Joanne's Prayer Channel for God's Kingdom & Our Nation

O LORD, I have heard Your speech and was afraid;
O LORD, revive Your work in the midst of the years!
In the midst of the years make it known;
In wrath remember mercy.
(Habakkuk 3:2 NKJV)
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1 month ago

A mass bcc'ed email was sent out to all members in St. Johns County Republican Executive Committee this morning, on August 15, 2024. Only fight for God and Truth! Thank you for reading and praying with me!

1 month ago

Join the prayers with Intercessors For America:

Vote NO on Amendment #4 for FL 2024 Primary!!!


Sneaky Ways Abortion Activists are Embedding Abortion

Now that the Roe decision has made abortion a raging battle at the state level, we are seeing pro-abortion activists and organizations deploy tactics to keep the foothold of abortion in as many states

Join the prayers with ***Intercessors For America***:
1 month ago
Joanne's Prayer Channel for God's Kingdom …
1 month, 1 week ago

Please pray for Will who is in his 50s and was a professional athlete. He had a pretty serious stroke and has been in the hospital. His wife and children are frazzled, of course. Thank you!

1 month, 1 week ago

Repost the song: YOU raise me up


you raise me up - josh groban with lyrics

I know I spelled "instrumental" wrong. It's imbedded in the video and I can't change it. :\ I made this when I was younger. NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED. Copyright to WMG; Peermusic (uk) Ltd; Universal Music Publ. Ab; Rolf Lovland; Brendan Graham;…

1 month, 1 week ago

Just FYI:

Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) is starting the second round of studying Revelation.

A local young Patriot (only 15 years old young lady) brought up Revelation this morning for discussion. See the post on March 18 for more information if you'd like to join the Bible study of Revelation.


Joanne's Prayer Channel for God's Kingdom & Our Nation Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) was founded by Ms. Audrey Wetherell Johnson, who was a missionary in China before the WWII broken out. BSF will start the second round of studying Revelation…

1 month, 2 weeks ago

I'm thankful for all the opportunities of serving God. I joined Manna Fellowship in the local Chinese Christian Church for Bible sharing every Sunday for two years back to 2015 and 2016, in Chinese recorded in Audio format, shared to the WeChat Bible Reading groups and on the website of the church.

I remember that I shared Chapters 3, 10 and 17 for the Book of Judges. The audio sharing was saved in my file.

It would be a good idea to write my sharing in English. So please bear with me that I need a little more time for what I shared. Thank you! And pray for me as I'm writing all my sharing and thoughts in English to benefit more people who really want to dive into the Word of God. Thanks again for your prayers!

1 month, 2 weeks ago

A special prayer request was received:

Please pray for the 40 children in the summer camp (like Vacation Bible School in America) in Mianyang, China. 8 sisters in Christ were arrested and detained for 13 and 15 days, without air conditioning in hot summer. And three brothers in Christ were fined 500 and 1,000 RMB.

Pray for God's mercy and salvation for the Chinese people, and the restoration of the freedom of sharing the Gospel. Satan and the Devil from all their disturbances will be bonded in Jesus's victorious name. Amen.

1 month, 2 weeks ago

I love some posts on Lin Wood's channel. I sensed his heart toward God.

For example, the two links below:

Be the man or woman whom God wants you to be.

Be the vessel whom God wants you to be.

I'd like to share something

Yesterday morning, I worked for free for a couple at the Immigration Services in Jacksonville office for about two hours as their interpreter for their permanent residency (green card) approval process. They were awaiting their green card status since 2018. I thought I could not make it because of my husband's gastroenteroscopy procedure in the early morning. But I made it. I am thankful for the opportunity of serving people, being the vessel of God that He wants me to be.
**It is NEVER about me.

It is ALWAYS about Him.

I am just a vessel.**


Lin Wood

The men in political power want to stay in political power. The women who are not in political power want to be the men in political power. Does that pretty much sum up our government at the present time and in recent years??? What do you think??? Lin…

1 month, 3 weeks ago

In Chapter 1 of the Book of Judges, the tribe of Judah was no match for the iron chariots of the inhabitants of the lowland/plains (verse 19), the Benjamites failed to drive out the Jebusites (verse 21), and the Manassehites failed to drive out the inhabitants of the region of Beth Shan (verse 27), and so on. **They failed to drive out the Canaanites, repeatedly in verses 19, 21, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, and 33. How many times were repeated? 8 times!

What was the crux of their failure? Primarily, they compromised! They had heard God's great call that God commanded them, “You shall utterly destroy all the places where the nations which you shall dispossess served their gods, on the high mountains and on the hills and under every green tree.” (Deuteronomy 12:2),** but they slacked off before the great work was accomplished and did not fully drive out the Gentiles from the land of Canaan. As a result, they were influenced by the Canaanites to worship Baal, to forsake God, and to do evil and provoke Him to anger.

Spiritual depravity always begins with compromise.
A compromising person loses vision, loses revelation, loses a sense of purpose, loses motivation to move forward, and finally loses the spirit of war. Have I compromised God’s principles in the area of my life walking with the Lord?
Father, Let me search out and examine my ways, and turn back to You (Lamentations 3:40), and let me examine my own work, and then I will have rejoicing in myself alone, and not in another. (Galatians 6:4). In the powerful name of Your Precious Son Jesus Christ, help me not to be a friend of the world but a friend of You (James 4:4), not love this present world, to fulfill the mission that You have entrusted to me (2 Timothy 4:10). When dealing with the weaknesses of my flesh, I would not make the compromise with the world and give no place to the devil (Ephesians 4:27). Amen.

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