Outcome With Soul Alignment, The Body Will Also Be Noted In Change. Guidance To Natural Food, Proper Rest And Exercise Will Increase. Spending Time In Nature And Growing With The Sacred Energy Of The Beloved Earth Will Promote Changes To Nourish Each Being.

The Greatest Wisdom Known To Mankind Is To Understand All Aspects Of Life Are There To Allow Transcendence To A Spiritual Perspective. In This Truth, There Is Acceptance And Healing For All.

I Love You So!

1 week, 3 days ago

LAKA ~ Galactic Civilization Base (ZOMATIKAH) ~ PT1 Beloved Friends Of Earth! In These Moments Of Communication, Find Comfort In Knowing You Are More Than Safe! Earth Is The Planet Chosen For Great Transformation! Indeed, The New Earth Awaits All Souls.…

1 week, 3 days ago

LAKA ~ Galactic Civilization Base (ZOMATIKAH) ~ PT2

NEIOH And KABAMUR Will Be Leaders And Teachers Of The New Galactic Civilization. Their Moments Will Be Spent In Traveling In A Large Mothership That Has Many Capabilities. They Will Travel Throughout Galaxies To Share Wisdom, Teaching And The Coordination Of All Meetings. They Will Create Many Bases That Serve All Life Throughout The Cosmos. Bases Will Grow In Great Numbers As More Souls Join In Light.

The Mothership That Is Designed For Meetings And Expansion Of The Galactic Civilization Will Be Able To Remain Stationary Or Propel Through Areas With Great Speed. Commanders Of The Galactic Federation Will Unite And Share With The Maneuvering And Technology Of The Largest Mothership In Existence. Taking Turns To Command Will Bring A Sense Of Unity Even Greater As Friendships Are Deepened With Love. 

Following Extensive Travel With Massive Information Gleaned, A Return To Sheen Will Bring Great Celebrations. The Mothership Will Remain Stationary Over Sheen As Smaller Crafts Accommodate NEIOH, KABAMUR And Other Souls Entering Sheen. The Mothership Is Many Miles Wide And Multiple Levels In Height. It Can Change Shapes, Travel In Water And Change Densities To Move Through Mountains. This Mothership Will Not Enter BASK, The Base Of Sedona, As Its Size Is Many Times The Size Of This Location.

The New Base Of Sheen Will Be Called ZOMATIKAH. This Means 'It Is Done', In Our Pleiadian Language.

KABAMUR Will Travel With His Beloved Dragon MUKAE. NEIOH Will Enjoy His White Tiger Named VERIK. MY Brothers Have Always Been Inseparable, So Every Moment Of Their Travels Will Bring Joy! They Will Enjoy Game Rooms, A Crystal Kitchen, A Music Room, An Art Room And A Pool On The Mothership. Indeed, Everything Desired Is Planned. KABAMUR Will Also Lead As An Elder In Sheen And On His Return To Taygeta. Elder IKAI Is Pleased And Will Share His Light And Wisdom.

Each Soul Receiving This Great News Is Welcome To Join With Other Souls In The Culmination Of Waking Dreams To A Reality Of Light And Peace!

Prepare Your Hearts!
It Is Done!

I Love You So!




LAKA ~ Galactic Civilization Base (ZOMATIKAH) ~ PT1 Beloved Friends Of Earth! In These Moments Of Communication, Find Comfort In Knowing You Are More Than Safe! Earth Is The Planet Chosen For Great Transformation! Indeed, The New Earth Awaits All Souls.…

1 week, 3 days ago

LAKA ~ Galactic Civilization Base (ZOMATIKAH) ~ PT1

Beloved Friends Of Earth!

In These Moments Of Communication, Find Comfort In Knowing You Are More Than Safe! Earth Is The Planet Chosen For Great Transformation! Indeed, The New Earth Awaits All Souls. Sheen Is Prepared As A Home Of Light And Peace. With The Ongoing Additions Of Galactic Civilizations, Sheen Is Understood To Be The Greatest Location For The Primary Base Of Meetings. There Will Be Multiple Locations That Will Be Visited And Accessed By Many Races That Will Experience Upgrades. Let's Review The Current Information As It Will Inspire You To Move Forward And Seek Light!

Sheen Is A Place Of Such Beauty That It Resembles Homes Of Origin. Colors, Sounds, Nature And Animals With Upgraded Bodies Will Allow Each Soul A Choice To Remain Or Return To Their Home Of Creation. Many Souls May Choose To Do Both As Travel In Crafts Will Always Be An Option. Homes Will Be Large And Designed By Each Soul Or Family To Meet Any Desire In Their Own Creative Endeavor. Everything Is Available To The Soul Of Origin That Circulates Light. You Are The Soul That Is Unlimited. Gifts Will Return To You With The Soon Coming Shift To Sheen.

There Are Spectacular Changes Being Expressed By The Galactic Federation In These Moments. Elder IKAI Has Planned Massive Changes To Serve Sheen And All Galactic Races That Join You In Light. As The Creation Of Sheen Is Already In Existence, Changes Are Ongoing With Plans To Accommodate Many Races That Will Visit. A Large Base That Will Allow Crafts To Enter And Be Welcomed Is Now In The Process Of Design. The Area Of Sheen Will Be Doubled In Size. The Completion Of This Frequency Will Be Welcoming To All Souls From Higher Realms.

Each Race That Has Been Upgraded To Circulate Light With Crystal Hearts Will Become Friends To Those On Sheen. At Last, Without Judgement, Division Or Concepts Of War, The Galaxies Will Unite. Peace Will Be Experienced With Communication, Music And Celebrations Of Joy! All Souls Throughout The Cosmos That Require Upgrades To Unite, Will Be Served By The Light Forces.




LAKA ~ Galactic Civilization Base (ZOMATIKAH) ~ PT2 NEIOH And KABAMUR Will Be Leaders And Teachers Of The New Galactic Civilization. Their Moments Will Be Spent In Traveling In A Large Mothership That Has Many Capabilities. They Will Travel Throughout Galaxies To…

2 months, 3 weeks ago

AKATU ~ Finding A Pocket Of Stillness

Beloved Friends Of Earth!

You Carry The Power Of Creation Within Your Soul. It Is A Truth Of Light That Allows Each Being To Create And Sustain A Place Of Stillness. This Haven Of Light Will Restore The Mind And Body As You Spend Moments Of Life In This Place Of Peace.

Understand That The Galactic Federation Has Used This Method Of Protection For Earth Native Souls And Animals That Leave The Body. A Haven Of Light Awaits Them In Peace And Tranquility. This Period Of Solace Allows Teaching And Reflection Of Life On Earth. Other Souls That Require Further Understanding Of Their Infinite Life Will Also Thrive From This Period Of Transformation.

Bringing Presence Into Each Moment Of Now Will Be The Strongest Move Possible For Your Being. For In These Moments Of Soul Alignment, You Will Create A Powerful Pocket Of Stillness. Here Is The Place Where Your Soul Speaks Volumes About Direction, Warnings And Comfort.

Once You Experience The Frequency Of Light That Is Much Like A Pocket Or Cocoon Of Well Being, You Will Desire To Return. This Is A Gift Of The Soul To The Created Personality. You Need Never Feel Alone Or Afraid. You Can Enter This Peace Of Your Own Creative Endeavor When You Choose.

You Are The Creator Of Your Waking Dream. In Meditation, You Can Commune With Spirit And Become Aware Of The Love That Is Felt Within. You Are Life Itself And Your Presence Will Merge As One With The Creator Of All Life. From This Point, You Have A Frequency Of Perfection. Never Forget That This Is Your Sacred Place. Your Own Pocket Of Stillness.

There Is Nothing You Must Do To Earn This Haven Of Light. Only Know And Believe It Is There For You. You Will Find Great Comfort And Deep Communication With The Inner World Of Your Soul.

Life Will Become Much Easier And Flowing As You Leave The Current Waking Dream. Be Strong And Diligent In The Days To Follow As Earth Is Preparing For Such Change.

Breathe Deeply And Make Meditation A Priority. Be Grateful For This Life. Nothing Is Wasted And Your Journey Has Had Great Purpose. Remember Your Power Is Within The Light You Carry.

I Am Your Friend And I Watch Silently As You Achieve Great Endeavors Of Accomplishments. Indeed, You Will Make It Through To Sheen!

We Will Celebrate With Great Joy And Dancing. Remember That I Do This Well!

I Love You So!

2 months, 3 weeks ago

NEIOH ~ Life On Titan

Beloved Friends Of Earth!

In These Moments Of Communication, We Will Present Information That Will Be Fascinating And Yet Hard To Comprehend. Titan Is The Largest Moon In Saturn's Rotation. Many Photos Have Been Taken With Anticipation To Understand A Moon That Resembles Earth In Many Ways. But We Will Go Much Further As We Share The Truth Of Life Unseen To Human Eyes.

Titan Has Rain, Clouds, Oceans And Mountains. The Liquid Is Not Water But Rather Methane In A Form That Flows And Freezes In Unbreakable Formations. Caverns With Ice And Mud Seem To Be Barren And Without Life. The Temperature Would Be Unbearable For Bodies, Animals Or Vegetation. From A Distance These Facts Would Tell Anyone Seeking For Answers That There Are None To Be Found On Titan.

This Is Where Pleiadian Information Can Not Only Fill The Gaps Of Wonder, But Speak Of Life That Is Spirit And In A Manner Unknown To You. Life Is Abundant On Titan. Let's Explore These Aspects Together.

The Beings On Titan Live In An Overlay Of A Frequency Unseen. Vibrating As Spirit, They Move From Nonphysical To Vapors And Ethereal Forms Of Three To Nine Feet. They Move Seamlessly And Change Shapes At Will. To The Human Mind They Would Look Strange Indeed And Then They Would Be Seen No More.

Pleiadians Call These Beings KET. They Are Spirit Without Body Forms. They Feel And Have Consciousness And Awareness Of Life. They Need Nothing As Their Expression Is Complete.

The KET Procreate By Thought And Intent. They Do Not Experience Birth Or Death. The Expansion Of Life Is Met By A Soul Replicating A Spirit Of Itself. There Is No Need For Space To Exist In As Humans Would Reference. As Spirit, They Move And Live As They Desire.

They Are Able To Enter The Mountains And Pass Through As They Change Densities. They Move Into The Methane Oceans And Bursts Of Light Flash In Colors Where They Blend With Matter. They Pass Through One Another And Flash As They Feel As One Spirit.

Pleiadians Visited Titan Millions Of Years Ago. As Souls Of Light, These Visitors Of Love Could See All Densities And The KET Gathered In Amazement To Be Seen. Communication With Colors And Lights Were Understood By Pleiadians. A Friendship In Timelessness Was Created In The Moments Together.

We Speak Often Of Spirit And The Connection Of All Life. The Souls On Titan Are Infinite And Perfect In Their Creation. They Choose To Remain On Titan As They Swirl In Colors And Light And Then Vanish.

Who Can Define The Love That Connects All Life? Each Soul Has The Measure Of Spirit That Is The Life Force Of Being. All Spirit Is Infinite With Immeasurable Power And The Desire To Live And Thrive.

The KET Are Content And Peaceful In Their Manner Of Life On Titan. Find The Essence Of One Spirit Within Your Own Being. You Are Life Itself Expressing In Moments That Will Never End.

I Love You So!

2 months, 3 weeks ago

Contrary to what many Christians believe, Jesus didn't say he'll return to reign as King on this Earth.

He said he'll return to take us to a place prepared for us, of "many mansions". He said in a blink we'll all be changed.

This is the ascension plan of Galactic Federation.


X (formerly Twitter)

Kab (@Kabamur_Taygeta) on X

Contrary to what many Christians believe, Jesus didn't say he'll return to reign as King on this Earth. He said he'll return to take us to a place prepared for us, of "many mansions". He said in a blink we'll all be changed. This is the ascension plan…

3 months ago

AKATU ~ The Gift Of Not Knowing ~ PT2

The Gift Of Not Knowing Will Serve You With Employment. If You Only Accepted Positions That Assured The Right Amount Of Money With Guarantees Of Success, You Would Never Grow To Your Greatest Potential. Challenges Will Come And Go With Choices Made In Each Moment. You Will Gain Clarity And Wisdom With Moments That Open. You Cannot Fail When You Allow Life To Be. The Greatest Wisdom Arrives From The Journey Of Successes Along With Perceived Failures. 

How Many Magnificent Meals Have You Prepared Or Enjoyed From Another? Has There Ever Been A Moment Of Burning A Meal Or Forgetting To Add Ingredients Necessary? Indeed, You Did Not Know This Would Happen. The Gift Of Not Knowing Allowed You To Prepare A Thousand More Meals! You May See The Humor In This. You Would Never Stop Preparing Meals Because Of Making A Mistake. You Try Again And You Never Know The Outcome. 

Each Beloved Pet Fills Such A Place Within The Hearts Of Their Families. Each Precious Animal Soul Chose You To Love. In Short Life Spans, Each Soul Leaves And There Is Grief And Loss. But Not Knowing The Way Or The Time Allows You To Love Them Freely And Openly Without Reservation. Not Knowing Is A Great Gift That Will Serve You! The Soul Expands In Light With Such Unconditional Love!

Each Human Would Profess That War Is Never The Answer If They Were Aligned With The Soul. Yet Time After Time, War Is Chosen To Bring Pain, Destruction And Death To So Many. If Everyone Knew There Would Be A War Coming To Their Area, Peace Would Be Difficult In Their Daily Lives. With Years Of Threats And Upheavals Of Fear, Families Would Be In Turmoil. Learning To Go Within And Stay Present Is The Wisest Endeavor. In The Moment Of Imminent War, There Will Be An Unfolding Of Information That Each Person Will Deal With In The Present. Not Knowing Reality Before This Is The Manner Of Life. 

And Lastly We Will Address Doctrines That Are Followed And Believed With Great Passion. Many Leave Doctrine Over Time As Their Understanding Changes. Still Nothing Is Wasted As One Gains Wisdom And A Depth Of Understanding That Allows Experience In Many Ways. Not Knowing This Path Would Open To Allow  Perception To Change So Greatly, Is A Gift That Allowed Expanded Consciousness. As Your Soul, Nothing Is More Magnificent!

Be Blessed With The Gift Of Not Knowing. Explore And Experience Life In All Aspects And Variables. Change Is Part Of Your Journey. Not Knowing Is A Gift Of The Soul.

I Love You So!




AKATU ~ The Gift Of Not Knowing ~ PT1 Beloved Friends Of Light! As You Long For Answers To All Of Life's Unfolding, Bring Presence To Each Moment. In Truth, There Is A Great Gift To Not Knowing All That Will Transpire. Understanding That Circumstances Are…

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