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Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthyameen رحمه الله said :
How can the believer be content to live in the land of the kuffaar where the rituals of kufr are proclaimed openly and rule belongs to someone other than Allaah and His Messenger, seeing that with his own eyes, hearing that with his own ears and approving of it, and even starting to feel that he belongs there and living there with his wife and children, and feeling as comfortable there as he does in the Muslim lands, even though he and his wife and children are in such great danger and their religious commitment and morals are in such peril?
[Majmoo’ Fataawa al-Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthyameen, Fatwa no. 388.]
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Pious Predecessors Athar
A channel dedicated to sharing the teachings and actions of the righteous predecessors and the successors of the prophets.
?The Truth Faith | Shaykh Muhammad bin Ṣālih al-Uthaymīn*?***
YouTube Link*?***
What I witnessed in England | Shaykh Yahya Al-Hajoori حفظه الله
Read this book to gain a unique perspective from the Shaykh, may Allah preserve him, a person of knowledge, as he shares his experiences from his stay of over a month in England in 1998. During this time, he gave beneficial lectures and classes while engaging with life in a non-Muslim land. His reflections provide valuable insights on interacting with different cultures and environments.
Learn from the Righteous Predecessors and the heirs of the prophets.
The Youth Need More Help Getting Married Than They Do Getting a Degree
Allah said:
{وَأَنكِحُوا۟ ٱلۡأَیَـٰمَىٰ مِنكُمۡ وَٱلصَّـٰلِحِینَ مِنۡ عِبَادِكُمۡ وَإِمَاۤئكُمۡۚ إِن یَكُونُوا۟ فُقَرَاۤءَ یُغۡنِهِمُ ٱللهُ مِن فَضۡلِهِۦۗ وَٱللهُ وَ ٰسِعٌ عَلِیمࣱ}
“Marry off the ˹free˺ singles among you, as well as the righteous of your bondmen and bondwomen. If they are poor, Allah will enrich them out of His bounty. For Allah is All-Bountiful, All-Knowing.”
[Sūrah An-Nūr: 32]
Ibn Kathīr رحمه الله commented :
هذا أمر بالتزويج، وقد ذهب طائفة من العلماء إلى وجوبه على كل من قدر عليه.
“This is a command to marry off [those in need of marriage], and a group of scholars have said that it is obligatory upon whoever is able to do so.”
[Tasfir Ibn Kathīr]
"﴿وَذَكِّرْ فَإِنَّ الذِّكْرَى تَنفَعُ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ﴾"
﴾And remind, for indeed, the reminder benefits the believers.﴿
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Pious Predecessors Athar
A channel dedicated to sharing the teachings and actions of the righteous predecessors and the successors of the prophets.
Shaykh Salih al-Fawzan حفظه الله said:
«ليست العبرة بالانتساب أو فيما يظهر! بل العبرة بالحقائق وبعواقب الأمور، والأشخاص الذين ينتسبون إلى الدعوة يجب أن يُنظر فيهم:
٠ أين درسوا؟
٠ ومن أين أخذوا العلم؟
٠ وأين نشؤوا؟
٠ وما هي عقيدتهم؟
٠ وتنظر أعمالهم
٠ وآثارهم في الناس، وماذا أنتجوا من الخير؟ وماذا ترتب على أعمالهم من الإصلاح؟
هذا أمر لابد منه خصوصاً في هذا الزمان الذي كَثُرَ فيه دعاة الفتنة؛ وقد وصف الرسول الله ﷺ دعاة الفتنة بأنهم: ((من جلدتنا ويتكلمون بألسنتنا!))
أنت إذا أردت أن تشتري سلعة، سيارة أو بيتاً أو بضاعة وأنت ما عندك خبرة يمكن تذهب وتسأل أهل الخبرة خوفاً من أن تخطئ وأن تخسر، هذا في أمور الدنيا. لماذا في أمور الدين ما تسأل أهل الخبرة وأهل التقوى وأهل العلم؟
لماذا تتحرز لدنياك ولا تتحرز لدينك؟
«الإجابات المهمة»【٤٧-٤٨】
“Consideration is not based in affiliation or what one makes apparent! Rather consideration is in the realities and consequences of affairs.
Those individuals who affiliate themselves with Da’wah, it is obligatory to examine them:
٠ Where have they studied?
٠ Where have they taken
٠ knowledge from?
٠ Where have they been brought up?
٠ What is their belief?
٠ Look at their actions
٠ [Look at] their influence on the people and what have they produced of good? What do their actions lead to of rectification?
This affair is a must, specifically in this time where there are many callers of fitnah.
The callers of Fitnah have been described to us by the Messenger of Allah ﷺ: ‘They will be of our people and they will speak our language.’
When you plan to buy a commodity; a car, a house or any merchandise, and you don’t have expertise, you may possibly go to people of expertise (related to the commodity you seek to buy) to ask them about it, fearing that you may fall into error or loss. This is for the affairs of this world. Why then in (regards to) affairs of the religion, you do not ask the people of piety and people of knowledge? Why are you careful regarding your worldly life and not careful regarding your religion?”
[The important answers (47 – 48)]
Translated by: Abu Abdullah Malik as-Salafi
Edited by: Faisal ibn Abdul Qaadir ibn Hassan Abu Sulaymaan
Learn from the Righteous Predecessors and the heirs of the prophets.
Imām Ibn al-Qayyim رحمه الله said: “A time when Du’ās will be accepted is during the last hour of ‘Asr on Jumu’ah.” ?:زاد المعاد ١/١٠٤ And the angels supplicate for you every time you supplicate for others as the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “Whenever a…
Imam Hasan al-Basri رحمه الله said to his own students, when they had entered upon him:
“Welcome to you all, may Allah give you long life in peace, and enter us into the abode of peace (Paradise), it is an obvious good if you are patient; give charity and have certainty. Let not your portion of this affair, may Alläh have mercy upon you, enter into one ear and leave the other.
For whoever saw Muhammad ﷺ saw that he came and went and had no interest in constructing houses or palaces, rather Allah raised for him knowledge, and he dedicated himself to it. Hurry (towards) salvation, for what are you doing, if not that? You have refused! (seeking sacred knowledge), by the Lord of the Ka'bah, death is almost upon you."
[Imam Ahmad in his book, Kitab al-Zuhd, 2/242]
Learn from the Righteous Predecessors and the heirs of the prophets.
Pious Predecessors Athar
A channel dedicated to sharing the teachings and actions of the righteous predecessors and the successors of the prophets.
The Beauty of Plural Marriage
When we look at the reality of our society, we find a strange contradiction: How can married men today embark upon marrying other women when many youths are not even able to marry one woman? And the result of this is their increased immigration to the lands of the disbelievers so they can commit prohibited acts and sit amongst them, and this brings about dangerous diseases. So why not strive to remedy these two issues at the same time so the remedy can be focused and effective?
May Allah bless you; this is correct, and the scholars have embarked upon this. They have promoted two affairs:
1) Getting the youth to marry and giving concern to this affair, as well as encouraging the guardians to marry off the girls and not be stubborn regarding this.
2) They have embarked upon giving lectures about plural marriage so the young ladies do not remain in the homes (unmarried).
Both [affairs] are desirable.
Therefore, it is upon the youth to marry, and it is upon the young ladies to accept marriage. It is likewise upon the guardians to encourage them and push them to marry. It is also upon the one for whom one woman is insufficient, and it is easy for him to marry two or three, that they marry, so that abundant good can be attained for all.
Perhaps plural marriage could be obligatory; necessity could call for it to the point that it is obligatory. If one has a wife, but this cannot keep him chaste, then polygyny is obligatory if he has the capability for that.
[The Beauty of Plural Marriage Book by Shaykh ‘Abdul-‘Aziz bin Baz]
Learn from the Righteous Predecessors and the heirs of the prophets.
Pious Predecessors Athar
A channel dedicated to sharing the teachings and actions of the righteous predecessors and the successors of the prophets.
Who Benefits from Polygyny?
I hope for clarity regarding what is correct about this doubt. If someone were to say, "Islam permits plural marriage, and this matter benefits the men by safeguarding them and other than this. However, does the woman benefit from plural marriage?"
It contains abundant benefits. Have you not heard of the time when the women will be abundant in number? And we are now living in a time when the women are abundant. At the end of time, there will be 50 women for one man, due to the abundance of women. As the Prophet (ﷺ) said:
"The Hour will not be established until knowledge dissipates, ignorance appears, fornication spreads, intoxicants are consumed, and women increase to the point that for 50 women there will be one man to look after them."
Reported by al-Bukhari (81) and Muslim (2671) from the hadith of Anas bin Malik.
One man in charge of them, and most of these things have taken place. Intoxicants are consumed in most of the world. Fornication has spread in most of the world. Knowledge has dissipated throughout the world. Ignorance has spread in the world. Women have increased greatly, according to what has reached us.
As for there being 50 women with one man to look after them, it will occur just as he (ﷺ) has said. It reached me that it occurred in the days of the last Great War; those killed between the two evil opposing forces were great in number, and the abundance of women in some of the lands increased to the point where there were 50 or more women for every man. We ask Allah for safety and security. It will occur again in the future, as well.
What will further clarify this is when the woman sits unmarried in the home, or 10 women sit unmarried in their home while the man has one wife, then he marries a second wife from among those unmarried women. Will not the woman benefit from that?
If she remains with the husband and she falls ill, or she menstruates, or it is difficult for her to conceive, or she suffers from postnatal bleeding every year, or the likes of this, perhaps this could lead to her being divorced if there is no way out (for the man) other than divorcing her so that he may marry another woman who can bear children for him or keep him chaste; or he marries two others, etc.
Therefore, she benefits from the second wife, so she can remain with her husband. And she (the second wife) could assist her in other affairs in the home. Perhaps she has a lot of work, and the second wife helps her in the home or the first wife helps the second in the second home, so she is able to relax for a day and a night regarding the affairs of the house.
Likewise, if there is a third or fourth wife—perhaps there will be abundant good in this for her. It is better than divorce and it is better than there being constant dispute between her and her husband. If there is another wife, then this will lighten the affairs, spread out the concern of the husband, and set his affairs in order. This wife will have a day and a night, and that one will have a day and a night; then the third will have a day and a night, and so on. At this point, his chest will be opened, and the disputes will be minimized. His speech regarding the first wife and her defects, shortcomings, imperfections, and other than this will be minimized.
Therefore, benefit for all parties involved will be achieved.
[The Beauty of Plural Marriage Book by Shaykh ‘Abdul-‘Aziz bin Baz]
Learn from the Righteous Predecessors and the heirs of the prophets.
Pious Predecessors Athar
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