CACUK Support

Description - Class Action Covid UK - a case against government for Lockdown Harms. Subscribe to newsletter for updates & info.
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1 year, 2 months ago

The WHO Has Declared Covid Over but the Real Pandemic Has Just Begun: Iatrogenic C19 ‘Vaccine’ InjuryOn the 13th May, the truth will be told around the world... experimental covid-19 ‘vaccines’ have caused extreme suffering and loss around the world. This is the reality for countless people and families. Loss of health, well-being, vitality, friends, employment, loved ones and trust in governments and health professionals.

People who have been harmed by the injections are unacknowledged, abandoned and ignored by a centralised authoritarian health system that dances to the tune of Big Pharma and a small cabal of billionaires with massive vested interests.

On Saturday 13th May, there are events happening across the world to highlight the plight of those injured and bereaved by Covid 19 “vaccines”. Many of these events will be live-streamed and anyone watching will see the huge numbers of people affected and those supporting them.

In the UK, where I live, there is an event in London’s Trafalgar Square on the 13th organised by Truth Be Told.

Please don’t despair, there is help available.

People are fighting back.The message is getting out despite the intense censorship and it’s up to us to spread the word. 🙏

Learn more:📌 Follow:@DrTessLawrie

A Better Way to Health with Dr Tess Lawrie

The WHO has declared Covid over but the real pandemic has just begun: iatrogenic C19 ‘vaccine’ injury

On the 13th May the truth will be told around the World

**The WHO Has Declared Covid Over but the Real Pandemic Has Just Begun: Iatrogenic C19 ‘Vaccine’ Injury***On the 13th May, …
1 year, 2 months ago

Justice for Vaccine injuries: Class Action Covid UK on The Richie Allen Show, Thursday 27 April. Mina talks to Richie Allen in the second half of the show.


The Richie Allen Show Thursday April 27th 2023

Richie is joined by Stuart Waiton PhD and Mina Dew. Dr. Stuart Waiton is a criminologist and sociologist. He's also a senior lecturer at Abertay University in Dundee. Stuart came on to discuss plans to take juries out of rape trials in Scotland, cancel culture…

Justice for Vaccine injuries: Class Action Covid UK on The Richie Allen Show, Thursday 27 April. Mina talks to Richie …
1 year, 3 months ago

Who out there got the COVID jab or knows someone who got the jab and now regrets it and doesn't know what to do?

Here is your solution. We have a protocol to detox the mRNA and spike protein from your body!

Please read this and SHARE WIDELY! You just might save someone's life by sharing this information!

Advanced Healing & Recovery Protocol: How to Neutralize Damage from mRNA Shots@TheTruthAboutCancer_Vaccines

The Truth About Vaccines

Advanced Healing & Recovery Protocol: How to Neutralize Damage from mRNA Shots | The Truth About Vaccines

It’s been over 2 years since the first shots for COVID-19 were made available and they have been an unmitigated disaster. Here is a protocol to help heal.

Who out there got the COVID jab or knows someone who got the jab and now regrets it and doesn't …
1 year, 3 months ago

I’ll be on the Richie Allen show this evening just after 6pm, talking about Class Action Covid UK and informed consent, and how to prevent another pandemic of VACCINE INJURIES. Tune in at:

Richie Allen - - The Home of the BBG

Covering the stories the mainstream media won't. Join Richie Allen, Europe's most listened to independent online Radio host, weekdays at 5pm and catch up on all of the latest news on the site.

I’ll be on the Richie Allen show this evening just after 6pm, talking about Class Action Covid UK and informed …
1 year, 3 months ago
CACUK Support
1 year, 3 months ago
CACUK Support
1 year, 3 months ago
Anyone receiving messages from an account …

Anyone receiving messages from an account calling themselves “CACUK Community”, it’s NOT this group - it’s a fake account!

We don’t message people individually, we only post in the group channel/chat.

So you can go ahead and block and report the account😎👍🏼

1 year, 3 months ago

The Perseus group report on the MHRA failures was sent this morning to all MPs and HoL members. There is a supporting letter open for signatures which is planned to be presented at Downing St on 27th April. Please sign and share:
1. Please read it
2. Sign the open letter at
3. Write to your MP & send them the report (they may not have received it from us yet, given they only accept emails from constituents)

Template message for your MP:*Dear [name],

Perseus report on MHRA’s Regulation of the Covid-19 vaccines (independent report NOT funded by pharmaceutical interests)

I'm attaching this important report for your information and urgent review.

You may or may not be aware that the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) is at least 86% funded by pharmaceutical interests.

The report has been sent to every MP and HoL member this morning (19 April), but you may not have received it if you only receive communications from your constituents. So I send it to you now as your constituent.

I would be very grateful if you could please give it your attention and time. It reports on a live issue that directly impacts every member of your constituency.

With my best wishes,
[address, postcode]*

1 year, 3 months ago

Further discussion of the vax injury case with Sue & Steve Chatton of Rebels on Roundabouts on Unity News:

Vax injury claimants:
see for how to submit your case for review.


The Freedom Show - Unity News Network - Ep 11 - Mina Dew

Further discussion of the vax injury case with Sue & Steve Chatton of Rebels on Roundabouts on Unity News:
1 year, 3 months ago

CACUK’s vax injury case discussed on Unity News with political commentator Anthony Webber:

Vax injury claimants:
See for how to submit your case for review.


Anthony Webbers Perspective with guest Mina Dew


CACUK’s vax injury case discussed on Unity News with political commentator Anthony Webber:
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