Patriotic Alternative Exposed

Exposing Mark Collett & Patriotic Alternative
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7 months, 4 weeks ago
Almost a year ago, Ash Sharp …

Almost a year ago, Ash Sharp was acquitted of the bogus charge that triggered his arrest, but convicted of possessing a "terroristic document" (a boomer fedpost PDF) subsequently discovered and forensically proven to have never been opened or shared. With no prior criminal record, he was still sentenced to eight-plus years in an English prison, leaving his beloved wife and young daughters in one of the most painful situations imaginable.

This week we are honored to welcome Ash's wife and his most steadfast comrade to discuss the latest in his case, what YOU can do to help, and staying strong in the face of the worst adversity.
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JUSTICE FOR WHITE STAG | Ash's Story | Help Ash | Support His Family | Sign the Petition | Our Pre-Trial Interview

7 months, 4 weeks ago

Too bad Ash's misses is leaving for poland and taking the children with her. Some good your letter writing campaign did here.

7 months, 4 weeks ago

....STOP PRESS....

Fantastic news just arrived!

All PPRC restrictions have been lifted and Ash can now see his children at last!

The lifting of restrictions has been achieved not only by Ash and his family's relentless pressure on the prison service, but also from your support.
Over the past week dozens of letters have arrived at the prison asking questions of why Ash is being treated and punished this way.

Today that changed and the ban has been lifted.

But the battle isn't over by a long way.

We need to keep up the pressure to ensure the appeal is correctly heard and not brushed to one side again.

The website will be updated and modified to signal this new phase.

Thank you all for your support so far and get your pens and computers ready for the next.

Hail Victory!

7 months, 4 weeks ago

Just heard the news that HMP Swaleside have lifted the PPRC (person posing risk to children) restrictions that they placed on Ash Sharp, after a successful email campaign organised by his wife. His two daughters can now speak to their father for the first time in over five months.

We now know of at least two prisons that placed these restrictions on political prisoners and then buckled and removed them when faced with public pressure (Sam and HMP Hull being the other). We also know that James Costello has been banned from communicating with his friends, and James Allchurch (Sven) faced the same issue until he moved prison. Allchurch was also denied his medication when he was first sentenced.

How many more prisoners are being denied their basic rights but we don’t know about it because they don’t have a platform or anybody to contact about it? What is the point of the Free Speech Union who refuse to help anybody who has been convicted of a crime?

This is an area where we need to get better organised. We need to be sharing information and helping each other out. People need to know their rights and prisons need to know that they will be accountable for their actions. I have some ideas of how we can make some progress here and I’ve been talking to Sam about it. I’ll share more info when I have something concrete.

7 months, 4 weeks ago

Tune in to find out how much they love hittler.

7 months, 4 weeks ago

Mark collett can sebate the TQtonight with yerbury im sure his members would love to embrace LGBTQ with another transgender PA member on the books.

7 months, 4 weeks ago

Not a jew but I may be the tranny fella. I don't like how kids are being brainwashed and medicated, I don't think we should be in sport etc and I also don't want to be replaced. I have a huge family, I have lots of nieces and nephews. I love them so much. PA actually line up with more of my values than most, they do not have to like me or talk to me but I like them a lot. They alone have a family and community based style of activism I can constantly show my family. Laura and her no nonsense 'we were never asked' video was great to show family. My partner loves PA too. I know it's odd but I am white before everything else. Family Family Family

8 months, 1 week ago

Reports of strange noises coming from mark colletts tent in the small hours. Thing is Matthew had a huge grin the next day. We'll bring you more as this situation develops.

8 months, 1 week ago

Is this Mathew stood with a man he accused of using a third party to post pornographic material into the others group, pornographic material that Mathew claimed included paedophilia? Or is this Mark stood with a man he swore was HnH? A man that Mark tried to demean by circulating stories about him beating his ex-girlfriend.

Would it not be peculiar if both of these men had made very wild and damaging claims about the other, but a year later, are rubbing shoulders as if nothing happened?

Either these men are both admitting they have a broken moral compass and made some shockingly dark lies about each other in self-interest, or they are both able to overlook left wing infiltration or the use of child pornography for the 'greater good' rekindling their friendship.

10 months ago
Patriotic Alternative Exposed
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