Community chat:
Last updated 4 days, 21 hours ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
🤖 Trading Bot: @BlumCryptoTradingBot
🆘 Help: @BlumSupport
💬 Chat: @BlumCrypto_Chat
Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot
Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 2 weeks, 5 days ago
ㅤ ??????? ?? ???? ???????
Hari kedua di bulan keenam tahun 2022, sebuah prasasti telah di ukir dan tercatat ke dalam sejarah. Dengan nama Zeus Thrones.
Lukisan 3 pilar sebagai pondasi utama. 3 pilar tersebut tertandakan Zeus Trinity. Tersemat sebuah simbol di sekelilingnya yang saling berkaitan,
" Kekecewaan, Amarah dan Semangat "
Prasasti nan indah, sebagai makna kehidupan juang tanpa batas kini telah menyatu dalam sebuah ruang kesatuan. Pemimpin di antara pemimpin merasuki sukma yang menjadikannya ciri khas dari pilar tersebut. Menuntun kemauan jiwa memimpin dan bertanggung jawab dengan diri.
ℳassive salutation teleling's
✦・・ ──────────── ・・ ✦
???? ??????? ????? a ???? ????, aren't ??? ???????❓well, the good news is ᥕꫀ ᥲ᥉ @ZEUSTHRONES ???? will open our new menfess services for ???????? called ???????. ???? ?? ??????? ??? menfess except menfess with hate speech❌
It will be great and fun, so let's send anything that you can't send directly via @ZEUSTHRONES ?????? ???
?This service will be open every week on Saturday from 10.00 AM to 07.00 PM !!
ευτυχία Event Organizer RP
Since december 17th, 2020
**With Attitude, Manners and Professionality as our priority. We will help and handle your memorable day.
Go check our channel to start your spectacular event, see you at ευτυχία Ballroom, dear ...
SUB UNIT : @eutuxiafmradio @ZEUSTHORENS
©️** @eutuxiaEORP
ㅤ ? ???4????? ?
?????? & ????? ???!
Massive Salutation Tele-lings! Kami sedang mencari admin dan anggota baru untuk yang ketujuh kalinya! Dimohon untuk membaca dan memahami info penting dalam [poster] ini.
Jika sudah, klik link button dibawah ini untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak info atau rules tentang opmem dan hirmin kami. Semoga beruntung The Next GNY-ers!
✪㉨✪ haAloo 我的宝贝 Roleplayer ! ⚔ deathwish schedel has good news, does anyone know or not? If not, here and there we will let you know. deathwish schedel is holding hirmin or recruiting admins you know, deathwish schedel needs you to be part of us. if you are interested, you can visit the division along with the rules below.
□ 你好 — ~~C-OWN~~
□ 你好 — ~~INTI/CORE~~
□ 你好 — ~~CONTENT~~
□ 你好 — EDITING
□ 你好 — SFS
□ 你好 — PFP
□ 你好 — MPPS
how everyone? are you interested? if so, please apply all the rules provided according to your division and of course also prioritize your intentions. after that send the format that has been provided to the bot @DeathwishDS_bot. Finally, don't forget to use the attributes provided by the bot later. don't forget the putdn too, see u in deathchedel ⚔ . goodluck everyone ✪㉨✪
Community chat:
Last updated 4 days, 21 hours ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
🤖 Trading Bot: @BlumCryptoTradingBot
🆘 Help: @BlumSupport
💬 Chat: @BlumCrypto_Chat
Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot
Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 2 weeks, 5 days ago