Qira Official Channel

This is Qira official channel where you can find various bots
We recommend to visit

Community chat: https://t.me/hamster_kombat_chat_2

Twitter: x.com/hamster_kombat

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@HamsterKombat_Official

Bot: https://t.me/hamster_kombat_bot
Game: https://t.me/hamster_kombat_bot/

Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago

Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.

📱 App: @Blum
🆘 Help: @BlumSupport
ℹ️ Chat: @BlumCrypto_Chat

Last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago

Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot

Collaboration - @taping_Guru

Last updated 2 months ago

3 months, 1 week ago

*🚀 Introducing GetMart v1.8*

GetMart v1.8 is the largest update so far. This update is the most cool update and has more features than before. And you can easily install bots and added new bot platforms such as bots.business and telebot creator bots too...

🦸 Features of GetMart v1.8

- Install Bots.Business and Telebot Creator Bots.
- Added settings menu.
- Added profile menu
- Track your last actions took place.
- Clear all emails at once.
- Search bots randomly.
- Search bots by name or keyword.
- Switch the platforms according to you wish in settings.
- Switch versions according to you wish. ( Free / Premium )
- Report system added.
- Manual search option updated.
- Premium version updated.
- Bots structure updated.
- And more...


-- You can view tutorials if you don't know about GetMart v1.8

Warning ⚠️****

- Make sure that once after the bot is launch spamming may ban you from using the bot. Please don't try to send any messages or run any command to the bot within 1 seconds multiple times even though the bot doesn't respond if you do then it may lead to a ban.

Try using the new version of GetMart now!


9 months ago

*⚡️ Introducing FlashCom Off-Topic Group*
✤ This group is made where You can chat off topics including where you can post your ads in this group, chat with your friends or other users, other topics and even more.

✤ You can join the group by clicking the below join button

9 months, 1 week ago

We will try to bring the bot online very soon.

Stay tuned!

9 months, 2 weeks ago
10 months ago

*⚡️ Happy 1st Anniversary Of FlashCom*

✤ FlashCom was found in may 09 2023 and today is may 08 2024 where FlashCom reach one year as now it is 1st anniversary of FlashCom

✤ Almost in this date FlashCom has reached an year, A today is FlashCom anniversary, I want to extend my deepest appreciation for your unwavering support. Your commitment to our shared vision has contributed significantly to our growth and accomplishments.

✤ FlashCom is made in order to help you in creating telegram bots, acquiring bots etc... as it is now. We may expand this in future. We even try to fulfill your requests about bots and we have fulfilled some of users needs of helps. FlashCom might help you a lot where we have posted may codes to develop bots and made bots where you can install bots as free.

✤ FlashCom is free for every single user. As we do not collect payments from any user for any reason. FlashCom was brought up in firm where there was several consequences has to be faced during the growth of FlashCom. FlashCom has failed too many times. We did not give up even it was failing we started continuing this channel as we did not give-up and now FlashCom has gained a better results than before. Even now there are consequences we face we are still overcoming with those consequences in order to keep this channel exist in future as well.

➣ Thanking Admins

✤ We thank admins of FlashCom for their hard work and commitment to the company are truly inspiring and here’s to another great year which you may do as well you did before. FlashCom has been grown and your part of it helping FlashCom extend to different users.

➣ Thanking Users

✤ We’re elated to have you on our channel as member. We will continue FlashCom and FlashCom will provide you useful codes and bots which will benefit you. We even thank you again because of you only FlashCom exists as you are a member of this channel and you may help members of FlashCom and us! We thank you a lot for your assist.

✤ We will try 0ur best in order to keep this channel continuing and we need your support for this. Introduce this channel to your friends , users who is finding channels in order for creating of bots, assistance etc... Just help him by introducing this channel and this is an help your doing to FlashCom as well which your helping to expand FlashCom.

10 months, 2 weeks ago

? Totally Bots We Made !

Date : 24/04/2024

  1. @QiraBot - Powerful Tools Bot For Group.

  2. @TinyUrlShorterBot - Shorten Your Long Url.

  3. @CloudArchivesBot - Upload & Manage Media's

  4. @MailtoBot - Create Mailto Links.

  5. @TtsFreeBot - Convert Text to Speech.

  6. @InstaReelzBot - Download & Share Unlimited Instagram Reels Videos !

  7. @ImgBgRemoverBot - Remove a background of a image by sending the image link.

  8. @SwiftTrashBot - Helps you to erase join & leave messages in your group.

  9. @IdlyFeBot - Helps you to find information's like telegram id, telegram username, profile pictures and message_source

  10. @LivoChatBot - artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot that uses natural language processing to create humanlike conversational dialogue.

  11. @NamefyDetectorBot - Detects whether user has changed name and sends the old name and new name in your group by tagging @admins.

⭐️ These are all of our bots. Share this to your friends who are looking forward for these types of bots !

10 months, 2 weeks ago

Terms & Conditions
⚠️ Make Sure you read the terms and conditions very soon...

Terms and conditions is built to provide clarity about what should happen in any given situation. They set out the key commercial terms you are offering to your clients and helps the contractual parties to understand their duties, rights, roles and responsibilities.

Link :


Terms & Conditions Of Using Our Bots Made By Qira

By Using Our Bots You Agree to our Terms and Conditions Which is Mentioned In This Page. Our bots will collect your, > Telegram I'd, Name & Username If you have. I agree that I won't, > Share my personal information or any sensitive informations in the bots…

We recommend to visit

Community chat: https://t.me/hamster_kombat_chat_2

Twitter: x.com/hamster_kombat

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@HamsterKombat_Official

Bot: https://t.me/hamster_kombat_bot
Game: https://t.me/hamster_kombat_bot/

Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago

Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.

📱 App: @Blum
🆘 Help: @BlumSupport
ℹ️ Chat: @BlumCrypto_Chat

Last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago

Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot

Collaboration - @taping_Guru

Last updated 2 months ago