IELTS materials

The best jobs are neither decreed nor degreed. They are creative expressions of continuous learners in free markets.
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?Only Current Affairs English & Hindi Medium.
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Last updated 1 year, 5 months ago

1 month, 1 week ago


Stop Thinking and Just DO | Best motivational speech by Benedict Cumberbatch

Stop waiting for the perfect moment.. Take your full responsibility and just do it !! Speech given by- Benedict Cumberbatch You can follow us on:- Subscribe:…

2 months, 3 weeks ago


Map (sample)

The two maps show an island both before and after it was developed as a tourist destination. Overall, most development took place on the western and central areas of the island, where a small number of tourist amenities have been built, while the eastern…

IELTS materials
2 months, 3 weeks ago

*The line graph compares 4 different sources for news (namely, TV, radio newspapers and the Internet) in terms of people’s access from 1995 and estimates for 2025.
Overall, tv, radio and newspapers have experienced varying degrees of falls and the general trend has been to move away from old media as the internet will have become the dominant source of news by 2025.

Regarding old media, initially tv was the most popular source of news accessed by just under 70% of the population. Despite a slight increase in 2010, it then has continued its falling trend and is expected to be used by only a half of the population.

Radio and newspaper, almost exactly mirroring each other, also witnessed a falling trend. The figures initially made up more than 50% before dropping continually and are projected to nearly halve by the end of the period.

In contrast, internet was the least used source for news for almost 2 decades. The proportion started to increase sharply 2002 onwards, exceeding all other types of media, reaching around 57% by 2025.*#task1

2 months, 3 weeks ago
IELTS materials
3 months ago
How to paraphrase 'when and where'

How to paraphrase 'when and where'

3 months ago
Words that are inaccurately used to …

Words that are inaccurately used to paraphrase "show" in Task 1introduction.

The best verbs - show/give information about.

3 months ago
Logical organisation in Task 1

Logical organisation in Task 1

3 months ago

10 techniques for effective paraphrasing

3 months ago

Want a Writing Marathon by a NINER?

Register for IELTS with us, and get a free access to a full writing marathon hold by the first niner.

Register here: @mr_instructor

P.s) Tell you are from Sabina and register easily?

3 months, 1 week ago

Til o'rganish qiyin bo'ladi
Bekzod aka ingliz tilini o’rganish uchun resurslar bilan bo’lishibdilar.

Fikrlariga 100% qo’shilgan holatda shuni eslatmoqchiman:

O’zbek youtubeda eng ko’p ko’rilgan video 60 milliondan oshadi. Demak interneti bor hamma, youtube ishlatishni biladi. “Ingliz tili” deb qidirilsa, minglab videolar chiqib keladi.

Til o’rganishda resurslar eng katta muammo bo’lmaydi. Xohish bo’ladi.

Xohish qiziqish yoki ehtiyojdan paydo bo’ladi.

Qiziqqani uchun o’rganadiganlar 3% dan oshmaydi. Qolganlar faqat ehtiyoj bo’lsa o’rganishadi. Ingliz tiliga ehtiyojni paydo qilish uchun:

-Shunday odamlar orasiga qo’shilib olingki - tilni bilmaydigan faqat siz bo’ling. Uyalish paydo bo’ladi.

-Bo’yningizga bir vazifa olingki - tilni bilmasangiz, ishingiz bitmasin. Majburiyat paydo bo’ladi.

-Shunday muhitga tushib qolingki - ingliz tilida gaplashish oddiy hol bo’lsin. Havas paydo bo’ladi.

-Shunday ustoz topingki - uni bir vaqtda hurmat ham qiling, qo’rqib ham turing. Mas’uliyat paydo bo’ladi.

Agar bularni (bittasi yoki hammasini) qila olsangiz, til o’rganish vaqt masalasi (~1200 soat) bo’lib qoladi xolos.

Yuqoridagilarni qilish qiyindur, tushunaman. Qilmasangiz - til o’rganish qiyin bo’ladi.


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Welcome to this official Channel of Sarkari Result SarkariResult.Com - On this page you will get all the updated information on Sarkari Result website from time to time.

Last updated 1 month, 4 weeks ago

?Only Current Affairs English & Hindi Medium.
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Must Subscribe Us On YouTube -

Last updated 1 year, 6 months ago

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Last updated 1 year, 5 months ago