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''The young SS initiate goes out through a window in the Tower of Initiation of the Castle of Esoteric Hitlerism, Wewelsburg. And without wings, because he is no longer an angel. If doubt attacks him in that last hour he will fall irretrievably into the abyss, something his being has opened in order to be able to be Himself. Faith does not allow the Hero to cross over the open abyss between person and personality, between the God that was and the Superman yet to be. Willpower does that. Esoteric Hitlerism knows the solution is not found in the overcoming of the 'I' by an annihilation, but on the contrary, in his exaltation to an Absolute Self. That was the aim of the esoteric practices and disciplines of that Hyperborean Nordic Yoga taught at Wewelsburg and in the secret magic Laboratories of the elite SS. To achieve the Absolute Self as the only way for the Hero to overcome the drama of the dichotomy of incarnation. Properly understood, this is not the Jungian system of 'depth psychology,' 'Individualization,' where something is 'psychologized' that is spiritual ? and magic, alchemical, a process of divine transmutation of the Hero, the Vîra.''
—Miguel Serrano: MANU, For The Man To Come ᚼ ?
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Like In masterly sweeping images he unfolded before me his future and the future of his people.” “Until then I had been convinced my friend wanted to become an artist, painter, or more precisely, an architect. But in that hour there was something much higher that I could not fully comprehend. He spoke of a mission he would one day receive from the people, to free them from their bondage and take them to the heights of freedom.” “A young man still completely unknown by men spoke to me in that extraordinary hour. He spoke of a special mission that would one day be confided to him. I, the only one to hear him that night, could scarcely understand what he meant. Many years would pass before understanding what that hour lived beneath the stars and removed from everything earthly had meant to my friend.” “Silence followed on his words. We descended again into the city. The time came down to us from the towers. It was three o'clock in the morning. We parted in front of my house. Adolf shook my hand in farewell. I saw, with surprise, he did not go in the direction of the city but again towards the mountain.”
—?????? ???????: ????, ??? ??? ??? ?? ???? ᚼ
“Adolf stood in front of me. He took my two hands and held them tightly. This was a gesture I had not known in him until now. With the pressure of his hands I realized the depth of his emotion. His eyes glowed with excitement. The words did not come with the accustomed fluidity of his voice, but sounded rough and hoarse. In his voice I could sense how profoundly this experience had affected him. Slowly he expressed what had been oppressing him. The words flew easily. Never until then, and never since, did I hear Adolf Hitler speak in this manner as in this hour in which we were alone beneath the stars, as if we were the only creatures in this world. It is impossible for me to reproduce the words that my friend spoke to me in that hour. In those moments my attention was drawn to something extraordinary that I had never seen in him before, when he spoke to me filled with excitation: it seemed as if there were another Self who spoke through his mouth that impressed both him and me. But it is not, as some say, that an orator is carried away by his own words. On the contrary! I had rather the feeling as if he himself felt amazed, with emotion even, at the elemental force that surged up from his interior. I did not dare to offer any judgments about the observed phenomena. He was in a kind of state of ecstasy, a state of total rapture…''
—?????? ???????: ????, ??? ??? ??? ?? ????
In the book of Kubizek the decisive moment of the first possession of the young Adolf Hitler by the Avatar is revealed. Vishnu-Wotan-Kalki. It was after they had both attended the performance in Linz of the opera Rienzi by Wagner. This is almost an exact pre-figuration of his own life, of what would happen to him, being betrayed by the aristocracy, ending the epic in fire. And Adolf Hitler was then only eighteen years old. Here is the exact story as told by his friend: “While, in general, after an artistic emotion like what had just moved him he would immediately start talking sharply judging the performance and free himself from oppressive impressions, after this Rienzo he kept silent for a long time. This amazed me. I asked his opinion about the opera. Adolf looked at me strangely, almost with hostility.” “Quiet!” he cried brusquely. “It was a dark and bleak night in November. The wet and icy fog spread densely over the narrow and deserted streets. Our steps echoed strangely over the pavement. Adolf took a path that went in front of the small houses on the edge of town, nearly crushed into the fields, and that led up to the heights of the Freiberg. Absorbed my friend walked ahead of me. All this seemed almost disquieting to me. Adolf was more pale than usual. The neck of his overcoat was wrapped up high reinforcing this impression.” “There was no one around us. The city was plunged in fog. As if driven by an invisible power, Adolf climbed to the summit of the Freiberg. And now I could see we were not in solitude and darkness, for over our heads the stars shone brightly.”
—?????? ???????: ????, ??? ??? ??? ?? ???? ᚼ
Russian Documentary on Operation HIGH JUMP and Ahnenerbe. ???
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''But, in the end, the Jews gave two masterful blows they had been preparing for centuries in the heart of their lodges: the French Revolution and the Marxist Bolshevik Revolution, both conceived, directed and realized totally by them. In Germany, after the First World War, also provoked and undertaken by Jews and Masons, they took over the principal centers of control. That was when the Avatar became incarnate in the Führer Adolf Hitler, and they found themselves in the face of his people and the whole world in their most hideous nakedness. Although at the end Hitler lost the material battle, the Avatar won the ideological and metaphysical War, for the very reasons expressed in this Book. The Jews have been unmasked and find they have already lost; their lord and master, Jehovah, has been defeated. As well as the Master of their master, the Demiurge. Time, Kronos, although the Jews do not know it, is already no longer favourable to them. And this because synchronistically and in solidarity, Saturn-Kronos has been transfigured. And, thus, Time has accelerated and now runs in the contrary direction, with the Leftwards Swastika. Although they do not take note of it yet, we are already no longer in ‘their Time…’ In solidarity with the Resurrection of the Hero and with the fulfillment of the Archetypal Number of liberated Vîras, the Einherier, the earth herself shall be transfigured, mutating herself, regenerating herself. And thus the Aion Kronos-Saturn-Satan will have won and been redeemed. The transfiguration of the earth coincides with the destruction of her visible appearance. This shall be Ragnarök, the new Twilight of the Gods, in the Eternal Return. And the Fenrir Wolf will also devour the Jew, Jehovah and even the Demiurge. Other Kalpas shall come and other Rounds. To speak with profane words: when the Jew thinks it has won, seizing power over the earth, the liberated Aion, the soul of the Earth, will destroy it. Disintegrating its Demiurgic matter. With an idea! With Esoteric Hitlerism! Only the Resurrected Heroes shall remain, beyond the stars…''
—?????? ???????: ????, ??? ??? ??? ?? ???? ᚼ
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