Alpha and Omega - Awaken

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7 months ago

For those who see hate when someone is talking about the international Jewish mafia, or see racism, or see prejudice, you should read the following ⬇️

Maybe it's the other way around for those who want to favor some in particular while with others can say or mention mafia and it doesn't matter. That is prejudice and double standards.

Races and ethnicities are not persecuted, nor is there hatred, but the mafia that carries the agenda is exposed. A big difference that I hope you can understand.

Let's start with some questions;

Who controls the media, pharmaceutical companies and governments as well as many companies, who is genetically unaffected by the spike protein?Coincidences? Protecting the pack? Why did a friend and coworker told me on the same day of 9/11, just before the three towers in Manhattan felt, that he was notified a week before ? that he should not go to work in the twin towers that week? My former coworker, independent consultant and Jewish by the way. Causality? Coincidence? Not to mention the hatred with which he expressed his thoughts about Jesus in the same conversation. I have been able to confirm the same coincidence with other Jewish people as well. This wasn’t a coincidence. By the way, these questions are just few examples. I could make a book with this subject alone. There are a lot more questions…

But let's continue with what this international Jewish mafia controls; banks, finance and many more international companies and industries. The media that lies to us daily about Israel's atrocities or the false plandemic. Do you think there are only two or three? Or 13 families or 300 troglodyte idiots with a lot of money? This mafia is wider and deeper than you think. Don't believe me and investigate for yourself.

Here is the double standard ⬇️

On the other hand, we can speak and say badly things about other mafias and cartels of various nationalities but not Jews, that is prohibited. Don't you see the double standards and the favoritism or prejudice against others? Selective blindness? Conditioned? Look inside yourself and investigate what you have been conditioned to by Hollywood and manufactured and/or financed ministries as well as by others set of beliefs.

If I say Italian mafia, do you think of all Italians? Isn't it true? Do you hate Italians because they have or had a mafia? Isn't it true? Do you come out to defend the Italians when someone says Italian mafia? Probably not. If someone says the Vatican mafia (state and religion), do you come out to defend Catholics people? I wonder and so on. Do not prejudice others by giving special treatment to some in particular. I do not persecute races, ethnicities, or beliefs, I don’t promote violence, I expose mafias. In this case, the international Jewish mafia. You already know some of the things they control and mentioned above. Don't believe me, investigate. Don’t argue with me, I’m not the mafia and I don’t want to vaccinate you.

Avoid double standards, prejudice and favoritism.

Stop protecting the mafia aka your executioner disguised as the auto proclaimed“chosen” people. That is a useless myth!

Do you remember who made the vaccines? Investigate the Genesis prize. Investigate the genetic design of the theoretical “virus” and therefore with that design the “vaccines” were made? Investigate! Don’t believe me!

Remember, what is important is what is in your heart and not the labels we use and shout. Those auto proclaimed “chosen people” do not exist. A useless myth. What truly exist are your intentions within your heart. Check them out!

Blessings and peace to you all, may you have the wisdom to understand beyond the conditioning to which we have all been subjected since we were born.

7 months ago
7 months ago

If someone comes to you and tells you that Judaism doesn’t believe on killing people, tell that person to read the Torah again, and supplement with the Talmud if needed (to be honest is not needed). The Torah is enough! The Talmud just takes it to another more clear level.

Annihilation of races and nations is not a new concept !

The mystical false concept of “chosen people” is a worthless myth for humanity. Constitutes a prejudice against the rest of humanity. It’s being used to manipulate humanity thru weak minds.

If you tell me that some Jews don’t follow that believe. I can accept that however it continues to be an international Jewish’s mafia, the one who is running the global agenda. Like an Italian mafia doesn’t mean all the Italians. Therefore no special preferences or treatment, otherwise would be a prejudge.

If you ask me if I hate Judaism o people who believe in Judaism, the answer is clear no, anyone can believe whatever they want to. For example, if someone wants to believe in a religion that tells him to eat “garbage” every morning because that will make them closer to “god”, I don’t have problem with that. The problem comes when there is a global agenda and insane plans for humanity then it becomes personal and includes me.

Therefore, any mafia with insane mentality should be deprived from any position of power and influence. The Jewish NWO took over the old one and that includes governments that have become tyrannical due to the political nature and banking system (controlled by the IJM) (International Jewish’s mafia).

The damage done around the world for centuries by this mafia is indescribable.

Once this mafia had been taken out of power, the remaining aftermath needs to be repaired and that will take a long time.

It’s time to wake up

Si alguien viene a ti y te dice que el judaísmo no cree en matar gente, dile a esa persona que vuelva a leer la Torá y que complemente con el Talmud si es necesario (para ser honesto, no es necesario). ¡La Torá es suficiente! El Talmud simplemente lo lleva a otro nivel más claro.

¡La aniquilación de razas y naciones no es un concepto nuevo!

El concepto falso místico de “pueblo elegido” es un mito sin valor para la humanidad. Constituye un prejuicio contra el resto de la humanidad. Se está utilizando para manipular a la humanidad a través de mentes débiles.

Si me dices que algunos judíos no siguen esa creencia, puedo aceptarlo, sin embargo, sigue siendo una mafia judía internacional, la que maneja la agenda global. Como una mafia italiana no significa todos los italianos. Por lo tanto, no hay preferencias o tratos especiales, de lo contrario sería un prejuicio.

Si me preguntas si odio al judaísmo o a las personas que creen en él, la respuesta es clara: no, cada uno puede creer lo que quiera. Por ejemplo, si alguien quiere creer en una religión que le dice que coma “basura” todas las mañanas porque eso lo acercará a “dios”, no tengo problema con eso. El problema viene cuando hay una agenda global y planes insanos para la humanidad, entonces se vuelve personal y me incluye a mí.

Por lo tanto, cualquier mafia con mentalidad insana debe ser privada de cualquier posición de poder e influencia. El Nuevo Orden Mundial judío se apoderó del antiguo y eso incluye a los gobiernos que se han vuelto tiránicos debido a la naturaleza política y el sistema bancario (controlado por el MJI) (mafia judía internacional).

El daño causado en todo el mundo durante siglos por esta mafia es indescriptible.

Una vez que esta mafia haya sido sacada del poder, las secuelas restantes deben repararse y eso llevará mucho tiempo.

Es hora de despertar

7 months, 1 week ago
7 months, 1 week ago

“Successful” and “powerful” people don’t know where they are being taken to by the hidden hands of this mafia

7 months, 1 week ago

Whoever made the vaccines, wanted to depopulate the world ! Pushing a killing injection ! Do you think they will stop after the partially failing attempt ?


Alpha and Omega - Awaken

I don’t know if you remember the plandemia and the false vaccine aka depopulation injection. Do you know who made it ? Did you know this mafia continues working toward the same objective ? They are working behind closed doors and they are preparing and planning…

7 months, 2 weeks ago

For god sake, who made the vaccines ?

7 months, 2 weeks ago

Know your enemy, those who don’t know the enemy follow ghosts and those who follow ghosts never found them and will be at the mercy of its enemy forever…..

7 months, 2 weeks ago

People need to understand that this mafia controls the USA and every war is not a bankers war it’s a NWO war for the international Jewish mafia.

It’s time to wake up


Information Liberation

Kentucky Rep Thomas Massie (R) on Wednesday announced he will not be attending Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's address to Congress and told AIPAC directly that they can smear him all they like but he will not take part in their "war rally." h…

7 months, 2 weeks ago

Who made the COVID vaccines ?

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