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We are dedicated to the truth, true journalism, and the truth movement. The truth will set us free and enlighten, inspire, awaken, and unite us!


Last updated 8 months, 3 weeks ago

#Salaar is an Indian action film *ing Rebel Star #Prabhas, Directed by #PrashanthNeel. Produced by #HombaleFilms. #SalaarCeaseFire On Dec 22, 2023.

Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago

The main controller channel of Memers Gallery!

Contains the index of what it controls.


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Last updated 11 months, 3 weeks ago

1 year, 2 months ago

Do you also get angry, like me, if someone makes you wait?

1 year, 2 months ago

The graphs break down the time allocation between men and women in the UK for household chores and leisure activities during the year 2007. Notably, women were predominantly engaged in household activities, except for fixing and repairing, where men took the lead. Within leisure pursuits, TV, radio, and video emerged as the foremost forms of entertainment, overshadowing reading as a distant second.

Women invested almost 80 minutes daily in cooking, a stark contrast to men's half-hour commitment. Both genders participated in shopping, with men dedicating just over 20 minutes, while women surpassed this with 38 minutes. Meanwhile, women devoted approximately 30 minutes to washing and ironing, which was three times more than the time men spent on these tasks. Conversely, repairing was predominantly a male activity, consuming almost 20 minutes, twice the time allocated by women.

Turning to leisure activities, TV, radio, and video topped the list, with men dedicating 137 minutes and women 118 minutes. Reading closely followed, with similar time investments from both genders. Notably, men allocated 15 minutes to sports, four minutes more than their female counterparts.

1 year, 2 months ago

Museums and historical sites, typically revered for their cultural significance, tend to draw a majority of tourists rather than local residents. This tendency can be attributed to a number of factors, including perceptions of accessibility, familiarity and competing priorities. However, fostering a stronger connection between these institutions and local communities is of vital importance to preserve heritage and bring about a sense of shared identity among the residents.

One reason why residents may not frequent museums is the perception of accessibility. While tourists, often with a limited timeframe, prioritize these attractions as must-see destinations, local communities perceive them as less accessible and less relevant to their day-to-day activities. To bridge this gap, these institutions could implement targeted marketing campaigns, pointing out the proximity and ease of access for local residents.

Another factor contributing to the discrepancy is the familiarity the locals have with their surroundings. Residents, most of the time, take these attractions for granted, assuming that they are well-acquainted with their own history. To address this problem, educational outreach programmes should be initiated to shed light on the lesser-known aspects of local history and encourage a deeper appreciation for the local heritage.

Competing priorities may also play a role since locals hardly find time to pay a visit to museums and historical sites because of their tight schedule. To that end, the institutions can organize events during weekends and evenings, accommodating the schedules of locals. On top of that, discounted and free admissions can be provided, which can serve as an incentive for regular visits.

In conclusion, while museums can attract tourists more than local residents, concerned efforts can narrow the gap. By addressing perceptions of accessibility, familiarity through education and catering to the needs of public, these institutions can be more attractive for locals, which can transform museums into vibrant hubs to preserve culture heritage and foster a sense of identity.

Not written under exam conditions

1 year, 2 months ago
Source: Facebook

Source: Facebook

1 year, 2 months ago

* У тебя новое анонимное сообщение!*

What's yours?

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1 year, 2 months ago

* У тебя новое анонимное сообщение!*

Speaking ga nima bergansiz ustoz

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1 year, 2 months ago

Guys, what's the most boring match you have ever seen? ?



Анонимные вопросы

Получение анонимных вопросов ***👋*** Поддержка - @quesupport

Guys, what's the most boring match you have ever seen? ***?***
1 year, 2 months ago
So, let's wrap up this day. …

So, let's wrap up this day. ?

What did you do today, guys?

1 year, 2 months ago

"O'zini sinab ko'rmoq" degan iborani toping

1 year, 2 months ago
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We are dedicated to the truth, true journalism, and the truth movement. The truth will set us free and enlighten, inspire, awaken, and unite us!


Last updated 8 months, 3 weeks ago

#Salaar is an Indian action film *ing Rebel Star #Prabhas, Directed by #PrashanthNeel. Produced by #HombaleFilms. #SalaarCeaseFire On Dec 22, 2023.

Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago

The main controller channel of Memers Gallery!

Contains the index of what it controls.


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Last updated 11 months, 3 weeks ago