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Last updated 6 days, 21 hours ago
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?✨Exciting News from Krystar™! ✨?
Krystar is launching a brand new line of top-notch clothing and accessories! ???
What's New?
- Trendsetting designs that merge comfort and style.
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When & Where?
Mark your calendars! Release date: March 1st, 2025. Stay tuned to our socials and website for sneak peeks and pre-launch offers. Our Shopify store is nearly ready, just adding the final touches.
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Recognise Krystar from our website banner? We're expanding with exciting new products just for you. Our brand merges innovative designs with superior quality, ensuring you look and feel your best.
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Join fashion-forward individuals making conscious choices. We use ethical materials and sustainable practices for stylish, responsible products. This collection embodies our dedication to fashion excellence and the planet.
Omni Love,
Matt Nicolaci
Here's my response (please note this is a personal opinion as it stands today and may be subject to change as we all are forever learning and expanding our discernment)@CollectiveRising
• 7 minutes ago (edited)
"Devis and Devas are all manifestations of consciousness within the 3rd dimensional - 4th dimensional realm. They each represent an area of psychological manifestation, for example the trimurti represent 3 aspects of existence—cosmic creation, preservation, and destruction—are commonly personified by the gods Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva.
The Krystic view is that these personifications are abominations of the true eternal life force that we hold within the first seed atom. We are shown the various psychic aspects but only a few of these devatas truly represent eternal life, and why do we need to personify eternal life anyway?
The need for worship developed and become heightened within Hinduism to take people away from themselves. The original Hindu texts from the Upanishads and Vedas were meant to bring in the law of one to the people of the Indus Valley which is now modern India. Instead, it separated and caused ripple effect that lasted for hundreds of years of mass idol worship because the texts distorted the true representation of the ancient maharata texts, becoming the Sanatana Dharma. (notice the Sanatana is an anagram for Satan), of course it's not something I would heavily defend as there is no evidence but it's a very strange name considering that the Satains (fallen ET's) became the Satanists in modern day and age.
Colorful and lovely as it looks, beneath the surface there are sinister reasons for the personification of deities and worship. Yoga extends far beyond deification by philosophizing the 'path of unity consciousness' more closely connected to the Law of One and the philosophy we Krystics hold sacred. However, that's not without distortions either.
Deities with the exception of (maybe?? krsna and Lakshmi and possibly Saraswati) are all fallen ET's (most likely Annu race i.e. Annunakis) masquerading as Blue Skin Maharaji Humans (Indigos) who were seeded here (sadly to their demise as that seeding ended with the loss of the entire tribe).
To me personally, I refrain from all gods and goddesses without exception. 9 Years ago I regretfully, tattooed Shiva on my body. Knowing what I know now, I would have not, however, this tattoo doesn't affect me the slightest, as I recoded the energy with D12 frequencies and it has no hold on me whatsoever.
I feel a nice energy from Krsna and Saraswati specifically, however, I will not go anywhere near deification of any figure and especially Shiva. There is no need to me and this will of course one day prove futile for the idol worshippers who will do anything in their powers to surrender it to a perceived higher being, of course, mislead.
This is my 'nutshell' response. To mitigate the effects of the deity, send a strong message out that you do not wish to accept their energies and continue guarding your own. Amoraea flame is highly protective.
"how to discern malevolent from benevolent?"
Feel into their energy and what they represent. Example Shiva represents destruction. Ask the question, 'do we, Krystics, hold this notion true for us and is it conducive to eternal life?', this will help you decide.
In general, deification, is a fallen Angelics act. We, Krystics, do not deify any being or figure outside of the 'self'. We hold sacred one thing only and that's the life force within the Allurea chambers and the inner eternal krystic seed atom from whence all of existence emerges simultaneously, never ceasing to exist even after the death of the biological body.
Sorry about the long response, I've had a few questions related to this so I thought I'd post it here for future readers.
Omni love"
New Agers are leaving this channel of information ?, they can't handle the truths of the dark world that they are constantly contributing to through willful ignorance and fake love light.
Have a blessed life
We love you and hope you wake up to your krystic inner powers and the all pervading truth ?
Posted on facebook today, met with great anticipation.
Cant wait to show you all how deceived we all are
I have nothing but compassion for people who refuse to see.
The big event is the: MASS EXODUS.
It is tied to Collective Karma and Regensis.
For the next podcast please vote your preference using 1 of the 3 emojis below:
❤️ Angelic humans history of their seeding & 12 tribes
? Lebanon targetted why? Why is this a spiritual war?
? false bliss & false light NEW age is an escape from reality. How to identify false light.
We are away on short term leave. We will be back in about 10 days.
9.30 PM Melbourne time ?
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Last updated 6 days, 21 hours ago
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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Last updated 3 weeks ago