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?? Compartilhamento gratuito de Livros de Medicina. Objetivo: conhecimento acessível para todos.
Convide seus amigos estudantes de medicina / médicos
“Real learning is not showing that you have memorized information—that is the mere semblance of education. And it is not about pursuing someone else’s educational agenda; real learning is about pursuing your own interests. If you are pursuing someone else’s educational agenda, that will be interfering with and adversely affecting the real learning you could be doing.”
— Sarah Fitz-Claridge
Everything will NOT be ok.
Sure, have hope for a better future. But don't ever use it as an excuse.
Nothing will change unless you do.
«There are these two young fish swimming along and they happen to meet an older fish swimming the other way, who nods at them and says “Morning, boys. How’s the water?” And the two young fish swim on for a bit, and then eventually one of them looks over at the other and goes “What the hell is water?”»
— David Foster Wallace
Those who are having silent battles, you got this. I believe in you.
Bundan 21 yil muqaddam mening qadrdon ustozim, yoʻlboshchim, kichik yutuqlarimning katta sababchilaridan biri — akam dunyoga keldilar.
Umrimning katta qismini akam bilan oʻtkazdik va bu hissiyotni soʻz bilan yozish ilojsiz. Oddiy suhbatdan to jiddiy muhokamagacha, qaygʻuli tunlardan tortib, shodon kunlargacha barchasi maroqli, barchasi esda qolarli boʻldi… Buni faqat akasi bor ukalargina tushuna olishadi.
Bolaligida tezda qizishibgina “men Abdurahmonman” deydigan goʻdak bugun “yana Abdulloh deb chaqirishsa edi” deydigan darajaga yetib keldi. Bildiki, Abdulloh boʻlish oson emas! Bildiki, Abdulloh boʻlish unga emas!
Hayotimda erishgan obroʻ, hurmat va ishonchning asosiy qismi “Abdullohning ukasi” nomli mas’uliyat toʻla yorliqdan keldi! Men bundan behad baxtiyor hamda minnatdorman!
Siz bilgan Abdurahmon akasining ijod mahsuli ekanligini eslatib qoʻymoqchiman!
Aka, barchasi uchun katta rahmat!
Sizni yaxshi koʻraman!
P.S.: Koʻpchilik soʻragan savolga javob berib ketmoqchiman. AK bu akamning initsiallari, JR esa junior(kichkina) soʻzining qisqartmasi. Men men boʻlishdan koʻra, kichkina akam(AKJR) boʻlishni afzal koʻraman;)
"You are only as free as your powers of reasoning enable."
WW3 ni hidi kelyapti
"Stop telling God how big your problems are, start telling your problems how big your God is."
“A good man is not a good man when he’s only good when he’s good.”
Some suhoor wisdom for y’all. Reflect on it. Are you good only when you’re good?
Canal criado para compartilhar livros no formato PDF. Crie, a partir daqui, sua própria "Biblioteca Digital"! ?
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?? Compartilhamento gratuito de Livros de Medicina. Objetivo: conhecimento acessível para todos.
Convide seus amigos estudantes de medicina / médicos