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Last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago
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The ancient homeland of the Jews is the Land of Israel also historically known as, Judea&Samaria, and Palestine (a name created and used later by the Romans). This region includes modern-day Israel and the Palestinian territories.
According to Jewish tradition and historical records, the land was promised to the Israelites in the Hebrew Bible, with key historical and religious centers such as Jerusalem, Hebron, Bethlehem, and Shechem (Nablus). Ancient Jewish kingdoms, including the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah, existed there for centuries before being conquered by empires such as the Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, and Romans.
Even after the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 CE and the forced exile of many Jews, Jewish communities continued to live in the land for thousands of years, though many were dispersed across the world (the Jewish Diaspora). Despite this, the connection to the land remained central to Jewish identity, prayers, and culture, leading to modern efforts to reestablish a Jewish homeland, culminating in the founding of the State of Israel in 1948.
Operation Raviv - The Operation That Caught Nasser Off Guard
Operation Raviv is one of the least known yet highly successful military operations in Israeli history, as well as the only ground offensive carried out by the IDF during the War of Attrition.
On September 9th, 1969, the IDF deployed armored and infantry forces across the Suez Canal and into Egyptian territory. The forces, led by Arabic-speaking IDF commandos, manned Egyptian tanks captured during the Six Day War, effectively deceiving the Egyptians into believing that the troops were their own.
As a result of this ruse, the IDF forces encountered little to no resistance and advanced through Egyptian land, destroying 12 outposts and 100-200 enemy soldiers.
After progressing 45 kilometers relatively unhindered, the IDF forces retreated and crossed back into Israeli territory. Three IDF soldiers were killed due to an accidental explosion, and one fighter pilot's fate remained unknown as he was last seen parachuting from his plane.
Upon receiving the news, Egyptian President Gamel Abdel Nasser was so shocked and angered that he suffered a heart attack, and after recovering, dismissed his Chief of Staff.
The differences between settlements and cities are:
Size and population:
- Settlements are generally smaller in size and have a smaller population compared to cities.
- Cities tend to have a larger population and cover a larger geographical area.
Level of development:
- Settlements are often less developed, with a simpler infrastructure and fewer amenities compared to cities.
- Cities typically have a more advanced infrastructure, a wider range of services and facilities, and a more diverse economy.
Specialization and diversity:
- Settlements are usually more focused on a particular industry or activity, such as agriculture, fishing, or mining.
- Cities tend to have a more diversified economy, with a wider range of industries, businesses, and employment opportunities.
- Settlements are often considered less urbanized, with a more rural or small-town feel.
- Cities are considered more urbanized, with a higher density of population and a more complex urban environment.
Some cities are called "settlements" for historical reasons, particularly when they were initially established as small communities or outposts before growing into larger, more developed cities. For example, many colonial cities in the Americas were initially referred to as "settlements" when they were first founded, before eventually becoming recognized as cities as they grew in size and importance. The term "settlement" may also be used to describe newer or still-developing urban areas that are in the process of becoming more established and urbanized.
Oct 7 attack on Israel was an attack on citizens of the world ⬇️
?? 35 French people were murdered & 9 are being held hostage.
?? 33 Thai nationals were murdered & 18 were abducted.
?? 31 Americans murdered and 13 listed as missing.
?? 21 Ukrainians were murdered and 1 is listed as missing.
?? 19 Russian-Israelis were murdered, 2 are being held hostage, 7 are missing.
?? 12 Britons were murdered and 5 have been listed as missing.
??10 Nepalis were murdered, 1 is missing.
??10 Germans murdered.
?? 9 Argentinians were murdered and 21 are missing.
?? 6 Canadians were murdered and 2 are still missing.
?? 5 Romanians were murdered and 1 has been abducted by Hamas.
?? 4 Portuguese people were murdered & 4 are listed as missing.
?? 4 Chinese people murdered and 2 are missing.
?? 4 Filipinos murdered and 2 are missing.
?? 4 Austrians with dual Israeli nationality were murdered, 1 is missing.
?? 3 Italians with dual nationality were murdered.
?? 3 Belarusian citizens murdered and 1 is listed as missing.
?? 3 Brazilians murdered and 1 was reported missing.
?? 3 Peruvians were murdered.
?? 2 South Africans were murdered.
???????? Chile, Turkey, Spain and Colombia all mourned 1 of their nationals and announced the disappearance of another.
????????????Cambodia, Australia, Honduras, Azerbaijan, Ireland and Switzerland each say 1 of their nationals was murdered.
?? 2 Isaeli-Hungarian minors are among those being held hostage.
?? 2 Mexicans are being held hostage.
??The Netherlands has 1 held hostage.
??Uruguay has confirmed that 1 of its nationals was abducted.
?????? 2 Paraguayans, 2 Tanzanians and 2 Sri Lankans are being held hostage.
I stand with Israel ?????????????
One of the significant factors influencing the distinction in the use of the term "Palestinian" between Jews and Arabs stems from their respective aspirations and nationalistic movements. The Zionist movement, which advocated for the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine, had gained momentum among Jewish communities worldwide. They saw themselves as Palestinians and emphasized their historical and cultural connection to the land, dating back centuries.
In contrast, the Arab inhabitants of Palestine did not identify themselves as "Palestinians" due to a variety of reasons. Firstly, the concept of a specifically Palestinian national identity had not yet developed. Most Arabs in Palestine at the time considered themselves part of the broader Arab or Palestinian Arab identity, encompassing the entire Arab world. The region's inhabitants were generally referred to as "Arabs of Palestine" rather than "Palestinian Arabs."
During the British Mandate, the colonial authorities issued both Jewish and Arab residents passports, identifying them as "Palestinian." The creation of a unified identification document encompassing both groups aimed at overseeing the administration and governing of the populace in the region. However, while Jewish communities embraced the concept of being "Palestinian," Arab communities refused it.
As tensions escalated between Jewish and Arab communities over conflicting national aspirations, the Arab resistance to adopting the term "Palestinian" grew. This was particularly pronounced following the 1947 United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine, which proposed the division of the region into separate Jewish and Arab states. Arab communities rejected the plan and instead sought to create a united Arab state in Palestine, thus further distancing themselves from embracing a distinct Palestinian identity.
While Jews saw themselves as Palestinians and identified with the land, Arab communities struggled with a more nuanced and multifaceted identity due to broader Arab nationalist sentiments and concerns about the Zionist movement's goals.
Community chat:
Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago
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Last updated 2 months ago