
This channel is focused on the graphene oxide nanotechnology that's in the cov jabs/blood

microscope work showing its in our food water drinks and most products we put on or in our body's and the Chem trails/smartdust

And for others to share the content
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Last updated 6 months, 1 week ago

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Last updated 2 months, 1 week ago

Welcome to Garisoakings, where laughter is the best seasoning! Dive into a hilarious pool of memes‼️👑,Join us, share the joy, and let's soak in the meme-licious madness together! 🎉😂

Last updated 3 weeks, 2 days ago

3 weeks, 1 day ago

We have become a society of cowards, afraid of absolutely everything.

People are afraid of what others may think, of not fitting in, of standing up and being truthful.

People are afraid of dreaming, of daring, of trying, of failing, of hurting and of pain.

But nothing was ever achieved without overcoming fear. Nothing was created, nothing was discovered, nothing was overcome, ever, without leaving fear behind.

Fear is the most paralysing, disabling and incapacitating feeling there is. This is why they feed us fear, for breakfast, lunch and dinner! To keep us inactive, useless, manageable and compliant.

It’s time to leave fear behind, it doesn’t serve us, it doesn’t help us, it won’t get us where we need to go, it will not help us evolve, it will not allow us to transform, and it won’t keep us safe.

Fear is what will drive you to your prison cell, what will make you lock the door and throw away the key. That is where society is heading if people don’t wake up and overcome fear, for it is fear that feeds the matrix, it is fear that keeps you enslaved.

Learn to detect fear as it starts to manifest in you and keep it under control instead of letting it control you. And if your intuition is telling you to do something, don’t let fear stop you.

Tell fear to go to hell and drum up the courage instead, that’s when you start turning your life around, that’s when you begin to achieve things, to create things, to succeed. That’s when you empower yourself to break away from the matrix and do things your way, that’s when you begin to be free. ❤️❤️❤️

3 weeks, 1 day ago

Bluetooth Freedom Project

This video is to bring awareness to the website and its many resources.

3 months ago
3 months ago
3 months ago
3 months, 1 week ago

There are two fundamentals people are missing:

Without 5G, there is NO functioning vaccine.

With 5G, anything imaginable becomes fuel for the vaccine.

3 months, 1 week ago

Is there also poison payloads in the graphene oxide nanotechnology jabs

Activated by 5g emf radiation frequency

Very possible..

Then you would do exactly as your told .. it's always been about power and control over us

Remotely controlled electro-responsive on-demand nanotherapy based on amine-modified graphene oxide for synergistic dual drug delivery?

3 months, 1 week ago
3 months, 2 weeks ago
[**Lucia “Lulu” Spielman**]([,]( 21, of Manchester

Lucia “Lulu” Spielman, 21, of Manchester

11/13/24 - “Two months ago, on September 14th, I underwent an MRI to investigate persistent pain I had been experiencing. The MRI revealed a mass in my mediastinal region, which led to a chest CT and a PET scan. The scans identified two masses that suggested lymphoma. I then underwent two biopsies—the first was inconclusive, but the second confirmed the diagnosis of Classical Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, Early Stage 1B.”

“I will begin combination chemotherapy treatment at Dana-Farber on November 21st, with sessions every other week for four rounds. . . I may either continue with the standard treatment for two more months or be randomly chosen to start a trial drug for three months”

?Lulu started her biology studies at CCSU in Fall 2021. She graduated from East Catholic High School (Manchester) in May 2021.

6/28/21 - CCSU Requiring Full Vaccination For 2021-22 School Year

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All-in-One Cross-Chain DeFi Solution with native token $SWITCH

Partnerships: [email protected]

Last updated 6 months, 1 week ago

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Contact us @Burqasupport


Last updated 2 months, 1 week ago

Welcome to Garisoakings, where laughter is the best seasoning! Dive into a hilarious pool of memes‼️👑,Join us, share the joy, and let's soak in the meme-licious madness together! 🎉😂

Last updated 3 weeks, 2 days ago