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Last updated 1 month ago
Ставим всех на место одной фразой?
По всем вопросам: @Makhmudjanov
(За скидкой ко мне! Оплаты через меня!)
Менеджеры: @sharp_rek
Last updated 2 years, 8 months ago
Last updated 2 years, 11 months ago
Why positive NHIs (angels & aliens) are limited from protecting / intervening more often & more directly.
If you go through this list and ask yourself, "Ok, given these restrictions, when/where/how CAN the good guys intervene?" you'll find that it's exactly how they're operating now: covert, indirect, at key moments, through proxies, when benefits outweigh risks, etc.
1. Why Benevolent Aliens May Not Intervene Globally:
A. Under “cold war” treaties with enemy, repercussions on self & home world if violated.
B. Not operating within their own jurisdiction, very risky if operating in enemy jurisdiction.
C. If intervention requires overt force, could reveal alien presence before proper time.
D. Lack military force to follow through with full intervention if things escalate into hot war.
E. Open hot war could collapse human society & do even more harm.
F. Lack logistical capability to support human society in that event, or in event of disclosure.
G. Intervention may lead to dependence, worship, spiritual regression.
H. Society may have indirectly agreed to its own subjugation through ignorance, laziness, prejudices, & election of predators.
I. Such historical processes may need to play out (to catalyze human spiritual maturity & discernment) before reaching window of opportunity for intervention.
J. Being prevented by neutral/moderator ultraterrestrials from interfering more openly due to all the above.
2. Why Benevolent Aliens May Not Intervene Personally:
A. Person doesn’t matter enough to them to be worth the risk.
B. Person isn’t under their jurisdiction, or chose to enter enemy jurisdiction.
C. Person has prior (before incarnating as human) history with enemy aliens.
D. Person isn’t under contract (before incarnating as human) with the protector aliens.
E. May be blocked by security measures in certain well-defended enemy locations (DUMBs).
F. Laws of physics allow for checkmate situations where force overrides freewill.
3. Why Angels May Not Intervene Personally:
A. Person doesn’t matter enough to physically save (spirit matters more).
B. Person agreed to the risk (in life & before incarnating as human) & is now facing that risk.
C. Person stands to gain from experience if they handle it right.
D. Person made their bad decisions through moral errors, enemy now operating within that karmic window.
E. Person decided at higher level to face this, enemy operating now within that destiny window.
F. Person, by moral choice & quality of being, is under enemy jurisdiction until choice to leave it.
G. Overt intervention may reveal existence in a way that destabilizes person.
From this, it's clear that if benevolent aliens want to intervene globally, they could do it after historical processes have run their course (population been awakened sufficiently) and the timing is right (or is forced by enemy aliens openly intervening first) and they have secured enough backup.
This means they'd have to first wage a covert awakening campaign using ground proxies to precondition the cultural landscape. The opposition is doing the same thing using their proxies. So that's the phase we're in now, but due to geopolitical, cultural, and cataclysm trends we're accelerating toward the point of open intervention from both/all sides.
Part 2 is out. Dreams, Hyper-dimensional Civilizations & Astral Parasites.
Tom Montalk on Dreams, Hyper-dimensional Civilizations & Astral Parasites
Last night I had a 'full life' Dream. It was mine and at the same time it was not. And yet, the experiences I now take today into my waking time. Beyond the parasites that trick to bind, I am forever a member in Infinity's Time. More from Tom: https://montalk.net/…
Follow-up question: Is our state of limitation solely due to not believing deeply enough that we are limitless?
We may be limitless in potential, but I’ve seen over and over again where people’s beliefs were incongruent with the rules and consequences they were still operating under due to:
1) their lack of sufficient etheric/astral energy fields to override those rules, and
2) being bound by freewill agreements made at a higher state of consciousness than the current state of consciousness they were in.
For example, our lack of easy telekinesis.
If you try to move a glass of water with just your mind, but fail, it’s tempting to blame it on not having sufficient belief. Like the Neo “there is no spoon” idea.
But turns out belief is not the sole reason for this failure.
It’s because one’s consciousness hasn’t yet developed a strong enough etheric field to interface with the one of the glass and absorb its physical behavior under one’s will.
Point being, if someone cannot yet be telekinetic, nor levitate and fly, and still requires food and fails at breatharianism, they are still functionally limited and it would be naive and dangerous to ignore this.
Practitioners of Yogic Flying believe so hard they can fly but they just end up hopping around. They’re missing an important key. The masters who actually can fly have developed etheric control, not just belief.
What belief does control is synchronicity, manifesting, and self-imposed restrictions on one’s own actions. And synchronicity includes altering/selecting the past to change the situation in the present or near future.
These are all very powerful, but still not the same as telekinesis or other extreme occult abilities.
It comes down to energy and permission. The world of matter, energy, space, and time is held in the grip of a collective consciousness or universal thoughtform that we must have superior energy and authority to overrule. There are edge cases where we can do so, but to do it constantly and thus be truly limitless in expression takes more.
So we should work toward limitlessness, and that requires believing we are limitless in our true core nature (even if our outer form i.e. physical body isn’t fully responsive to that yet). But we need to know the functional limits of the parts of us that are under the jurisdiction of something that isn't part of us, that isn’t coded by default to act in a limitless way.
Can you make a video game character move and fly around if it wasn’t programmed to do so? Not unless you gain access to the code and reconfigure it, and that code isn’t your domain unless you’re a programmer. To become that programmer you have to believe you can do it, but that belief alone is insufficient as you still need to act and implement the means to actually do the reprogramming.
This is what I meant by physical factors that aren’t under our synchronistic control. And even if you could control physicality, you’re still contending with other people’s consciousnesses and freewill, who may not want the same things you want. That includes higher beings who may block you from crossing certain collective safety boundaries.
If your definition of limitlessness includes no one limiting you either, where all their choices must align with your choices, then that’s an impossible task as not even angels can force all of our choices, which is why our world is in such a sad state.
(continued from above)
First mistake is being such a physical “realist” that you think optimism & limitlessness are fool’s errands in this cruel world. Every pessimist considers himself a realist, but this understanding of reality is flawed. It’s only half the picture. It ignores how our unquestioned root assumptions & emotional climate synchronistically factor into which probable futures precipitate.
Second mistake is being such a naive “idealist” that you think mindsets like optimism & limitlessness are all you need to ensure success. By ignoring the physical factors that aren’t under synchronistic control, this opens huge vulnerabilities through which you’d get wrecked sooner or later.
The solution in both cases is knowledge; knowledge not only of the physical but also the metaphysical; and not only the enemy external but also enemy within.
Together, knowledge & spiritual hygiene are what ensure protection & success.
There’s no shortcut to becoming wiser or more divinely aligned. It requires choosing (in spite of past & present circumstances) to positively exercise every facet of consciousness in life: observation, study, contemplation, intuition, experience, experimentation, introspection, meditation, conscience, empathy, creativity, self-honesty, humility, daring, and so on. It’s about choosing to live more consciously.
Question: How do you achieve alignment with positive forces who maintain protection?
Protection comes from knowledge & spiritual hygiene (mindset, beliefs, vibes).
Knowledge means knowing how the negative forces work, being aware and discerning about their trickery, and sensing if they’re about to try something, being aware of attrition already in progress, and knowing how to protect yourself physically when necessary. It also means knowing your own weaknesses, including strengths that can be used as weaknesses. So, it’s about inner and outer knowledge and discernment about yourself and others and them.
The more knowledge you have, the less surprises they can spring on you, the less they can sneak past your awareness, and the more direct they will have to be instead of using backdoor methods.
But there’s a limit to how direct they can be, given your degree of spiritual protection having to do with the next part below. This limit depends on:
Their psychic & technological capabilities, and rules of engagement.
The capabilities and rules by which your higher spiritual protectors operate. For example, if you went against your conscience recently and hurt someone, you lose some degree of protection for some period of time in order to learn from the consequences. You could call this a spiritual immune system but really it’s the higher part of your consciousness and associated beings on the other side of the veil who enact this protection.
Quantum principles having to do with entanglement between you and them. They’re not always human or from our spacetime, so you’re not phase-locked (fully quantum entangled) with each other, and the degree of entanglement determines the tangibility or how frequent the interaction between you.
By being aware & knowledgeable, they can’t get easily use cunning forms of manipulation. Therefore, you force them to have to use direct action. But direct action can’t happen if rules of engagement, spiritual protection, and lack of quantum entanglement forbid it. But if direct action does occur, your knowledge and thus preparedness would need to see you through it.
So besides knowledge, you also need spiritual hygiene to succeed with points 1, 2, and 3 above.
Examples of good spiritual hygiene:
- keeping your ego on a leash;
- thinking goodwill towards others;
- refraining from harming others even in your mind;
- having healthy boundaries and respecting yourself;
- healing your soul wounds by finding & discharging repressed emotional trauma;
- believing in the power of consciousness & the divine will;
- nurturing an attitude of positivity by kindling divine thoughts & feelings such as gratitude, optimism, and a sense of limitlessness.
This all has to be done realistically, but there’s nuance involved.
For instance: like begets like, therefore practicing an attitude of optimism & limitlessness is essential for attracting (or at least not blocking) probable futures that justify that optimism, meaning futures that contain pleasant surprises if not outright miracles.
But this is only valid to the degree that the outer world follows your inner world via synchronistic correlation. This correlation varies but can never be 100% because we live in a shared reality where other people’s choices compete with ours, and where by coming here we are under the jurisdiction of the laws of physics & etherics and the laws of the society we partake in.
So to the degree the outer does NOT follow inner in your specific case, you have to be knowledgeable & aware and capable of handling it physically. Part of discernment involves knowing where that dividing line is located between synchronistic and physical responsibilities.
Thus there are two potential mistakes here.
(continued ??)
Pain, Purgatory and Dimensional Deceptions with Tom Montalk - Part 1 (Part 2 later this week)
We discuss shamanism, the loosh farm, out of body experiences, a full life review, sociopaths as parents and how to become strong from/through all of the above.
Pain, Purgatory and Dimensional Deceptions with Tom Montalk
What can I say, it was a very full interview. So full it had to be made into two parts. Join me as Tom and I delve into shamanism, out of body experiences, a full life review, sociopaths as parents and how to become strong from and through all of the above.…
Graph of planetary clusterings has bottomed out this past week. Tough times for many. ?
Clustering means how close together the planets are around Earth, which astrologically indicates peak adversity & imbalance. This is something I observed over the years, and wrote a script to calculate and graph out.
Looking forward to seeing how life & the world trends between now and the election. Uptrend should mean more wins for the good guys.
Great conversation tonight with Ashton Forbes on Scalar Physics, Quantum Physics, Relativity, the Kona Blue document, time travel, nonhuman intelligences, and the manipulation of public sciences:
Hard Truths Podcast w/ Ashton Forbes ft. Tom Montalk
Discussing Scalar Physics, Kona Blue, and the nature of reality. Tom is author of montalk.net and author of “Fringe Knowledge for Beginners”, “Discerning Alien Disinformation”, and “Gnosis.” Studied Electrical Engineering and Physics at undergrad.
Question: Why did some esoteric / spiritual / occult teachers (like Rudolf Steiner, Dion Fortune, Franz Bardon, etc.) die prematurely? Does that mean their teachings were flawed?
Couple reasons:
1) By putting themselves out there, they garnered big occult enemies.
Enemies includes vindictive humans doing psychic attacks, political enemies, demons, and possibly aliens (depending on what agendas are threatened).
These forces don’t want humanity to be empowered with knowledge, so they go after teachers. More so teachers who specifically address dark forces and step on their toes.
These forces surveil, profile, move chess pieces into place, encircle, and hack the person from the inside (spiritual/psychological warfare) and outside (matrix agents, legal/political/social/financial attacks). The longer the person is alive, the more refined the stalking process. Eventually comes the death blow, usually via one of the few remaining chinks in the armor of the target.
2) By being adepts, they were held to a higher standard. Less room for error.
Newbies to spirituality might be under extra protection, same way kids are protected by parents.
But when a person becomes a spiritual adult, now more rests on their shoulders. Some protection is pulled back, to let them handle it themselves.
But this carries the risk of messing up, and the stakes are higher so mistakes are more costly. The higher you fly the harder you crash.
And, now that they know certain higher things, the ball is in their court and hypocrisy carries a price.
For example, if a teacher tells people to be careful about negative thinking, but engages in it himself at some point, the punishment is more severe than if he/she had never advised it to anyone.
3) They were engaging in subtle energy manipulation practices required to sustain higher level psychic powers.
This puts stress on the human body, whose rusty genetics aren’t always optimal for such high levels of subtle energy flow.
Like running too much current through an electrical device, it can overheat and wear out components, leading to unpredictable failures.
So they martyred themselves to be able to do what they came here to do. Of course, there are those who were actual hypocrites, or engaged in dangerous and ignorant occult practices.
But even the good ones who took all the care they could, still run up against limits and opposition. The intentional sacrifice must be weighed against the net positive that comes out of it.
Quick tips for dealing with everyday negative entity issues:
1) Be mindful of self-destructive thoughts & feelings, especially if they seem out of character for you, or come on suddenly, or appear overnight. Question them. Cancel them out by meditating on their opposites; lie down if needed.
2) Get better nutrition & more sleep, including short naps. You need energy & clarity to have the willpower and presence of mind & heart needed to override psychic attacks or whatever else is bringing you down (circumstances, astrological weather, hormonal cycles, and so on). Exercise helps too, just don't overtrain or adrenal fatigue will make things worse.
3) Be a good person in your thoughts & actions, including being good to yourself. That means don't engage in self-harm, self-loathing, or cruelty/envy/hatred towards those who mean well. Karma & subconscious guilt lowers your spiritual defenses and opens the door wider to entity intrusions.
4) Practice spirituality & self-improvement. Keep it practical, true, and no-frills. Incorporate more feelings (even if only in meditation or going into a nap) of goodwill, blessing, gratitude, relief, optimism, excitement, and oneness with all life. This strengthens your aura and attracts probable futures where you have more of those feelings, i.e. positive futures.
5) Do journaling / self-inquiry / contemplation in a notebook to survey your life, goals, motivations, virtues, biases, lessons, and questions. Reflect deeply on them. Know thyself. This consolidates your self-identity and grounds/embodies you. It also builds up key parts of your brain like the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vMPFC) which is in the third eye region.
#UPSC , #SSC #BPSC #STATE #PET #Banking, #Railway, #RRB, #IBPS, #SBI, #Defence, #Police, #RBI etc.
🇮🇳This Channel Has Been Established With The Aim Of Providing Proper Guidance To Youths Preparing For All Govt. Exam.
✆ Contact.👉 @abhi67899
Last updated 1 month ago
Ставим всех на место одной фразой?
По всем вопросам: @Makhmudjanov
(За скидкой ко мне! Оплаты через меня!)
Менеджеры: @sharp_rek
Last updated 2 years, 8 months ago
Last updated 2 years, 11 months ago